Blackwater, Arizona (closed to heartofcourage)


is still a threat
Sep 9, 2006
Wilford "Will" Douglas
Age - 43
Tall and broad-shouldered with a modestly muscular build. Deeply tanned skin from a life outdoors,, sandy brown hair, deep brown eyes, a rugged, handsome jawline and sporting unshaven stubble.


Blackwater, Arizona

It had been almost three years since Sheriff Douglas' wife had died, and every morning, Will woke up with the same pressing feeling of despair on his chest. He rose up out of his bed and looked over at his nightstand. Sitting there was his belt holster, holding his two LeMat Revolvers.

Since she had died, Will had considered (more than once, and usually following a bottle of bourbon) joining her, but, the town of Blackwater needed him more than the afterlife did at the moment. The bustling frontier town was founded by ranchers, but recently, was booming due a copper mine discovered a few miles away. The town was flooded with new residents, miners, who worked hard down and liked to blowoff steam by getting drunk, shooting off guns, and beating up the local prostitutes.

Will laid in his bed, feeling the sunlight from the window on him for a few moments. And after feeling satisfactorily sorry for himself, he climbed out of bed, threw on some old, dusty blue jeans, a white dress shirt, a brown leather vest, and then finally, his old black cowboy boots and his holster. On his way out of his small house on the edge of town, he grabbed his brown Stetson hat from the coat rack and threw it on the head.

He headed out into town, heading up the small stretch that was Blackwater's main street. It was mostly quiet at this early hour. He exchanged waves with the town butcher and shopkeeper as he headed towards the small building that was his Sheriff's office.

He let himself quietly into the Sheriff's office. He headed over to his desk, and sat down. A small stack of letters and telegrams was sitting on his desk. Will didn't really feel like it, but he leaned back and propped his feet up on his desk and started going through his mail, waiting for something exciting to happen to shake him from his cold, gruff, malaise.
Abigail “Abby” St. Claire
Age- 30
Tall and willowy figure with nicely flared hips and a modest bust. Creamy ivory skin and black hair with deep blue eyes. Delicate features on a heart shaped face.

Harsh sunlight filtered through the lace drapes that covered her windows. Abby lifted her throbbing head from the hardwood floor, looking up at the window as she frowned. What had happened last night, she asked herself as she brushed her hands absently over her silk skirt, wincing as she moved the wrong way and her body protested. She got to her feet, her dark black heeled boots clacking on the polished wood as she moved to her polished glass mirror and stared at her face. The swollen and bruised features that stared back at her didn’t seem to be her own.

Abigail had once had high hopes of having a decent life. Her mother and father were God fearing farmers that had raised herself and her three brothers to be the same. She’d been young when they all died, wiped out by a flu outbreak that killed half the town that winter. The local madam had taken her in, putting her to work cleaning the brothel that she now called home. The old woman was the closest thing that she had to a mother in her life and now that she was in declining health, Abby had taken over the operation of the brothel.

Not that any man would have anything to do with her. All manner of cowhands and miners had taken a sample of her charms, but she still held out hope that maybe one day a man would come and sweep her off her feet. With her blacked eye from the fight the night before she didn’t think that the day would come any time soon.

She could hear Jack Nelson’s voice filtering from the rooms below. He was a mean man, one that was feared in Blackwater. He was rich and wouldn’t hesitate to beat a woman if it suited him. It seemed that Abby had been on the wrong end of his fist last night. She gritted her teeth as his laughter sounded. He was probably playing cards with some of the house band and the bar tender.

Well, she’d had enough. She moved from the mirror and silently made her way downstairs, her green gown rustling as she snuck out the back of the brothel. She looked around the street, noticing that most of the citizens of Blackwater were still inside that morning and it suited her just fine. She didn’t need them seeing her battered face and spreading rumors.

