Blackmail/exposure fantasy

This is one of my go to story tag searches. Love the thought of a women being blackmailed into acts she would never do…but maybe somewhere in her fantasy world the desire is there, or uncovered
I agree, I don't think someone that abhors the thought would give in. But someone that is somewhat turned on might against her better judgement. And then each time she gets more and more deeper into things and can't get out.
I agree, I don't think someone that abhors the thought would give in. But someone that is somewhat turned on might against her better judgement. And then each time she gets more and more deeper into things and can't get out.
Yes😍 love the thought of the incremental corruption. The quick BJ to conceal an indiscretion. Now a video of the BJ and…
Oh do tell…please
Well, in short I was seduced by a very dominant but caring black guy at a bar and he used me on a pool table. Some friends of his filmed it, with me begging to be fucked. They also went through my bag and got my phone number, address, etc. Next he called and blackmailed me into seeing him, giving me only minutes to be at his place, so I couldn't think. Then filmed again giving him a blowjob, which I've never done in my life. Things just got way out of control after that, getting myself deeper and deeper under his control. When I finally told hubby, he tells that he knew all along and had set me up with the black dom. But at that point I was totally hooked and now hubby is cuckold. That's a brief summary
Well, in short I was seduced by a very dominant but caring black guy at a bar and he used me on a pool table. Some friends of his filmed it, with me begging to be fucked. They also went through my bag and got my phone number, address, etc. Next he called and blackmailed me into seeing him, giving me only minutes to be at his place, so I couldn't think. Then filmed again giving him a blowjob, which I've never done in my life. Things just got way out of control after that, getting myself deeper and deeper under his control. When I finally told hubby, he tells that he knew all along and had set me up with the black dom. But at that point I was totally hooked and now hubby is cuckold. That's a brief summary
Wow! Just Wow!
I have suffered public shaming, serious blackmail, gross slander and libel. So has my main partner. It's like being beaten nonstop, cut on the face with a razor, or seeing someone you love casually murdered. The triggers last forever and inflict permanent pain. As a fantasy it's fun but IRL it's hideously destructive to one's spirit.

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Makes me think of a fantasy. An adult son (20#) is asked to drive his mother’s married, best friend home, since they’re both drunk after a night out. She’s pretty hammered and talking openly about the wild stuff she and his mother got up to that night. Talking as if she doesn’t realize he’s her friend’s son. Known him his whole life.

Helps her inside and husband is out of town. No one home, since her adult kids are at college. She’s willing but drunk as he starts taking advantage. Mistaken him now for some stud Who took her home from the club they partied at. Some messing around, foreplay, and oral sex on the living room couch. Carries her to her bedroom and fucks her hard. Neve noticing or caring much s he films some of it on his phone. Pulls out and cums over he stomach and tits. Leaves her half dressed and passed out on her bed.

Uses the pictures and video he took as blackmail. Threatens to send the pictures and video to her husband and his mother. He’ll let her erase it all. If she lets him fuck her again bareback and cum inside her pussy. Not a quickie either. Wants a night with her at a hotel. She says she’s no longer on the pill.

He says to get the morning after pill then. He doesn’t care either way. She has two weeks to decide.
this would be a good premise for the story ideas forum.
I have suffered public shaming, serious blackmail, gross slander and libel. So has my main partner. It's like being beaten nonstop, cut on the face with a razor, or seeing someone you love casually murdered. The triggers last forever and inflict permanent pain. As a fantasy it's fun but IRL it's hideously destructive to one's spirit.

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I'm really sorry to hear that.
Everybody's sorry to hear it. Nobody does anything about it except lawyers. I have three top lawyers. They represent me pro bono.

One of them makes sexual demands on me. I liked him when i presented as male but now I hate him. Typically he sees me in a Café or on public transport. He grabs my boobs hard, drags me to his office, and fucks me uncaringly while telling me how pretty i am and how good I smell. Something delightful ruined by a lawyer.

I have learned that most people in the U.S. cannot grasp what happens to others. I don't know why.

I apologize for being rude. Thank you.

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Sexual blackmail in a fantasy can be exciting, but it’s one of those things in reality is a vile act. I like rough sex fantasy and CNC themes. Ultimately, everyone is enjoying themself in the fantasy. I don’t have many fantasies with blackmail themes. I do have more mind control fantasies - magic or science-based.

