Blowjob Game


Literotica Guru
Jun 21, 2009
So I was reading a book about anecdotes from expats in Asia, and came across this one:
"It was Hong Kong, late eighties. A venerable lunch group met once a month for a bit of fine wining and dining, and getting up to mischief, in a swanky establishment. Part of this was to have a girl on duty beneath the table. She would move around and administer anonymous oral gratification at random. The game was that at any stage, if the gents suspected one of them was on the receiving end at that particular moment, they had to point at that person and say "J'accuse." The accused would then have to immediately stand, revealing a state of full dress, or, if unlucky, an undone fly and a standing member."

Sounds like a fun game. Not sure whether it'd make a good story, though. What do people think?
It could be done from the females perspective to make for an erotic blow job stint.

From the mens perspective it could be a bit more humor based, I started laughing imagining a bunch of good friends sitting around the table trying to talk and bluff eachother.

Though, other than the females perspective, it didnt strike me as hot. Just amusing.

Then again as a woman, the guys perspective is not totally understood. So, it might not mean much. I would read it though, just pure curiosity on where you would go with it. :)