Smoothing back her black hair and squaring her shoulders, she marked across the dusty street and made her way towards the Sheriff’s office. Pushing open the door, she spotted him lazing at his desk, sorting through mail.

“Is this all you do all day?” She asked, looking at Sheriff Douglas. She’d had her run ins with him in the past, even spent a night or two in his lockup, but she needed him now more than ever.
Will was reading a boring telegram from the US Marshals' office in Phoenix when he was shook back to reality by a sharp inquiry from Ms. St. Claire.

"Is this all you do all day?" the local prostitute asked, standing in his doorway. Will kicked his feet off his desk, stood up and took off his hat and gave a short nod towards Abby.

"Good morning, Ms. St. Claire," he said politely. They had their run in's in the past - prostitution wasn't high on his personal list of crimes to prosecute and for the most part, he tried to give her and her operation as much leeway as possible.

With the sun shining in from behind Abby and blocking out her face, it took a second for the Sheiriff to recognize her black eye. Will immediately felt his gut clench in anger. Prostitute or not - he hated violence against women. He clenched his teeth and asked, "An angry customer give that to you?"
“No, Sheriff, I did this to myself.” Abby said in a sarcastic voice, her hands planted firmly on her hips as he got a good look at her. She sighed deeply, trying to remember that her anger wasn’t directed at him, but at the good for nothing man that was currently sitting in her downstairs parlor.

“Jack Nelson is sitting in my parlor and he gave me a good beating last night. If you would be so kind to go and remove him.” She asked him, noting the way that he looked at her almost as if he cared.

Cared? No one cared about her. That was impossible, she thought to herself, swallowing hard around the lump that had lodged in her throat. She was treading on dangerous ground, especially regarding Jack Nelson. He was rich, he was mean, and he would want to get revenge.

“He’s been terrorizing some of the other girls as well. He hasn’t beat one up as good as he did me, but I think he’s worn out his welcome.” She said, her fingers gripping her hips tightly as she wondered what the Sheriff would have to say to her.
Ms. St. Claire was clearly upset by what had happened, as she was direct and didn't pull any punches. The Sheriff listened to her and nodded.

"I see," he said compassionately with a nod. He put his hand on his chin and felt his stubble as he considered the best course of action to take. Nelson was an obnoxious, mean, drunk, but he was also rich and powerful and had a lot of friends in Blackwater's business community.

The Sheriff leaned against his desk and looked into Abigail's eyes. "Obviously, Nelson has a lot of weight around here." He sensed another burst of angry from Abigail, so he preempted her, "Not that makes it okay for him to go hitting women, but I just have to be tactful about this."

Will sensed that Abigail wasn't entirely satisfied by his answers. He took a step forward and put a hand on her arm. "I'll go down to your place and scare him out of there with a warning, but I don't think throwing him in jail is the way to go right now," Will tried to explain compassionately. Suddenly, he realized that his hand on Abigail's bare skin was the first time he had touched a woman since his wife Susan had passed. He quickly looked down at his hand and blushed and yanked his hand away from her. He coughed and put his hat back on his head. "I'll tell him to stay away from your place and come around occasionally to make sure he stays away, is that okay?"
Abby opened her mouth to protest as the Sheriff started in on how he had to be tactful about dealing with Nelson. Her anger was slowly simmering as she crossed her arms over her chest, staring at him with angry blue eyes. She sighed deeply as he said that he would scare him out of the brothel with a warning but he wouldn’t be spending time in jail.

“So, you’re saying because he is who he is and I am who I am, you won’t be doing anything but making him leave? If I were an upstanding citizen I bet that you’d be falling all over yourself to make him pay.” She said harshly, her eyes narrowing as she felt his hand rest on her arm.

There in Blackwater, the girls that worked at the brothel were treated as second class citizens. They were looked down upon by the high and mighty in town even as the men visited the girls on a regular basis. They were banned from church and proper society, but when entertainment was needed they were the ones that people went to.

