Blockbuster Porn


Guerrilla Ontologist
Sep 19, 2000
Another idea from Maxim... though I've seen it before - hell, it's actually been done plety of times.

Porn Movies based on "real" movies - Maxim used current movies - but feel free to use any movie you want.

These were the Maxim examples:
  • Harry Pooter and the Chamber of Secretions
  • Gangbangs of New York

Here are mine to get things going:
  • Lord of the Shwings
  • Lie Another Lay
  • Made Maid in Manhattan
  • Analyze Twat
  • Balling for Concubine
This is my favorite because it actually exists:

Jackie Browneye
Damn it, Dilly, from the thread title i thought i was actually missing something by not frequenting Blockbuster.
morninggirl5 said:
Damn it, Dilly, from the thread title i thought i was actually missing something by not frequenting Blockbuster.

Frequent Blockbuster with me sometime and I'll make sure you don't miss anything!
Uh-oh, Dilly's in full-on flirting mode today. Better watch out.
Funny how he doesn't flirt with me. Hmmm.

April said:
Uh-oh, Dilly's in full-on flirting mode today. Better watch out.
Funny how he doesn't flirt with me. Hmmm.


You're not paying close enough attention then, babe... *smile*

How full-on do you like it?
LOL not only can I not think of any spoof titles, I can't even think of any movies that are currently out! My brain is already in bed, I think. I should go join it.
Dillinger said:
Frequent Blockbuster with me sometime and I'll make sure you don't miss anything!

Sounds like a plan. Let me know when you make the next Blockbuster run.

This is a very Lit-centric one from a few years back.

Anyone remember "The Big Dill"?? ;)
- The Bootay Guard
- Hannah Eats Her Sisters
- Home Alone Masturbating
- The Joy Fuck Club
- One Blew Over the Cuckhold's Chest
- Romancing My Stone
- Shaving Private Ryan
- The Three Musky Queers
- Eyes Wide Facial
Now Playing

Lord of the Cock Rings
The Hot (Lesbian) Chick
The Panty Clause II
Treasure Anus
Catch Me If You Cum