Blind Texan Man Seeking Girl to Love and Cuddle


May 30, 2012
The title pretty much says it all. I'm 22 years old, almost totally blind, and from Austin Texas. I posted in the BDSM sub-board, to minimal success, so I thought I might try opening myself up to the larger community.

Physically: I'm 5,8 and about 166lbs. My friends tell me it's all musculature, but I'm blind so I just take their word for it. I'm tan-skinned, with dark hair and brown eyes. I'm of half-Hispanic half-European lineage. I have a tattoo of a Mjolnir (Thor's hammer) on my right deltoid. I tend to wear a lot of black clothes, as I'm quite into heavy metal and its associated style.

Emotionally: I love being loved and I love to love. That sounds dumb, I'm nigh-certain of it, but it is true. I like nothing more than to know I am loved and wanted, and to make someone else also feel loved and wanted. I can generally be pretty submissive, but I also get really protective... I'm like a puppy in that way. I'll serve and protect you, and curl up at your feet. ;)

Sexually: I think it is vital to a relationship to be open with one's partner about their sexuality. I'm very tactually sensitive, and enjoy foreplay as much as sex itself, if not more so. I love to be cuddled and held, I love being kissed, and I just really enjoy holding my partner close against me and exploring her body with my hands. Oh, fun fact: I can make my hands vibrate. It's a unique and useful skill I cultivated by tensing up my arm muscles. Not sure that that matters, but make of it what you will.

If you're a girl and you're looking for a loyal male who will love you and guard you like the wonderful, glorious person you are, and if you want a male who just wants to feel treasured and be at your side, and especially if you live in Texas, let's talk. :)

PS: Also, I'm an Asatruar/heathen. If religious tolerance is an issue for you, then let us perhaps just be acquaintances, yes?