“I suppose if it’s the only way, then it’s the only way.” She finally said after a long moment, moving out of his way. “If you would, Sheriff.” She motioned for him to head towards the brothel, wanting the vile man to be disposed of as quickly as possible.
"I'll get right on it, Missus," Will said, walking past Abby and gentling touching the tip of his hat a a sign of respect. She didn't seem satisfied with his choice of action, but hopefully Nelson would get the message and everything would go back to normal around here.

Will headed out of the Sheriff's Office and headed back down the main street of Blackwater. He kept one palm resting on top of one of his dual LeMat Revolvers as he walked, and briefly exchanged waves with a few more folks before arriving at Ms. St. Claire's establishment. With one hand, he pushed his way through the swinging saloon doors. He squinted his eyes and saw Nelson sitting at the card table, drinking loudly and bellering about something.

The Sheriff walked over and frowned. He waited for Nelson to stop talking, but the rich drunkard kept yelling to somebody across the room. Finally, Will waved a hand in front of Nelson's face. "When you're done, I need a word with you, Nelson."

Nelson looked over at him, and shrugged. "Hello, Sheriff. How's my favorite public servant?"

Nelson loved to rub in the fact that he was wealthy and Will earned a modest salary from the town. That might of bothered another man, but not the Sheriff. "I need a word with you. Outside," he said, pitching his thumb over his shoulder, pointing towards the door.

"Oh Sheriff, I think we can talk in here," Nelson said a near-drunken stupor.

Will wasn't in the mood for bullshit. He leaned in close and whispered so only Nelson could hear him. "We go outside and talk, or I hogtie your ass and let you dry out in the jail for the weekend."

Nelson seemed upset by the threat, but he seemed to agree. "Gettin' bored of this place anyway. Smells like dirty pussy in here." The Sheriff had to resist the urge to backhand him right there. There were ladies around, after all. No need to be talking like that in public.

They headed out of the brothel and around the corner to the back. Once they were out of view of the main street, Will raised one cowboy boot and kicked Nelson in the back of the knee. The rich drunk fell to the ground, getting covered in dust.

"What the fuck! You fucker!" Nelson shouted. "What the hell was for?"

Will leaned in close and grabbed him by the shirt collar. "That was for using vulgarity in front of ladies."

"Ladies? No ladies in there, Sheriff, just whores."

Will drew back one fist. "Another word, and I'll take some of your teeth."

"Fine, fine, get off me!" Jack Nelson pleaded, pushing the Sheriff's hands off of him. "Jesus, you're a crazy fucker!"

"Ms. St. Claire doesn't want you around here anymore. If you want a woman, ride down to the whorehouse in Tucson. Stay away from here, you hear? Or I'll arrest you and put you up on trial in Phoenix for assault and battery, got it?"

Nelson scowled at the Sheriff. "Jesus, Sheriff, I liked you better before your wife died. I think you need to spend more time in Ms. St. Claire's whorehouse." The jab stuck deep inside Will.

Will clenched his teeth. "Get the hell out of here."

Nelson staggered to his feet and tipped an invisible hat to the sheriff. "Of course, g'day sheriff. I hope the little whore was worth it." He said, before staggering off. The sheriff spun around. He spotted Abby standing near the entrance to the brothel. He didn't know how much of the altercation she had heard.

"Well, I had some words with him. He's a belligerent horse's ass, but I think he'll get the message. Come get me if he comes around here again," Will turned and looked into Abby's eyes. "I'm serious. I'll send him to Phoenix for trial if he bothers you and your girls again. I don't want any woman beaters in my town."
Abby watched the Sheriff as he tipped his hat towards her and said that he would get right on it. He’d rid her of a nuisance but she’d still be on the lowest rung of his esteem. She always told the girls that what they did wasn’t shameful, especially in the town of Blackwater. They were to hold their heads high and never be shamed by one of its citizens. The handsome Sheriff took all of her words and shattered them in an instant.