I just can’t see how people in reality get any thrill out of making someone do something they don’t also enjoy. It’s freakin’ psychopathic to get pleasure from real world pain. For me, a large pleasure in sex is seeing the other person’s pleasure.
Do love the Fantasy of it Real life would be interesting and could go either way
Sexual blackmail in a fantasy can be exciting, but it’s one of those things in reality is a vile act. I like rough sex fantasy and CNC themes. Ultimately, everyone is enjoying themself in the fantasy. I don’t have many fantasies with blackmail themes. I do have more mind control fantasies - magic or science-based.

I just can’t see how people in reality get any thrill out of making someone do something they don’t also enjoy. It’s freakin’ psychopathic to get pleasure from real world pain. For me, a large pleasure in sex is seeing the other person’s pleasure.
I appreciate you. This is an intensely painful issue for me to talk about. My life, that of my main partner, and that of my child, have been devastated. Few people would believe what happened to us. My main partner and my child were totally innocent in this hideous situation. The action against me involved my being raped repeatedly against my will and then subjected to an attempt to get me locked up in a mental hospital. The psych authorities were horrified.

My main partner had a psychotic break because of this and left me. My offspring is now dealing fentanyl because of this.

A cis woman I did not know was outraged by my existence. She incited a group of men to punish me because I held hands in public with my boyfriend. He was attacked and disappeared and may have been killed. I was assaulted ON THE STREET against my will. I fought the Nazi off but not without getting hurt.

Cops and other authorities know me very well and protect me but the main Nazi stalks me. With homicidal eyes. I carry bear mace and a straight razor.

Apologies to Lit for introducing this garbage into our beautiful park with its many lovely gardens.

Only because I said no as politely as I could. This is one of the reasons I am coy about my personal data. I do not do any social media except literotica, my only safe space.

Thank all of you for being there. Even those with whom I have quarreled.

Dare to struggle, dare to win!
Dare to snuggle, dare to grin!

This is me:

I don't back down. I surrender to nice men. But nobody should think I'm a powder puff. I am not a snowflake. I am an avalanche.

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How was she blackmailed. Did she steal something and had to have sex to get out of it?
She stole some cigarettes from her mother's room and the teenagers smoked them while playing strip poker. Blackmail ensued.
I agree, I don't think someone that abhors the thought would give in. But someone that is somewhat turned on might against her better judgement. And then each time she gets more and more deeper into things and can't get out.
Sexual and role-playing blackmail is fine.
Real blackmail destroys lives.

I have thought for a long time of a story about a woman blackmailed into sex in Auschwitz. The concept is fascinating to me and I always wanted to express the contradiction of sexual desire under extreme compulsion.

Pushing the envelope is my thing.

But especially in the Trump Era I began to question myself. I want to pull a train and get gangraped. But not in a setting that legitimates genocide.

I have attended events where liberal cis lady poets present bad verse in which they claimed to speak for survivors of genocide.

This disgusts me.

The poetry is bad and the verbal cosplay is repulsive. These clods do not fantasize being victims, which would be fine. Rather t they claim to reproduce the sensibilities of victims. This is virtue signaling of a ghastly sort.

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It's terrifying and thrilling to think about being exposed as a cocksucking faggot in my community, my wife, kids, church people, everyone suddenly knows the guy they thought of as an upstanding father and hard-working man is (also) a total cockslut.
Oh honey...

I wasn't in the closet; I was at the bottom of a coal mine.

My Big Domme changed me. I thought she would put me in a slip, play with my nipples, and seduce me. A fantasy.

She turned me out on the street as a trashy ho. Told the heavies I worked for that I wanted boobs. I got my gynecomastic boobies boosted with hormones.

Walking the street in a bra pulled down to the nipple line, reverse panties showing my butt cheeks, mini rolled up, stilettoes. Wearing a fishnet top as a dress.

Juicy AF. One spicy meatball.

Taking any cock I can get. Sucking any man with a cock, opening my Golden Arches to any man with a hardon.

Wanting to swim in a river of cum.

I travelled around the world twice. Was accepted in the global élite. Gave it all up.

For cock.

Worth it for me. Others must find their own path.

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Weak4master, who started this thread, actually put things into practice. I found revealing pictures of her on a website ment for exhibitionists... I wonder whether the blackmail was part of the exhibition....
She stole cigarettes from her mother's room. If she didn't have sex with the guy, he would tell her parents that she stole the cigarettes. Punishment would have been severe.

gotcha...and yes...thats a horrible situation