Bloody in need of a talk...


Mar 12, 2002
*sigh* My typical late-night question... would anyone like to call for a short or long conversation?
Cant afford to honey...but I would love to, cant seem to sleep.
Once again I miss out due to this East coast / West coast thing...
Damn sweetie, I was already gone when you started this thread, or I would have been ringing your bell. Is everything OK?

superlittlegirl...if the lady in your av is you, you are one beautiful lady. :)
intrigued said:

superlittlegirl...if the lady in your av is you, you are one beautiful lady. :)

That's not her, it's me. I'm really shy like that and stuff.
intrigued said:

superlittlegirl...if the lady in your av is you, you are one beautiful lady. :)

Thanks, Intrigued! I wish it was. It's actually a picture of Marxist, though. :D
Damn woman, I wish I had known that you were looking for someone to talk to. I've been doing the same thing. Please feel free to call me anytime, morning, noon, night, and wee hours.