She waited a few moments until he entered the brothel before she exited the jail. She walked slowly, trying to keep herself in check and under control. She had a temper that could roll in like a summer storm, but her temper only served to get her in trouble. She needed the Sheriff to be on her good side or else her business would be shut down in the blink of an eye.

She approached the doors when she saw the Sheriff pulling Nelson out forcefully, throwing him into the dirt that covered the alley way. Nelson’s angry voice floated across the air and she carefully moved to the entrance of the alley to watch the scene unfold. She was surprised when she heard the Sheriff sticking up for her and her girls, telling Nelson that he needed to mind his manners around them.

She winced at Nelson’s words that were thrown back in the Sheriff’s face. She knew of the death of his wife and how he had become a changed man after she was gone. To think that anyone in town believed that he had something going on with her was heartbreaking. She wasn’t the kind of girl that the Sheriff would go for. She wasn’t the kind of girl that any man in Blackwater would go for.

“He’s not the last one to beat the daylights out of one of us and he’s certainly not going to be the last, Sheriff.” She said in a soft voice. He had to know what a harsh life that the girls in the brothel led, but it seemed that he was completely oblivious. “He is the most mean that we’ve had, so I thank you for sending him off. I still think he could have used a few days in a cell to cool his head, but I suppose I’ll have to take what I can get.”
Will nodded and listened to Abby. "Well, come get me if anybody else hits you or one of your girls. It ain't right for a man to be hitting a woman," he declared. His eyes slowly passed over her and he admired how beautiful she was. Her hips, her breasts, the color of her skin. The sheriff thought he could look at her all day. He hadn't thought about a woman like that since his wife passed away, and now…

"If you ever want to talk about what goes on here, my door is always open," Will started to say. Then he blushed and looked at the ground. "I mean, not like a religious thing. I ain't no preacher, I don't care about your line of work, I just meant from a…" he stuttered a bit. "Just, in a law enforcement way, you know. Or a friendly way. Uh, friend way, I meant. You know, like a friend of the town," He said, feeling like he would die from embarrassment. At that point, a surprise arrow from an Indian's bow to the neck would be a blessing.

"Well, g'day Miss St. Claire," the Sheriff said, once again tipping his hat to Abby. He turned heel and headed back down to his office, this time, not bothering to return the waves from the few citizens of the town who offered them.

When he was back in the safety of the Blackwater Sheriff's Department, he slammed the door shut behind him and sat back down at the desk. "God damn. Acting like a school boy with a crush on his teacher. What the hell is the matter with you?" Will wondered if Nelson's words had shook him further than he realized, as he pulled open the bottom drawer in his desk and grabbed a half-empty bottle of gin and took a sip, before getting back to his letters.
Abby was taken back by his words. He was stammering like a school boy with a crush and the very thought brought a very lady like blush to her cheeks. She was actually blushing under his gaze like she was some untried virgin. The Sheriff seemed like he was sweet on her and Abby wasn’t certain how she though about that.

She said nthing as he tipped his hat to her again, turning and heading back to his office at the jail. He was a handsome man, most certainly. A good man from what she’d heard. One that still grieved the wife that he’d lost a few years earlier. Abby didn’t know if she could compete with a ghost in a man’s life and she didn’t know if she should try.

With a sigh, she turned and entered the brothel. The girls were in a tizzy after Nelson had been forcibly removed. She quickly got them under control and gathered in the parlor of the house. She looked over the six girls in her employ, each one a different and exotic mix that made the men of Blackwater lose their minds.

“Girls, it seems that the Sheriff has asked Mr. Nelson to leave and never return. If you see his sorry hide around here again, you let me know. And if a man raises his hand to you again, you let the Sheriff know.” The girls all exchanged looks and the smiles on their faces were worth the news.

She then dismissed them. She looked around the nicely decorated rooms and thought about the kind of life that she’d always wanted A nice little house with a handsome husband and a few children running around had always been her dream. This was a far cry from what she wanted. The handsome husband in that dream was quickly turning into the Sheriff and she shook the image from her head. She couldn’t get involved with him.

However, a man had to eat and Abby was one of the best cooks in Blackwater. She entered the kitchen, cooking a hearty lunch that she would take to him, a smile on her lips as she worked on the fried chicken, cornbread, and potatoes. A slice of apple pie finished the basket that she held in her hands while she walked down the street to the jail later that afternoon.

Entering the building she was much more subdued then she had been that morning. She saw the Sheriff with a bottle of gin and a pile of letters and she wondered what he was thinking. She cleared her throat and waited for his eyes to turn towards her.

“I…Well, I thought that perhaps you might like some lunch…as a thank you.” She was quick to add in, suddenly nervous under his gaze.
Will had spent most of the day in the office. As far as days go, it was pretty slow. The episode at the brothel had been worth most of the day's excitement. Old Pete Connelly, a rancher from a few miles outside of town was sure that one of his ranch hands was stealing from him (Will told him to get evidence, or fire him), and the town's butcher was sure that a Mexican boy in town was scoping out the place for a robbery.

Throughout all the day's activities, Will couldn't stop thinking about Abby. She was such a strong, beautiful woman. A lot like his deceased wife, in fact. Will was sitting at his desk, staring out at the sun, wondering what the late Mrs. Susan Douglas would think about him being sweet on a prostitute. She wasn't a judgmental woman, so Abby's line of work wouldn't bother her. Would she want her husband to find companionship after she had passed?

Will suddenly heard the clearing of a throat and spun around and saw Abby standing there with a lunch basket. He almost fell out of his chair trying to stand up, and he took off his hat out of respect.

Abby spoke first, "I…Well, I thought that perhaps you might like some lunch…as a thank you." Her tone was different and Will wondered how she felt about him.

"Thank you, ma'am. That's mighty kind of you," he said, taking the basket. He opened it up and glazed inside. "Hmmm, looks very good. Thank you," he said. He nodded to a chair across from his desk. "Would you like to join me? If you haven't eaten already, that is," the Sheriff offered.
Abby gave him a soft smile as she moved towards the seat that her motioned towards. She noticed the way that he stood and removed his hat when she walked in, a blush crossing her cheeks. No man had ever treated her like a lady before and that was just what the handsome Sheriff was doing. A blush? Why was she blushing? He was the same Sheriff that had arrested her one night for public drunkenness. She’d spent a few evenings in the jail cell behind her, fuming over the infuriating man that had locked her away.

She moved across the office and sat in the creaking chair as he opened the basket and pulled the things from inside. She nervously watched him dish up the food, her hands growing sweaty as she wrung them together in her lap.

“I didn’t know what you would like, so I made what I like. It seems to be the favorite of the girls too…” She was babbling, her heart pounding until she swore it would burst from her chest. What was this man doing to her, she thought as she watched him raise a piece of chicken to his lips and take the first bite, her breath held as she waited for his verdict.
The Sheriff smiled at her as he put some food on a dish for her, then served himself some food and sat back down in his chair. He took a bite of the chicken and moaned in delight. "Hmmm, very good, Miss St. Claire!" He said with a smile. "I see you're just as good at cooking as you are on the eyes," he said, taking another bite out of the chicken.

"I may have to come by your establishment more often - only for your amazing cooking, of course," the Sheriff said with a smirk.
Abby was speechless at the moan that erupted from his lips and the smile that crossed his face. The Sheriff was a dower man that didn’t smile at anyone, but he was so much more handsome with a smile on his face. She returned his smile, eating her own food that he had placed in front of her. When was the last time that he’d had a decent meal, she wondered as he seemed to inhale the food that she’d given him.

“Well, you’re more than welcome to join us for Sunday dinner, if you like.” She invited him to the brothel when she cooked for all the girls. She was nervous of this new playful side that the Sheriff seemed to have. She liked it, most definitely, but was it a ploy or genuine?

“I was wondering…well, the church is having a social tomorrow night. I normally don’t go to such thing because I’m not welcome, but maybe on the arm of a handsome Sheriff my luck might change.” She said in a soft voice.
Will grinned at her across the desk. He hadn't been to church much since his wife died. He felt like the big guy kind of let him down, but he felt infectious giddy around Abby for some reason, and taking the prostitute to the church social felt like the perfect amount of daring.

"I'd be glad to take you, Miss St. Claire," he said. "And if the preacher protests, I'll throw him in jail. Or shoot him," he said with a coy grin before taking another bite of the food. It has been so long since he had a good meal. Mostly, he dined on canned soups from the general store that tasted like they were leftovers from the American Revolution.

He finished the last bite of the potatoes and set her dishes back in the basket. "Well, I suppose I should get back to work," he said. "What time should I arrive to pick you up tomorrow night?" he asked.
Abby couldn’t help the smile that was on her face at his comment about the preacher. She even laughed and felt her soul lighten with his sense of humor. He had a boyish smile, one that made him look younger. She felt her belly clench in the most unusual way and her heart was racing.

“Well, Sheriff, why don’t you come for dinner? Around five? I can cook whatever you like.” She offered, a wide smile splitting her face as he asked what time he should pick her up. “It’ll do you good to let a woman take care of you.”

She paused when she realized what she’d said, her smile dimming a little. “I’m sorry, Sheriff. I didn’t mean that. I mean…I’ve heard that your wife was a lovely woman. You must miss her something terrible.” She was stumbling into dangerous territory.

Bringing up a woman that was considered a saint in town was like comparing an angel and a devil. There was no way that Abby could ever be as good as Mrs. Douglas was and she prayed that she hadn’t made a mistake in letting her lips run wild.
Will offered her a compassionate grin when she became embarrassed at what she said. "Don't worry, Miss St. Claire, no offense intended. My wife was a good woman, but you're right. It's been awhile since I've had a woman watch after me," he said with a smile. He had been conflicted about the whole thing, but he felt at so much peace with Abby, he wondered if maybe something was meant to be - if she felt the same way, of course.

No doubt, because of her profession, many men thought she was some sort of sex-addicted harpy who craved the presence of a man inside of her, so, Will decided he would take it slow with her and if she just wanted to be friends, that would be fine with him.

"So, I'll see you around five o'clock, tomorrow then," he said with a polite smile as he walked over to open the front door for her.
“Tomorrow at five.” Abby agreed as she gathered the basket and moved behind him to the front door which he held open like a true gentleman for her. She gave him a smile, wanting to give him something much more, but she reigned herself in and decided to take it slow.

She was on cloud nine as she walked back to the brothel, her heart bursting with so much joy that she ignored the looks and stares of some of the local women. She had long grown use to the way that they whispered behind their hands about her, but she had never gotten use to the stares of hatred that were usually directed her way. If only they knew what their husbands were doing at night instead of going to the saloons.

By the time she got back, the place as a bustle with activity. Girls were getting ready for the night while the members she’d hired to play music in the parlor were setting up as well. She sighed, the brief interlude she’d had with the Sheriff broken now that reality was setting in. She wasn’t good for him. She’d taint his good reputation. Still, one little outing with the man surely wouldn’t hurt.
As he headed home that night, and throughout the next day, Sheriff Will Douglas couldn't stop thinking about Abby. He didn't feel guilty about it - the death of his wife had made him miserable and dower and he felt better than he had in months. He was sure that his late wife would want him to feel happy. Besides, maybe Miss St. Claire was just looking for a male friend Maybe they would never become romantically. That would be okay with the Sheriff.

Who was he kidding? He thought as he climbed into his bunk for the night. He was crazy about Miss St. Claire and her headstrong personality wasn't the only thing he was attracted too.

The next day came and went and like the night before, Sheriff Douglas couldn't keep his mind off the enchanting Abigail St. Claire. After leaving the Sheriff's Department in the hands of a deputy for the night, he headed home and changed into his formal wear (or what would have to pass for it). He changed into a white band collar shirt and black dress slacks, and flipped on a dusty old wool sport coat. As far as his hat, he was stuck with the dusty old Stetson he wore every day.

He decided to leave his two "everyday" LeMat revolvers at home, and went to an old trunk at the end of his bed. He dug deep inside, pushing his way around various relics from his and his wife's past. Finally, he found what he was looking for. He yanked out a Colt 1851 Navy Revolver. It had been a spoil of war - found off the body of a Confederate officer during Will's time fighting for Lincoln's Army in the War Between The States. The Colt 1851 was bigger and cleaner than his two LeMats, and had a gaudy, shiny pearl handle. It was too fancy for everyday's Sheriff's work, but the orientate sidearm was the perfect accompaniment for a gentlemen's formal wear. Well, aside from a beautiful lady - which Miss St. Claire would fulfill.

Will left his shack and headed down the street towards the brothel. He exchanged a few waves with folks. Seeing him dressed up more than usual, the butcher asked him if he was going to the Church Social, to which the Sheriff replied with a curt nod. He was sure in a few hours, everybody would be convinced he was paying Miss St. Claire to be his escort for the evening. That didn't bother him so much as the fact what passed for Blackwater's upper class would be unable to see Abby at a social event and not believe she was there without getting paid.

He walked into the brothel. It was a little quite than usual. Sheriff Douglas took off his hat and waved down one of the girls who worked there. "Hello, ma'am. I'm looking for Miss St. Claire," he said softly.
The next evening couldn’t come fast enough for Abby and she had spent most of the day preparing for the Sheriff’s visit. She felt like a school girl readying for her first date with a man and she couldn’t stop the silly little smile that broke out on her face. She had decided that since it was a church social, she would make herself up to be an upstanding citizen of the community.

She had chosen a soft lavender gown that was modest and fit her body perfectly. She had one of the girls help her lace her corset tightly, making her waist appear even more impossibly tiny. The gown was soft muslin, cut in the most modern of styles and flowed around her as she moved. She spent time on her hair, making the curls lie just so in a fetching style. Her raven locks were gleaming by the time that she was finished with them and she sorely wanted the Sheriff to approve.

The last thing was to cover the ugly bruise that had formed around her eye. She carefully painted the area with makeup, hiding most of the ugly creation until only a shadow remained. Only she and the Sheriff would know what resided beneath the thick paste and she wanted to keep it that way.

She was just adding a gold locket around her neck when one of the girls knocked on the door and told her that he was here. Her heart was racing as she dabbed lilac perfume to her neck and wrists before she left the room, taking the stairs slowly as she saw the Sheriff watching her from the bottom.

“Good evening, Sheriff.” She said with a happy smile on her face, the nerves that she’d felt floating away the instant that his eyes met hers.
Will smiled when he saw Miss St. Claire coming down the steps. She looked absolutely stunning and the Greek themselves couldn't of imagined a more beautiful woman.

"Good evening, Sheriff," she said. She looked to be more and more at ease every time she met Will, which he assumed was a good thing. The Sheriff took off his hat and grinned. "Miss St. Claire, you must be the prettiest woman in the whole West, if I may say," he said. He gently put a hand on her waist and leaned into gently kiss her cheek. He felt the smoothness of her skin against the rough stubble on his face.

"Now, I believe you suggested dinner," the Sheriff said, putting his hat back on his head, "but I refuse to believe even you could manage to do any cooking made up like that."
Abby blushed. She actually blushed at his words as he told her that she was the prettiest woman in the West. The gentle hand on her waist scorching her skin even through the layers of clothing that she wore. The press of his lips against her cheek, the sharp stubble on his chin scratching her cheek, making her shiver in delight. This man…actually cared?

“You know me too well, Sheriff. One of the girls cooked us a meal if you’d like to follow me.” She said with a smile as she lead him through the dining room and into the warm kitchen where a meal was set upon the table.

“Roasted beef and vegetables. I hope that’s alright with you, Sheriff.” She took a seat at the table and smiled up at him as he sat across from her.

“I have to tell you that this is probably the first time in my life that a man has actually taken an interest in me that isn’t…sexual.” She blushed at her own words, a sigh escaping her lips as she motioned for him to dish up the food. “My word were harsh. I apologize.”
The Sheriff followed Miss St. Claire into the kitchen, where a table had been set up. As they sat down, she explained their meal tonight, "Roasted beef and vegetables. I hope that's alright with you, Sheriff," she said, smiling at him.

"That'll be fine, Miss St. Claire," he said. As he sat down, he took his hat off and placed it on one of his knees.

As he leaned forward and started putting some food on his plate, Miss St. Claire added, "I have to tell you that this is probably the first time in my life that a man has actually taken an interest in me that isn't…sexual," she said, before blushing. "My words were harsh. I apologize."

Will smiled at her. "No need to apologize. Those other men just haven't tasted your cooking yet," he said as he served up a helping of beef on his plate. "Besides, you're a beautiful, strong-willed woman. And, you deserve to be treated like a lady, regardless of your profession," he said.

"So, tell me about yourself, Miss St. Claire," the Sheriff said, taking a few bites of the food, "You were pretty much attached to this place already when Susan and I moved here oh- about 10 years ago or so."
Abby looked up towards him as he asked her what her life was like before she came to the brothel. She paused and considered that for a moment. Those in town that knew her before she started living here chose to ignore the life that she’d led. Instead, they only saw her as the lowlife, the prostitute, the harlot that seduced their men. She wondered if the Sheriff would think of her any differently when he knew the truth.

“I was born around these parts. My parents were farmers in the area. I had a few brothers. All in all, it was a good life while it lasted. They all died of an influenza outbreak when I was still young and the only person here in Blackwater that would take me in was Miss Tillie. She put me to work cleaning the rooms and serving the drinks. When she started having health problems, I bought her a little house outside of town so she could relax and retire and I took over operations.”

She sighed as she thought about on the sad times. Shaking her head, she cleared the images of her once happy life and focused on the present. “I guess I’ve been here longer then I was on the farm. When I was young and optimistic, I had dreams that I would have a husband and some kids by now, but once you start working here…there’s not really any happy ending.”

“What about you, Sheriff? What brought you and your wife to Blackwater?”
The Sheriff watched Abby and frowned. There was so much saddness in her voice. She sounded like somebody who felt like all their dreams had failed to come through. He took another bite of food when she asked, “What about you, Sheriff? What brought you and your wife to Blackwater?”

He cleared his throat and took a drink of water. "Well, Susan and I were from Ohio. My parents ran a dairy farm. We tried our hand at that, but I wasn't much good at it. The Army had taught me how to shoot, so we moved to Cleveland, and I took up a job as a local constable. That was well and fine, except the pay was bad and the weather was crappy." Will paused to consider what he would say next.

"I guess, we had always enjoyed reading in the newspaper about the West. Life on the frontier, battles with Indians, it all seemed so excited. So, we moved out to Phoenix for a spell before I decided to head up to Blackwater to run for Sheriff. And, I guess you know the rest," Will explained, looking at Abby before looking back down at his food.

"And, Ms. St. Claire," he said, looking into her eyes and smiling, "I wouldn't count that happy ending out yet. I don't think yours has been written yet," he said, leaning forward, he placed his hand on top of hers, his callous fingertips resting on top of the back of her hand.