


Anyone else ever watch this show? I love it, but can hardly ever find it on here.
storm1969 said:
Anyone else watch and like it though?

Edmund Blackadder: Right Baldrick, let's try again shall we? This is called adding. If I have two beans, and then I add two more beans, what do I have?
Baldrick: Some beans.
Edmund Blackadder: Yes... and no. Let's try again shall we? I have two beans, then I add two more beans. What does that make?
Baldrick: A very small casserole.
Edmund Blackadder: Baldrick, the ape creatures of the Indus have mastered this. Now try again. One, two, three, four. So how many are there?
Baldrick: Three.
Edmund Blackadder: What?
Baldrick: ...and that one.
Edmund Blackadder: Three and that one. So if I add that one to the three what will I have?
Baldrick: Oh! Some beans.
Edmund Blackadder: Yes. To you Baldrick, the Renaissance was just something that happened to other people, wasn't it?

no no absolutely hate it :p
storm1969 said:
Anyone else watch and like it though?

*grin* Rowan Atkinson at his finest. I love Blackaddar. :D

My whole family are fans of Blackaddar and Monty Python and Yes Minister and oh bugger, what's the one with John Cleas and the hotel? Well, the name slipped my mind, but we love that one too.
vixenshe said:
*grin* Rowan Atkinson at his finest. I love Blackaddar. :D

My whole family are fans of Blackaddar and Monty Python and Yes Minister and oh bugger, what's the one with John Cleas and the hotel? Well, the name slipped my mind, but we love that one too.

Fawlty Towers.... or Watery Tarts, or Farty Towels.... well the list goes on.... just don't mention the war
We have a female cat at home called Bob.... that tells you how much we enjoy Blackadder. :D

"A plan so cunning you could stick a hat on it and call it a whesel."
"Someday I'll have a turnip of my very own."


I have three VHS tapes of them that I ~ahem~ acquired from an ex-boyfriend in high school. lol
T.H. Oughts said:
We have a female cat at home called Bob.... that tells you how much we enjoy Blackadder. :D

"A plan so cunning you could stick a hat on it and call it a whesel."
I love you....... bob
storm1969 said:
Anyone else watch and like it though?

I have all of the episodes on VHS video tape.

I love season 2 the best when it is set in the Elizabethan times.

Ebonyfire said:
I have all of the episodes on VHS video tape.

I love season 2 the best when it is set in the Elizabethan times.

2 and 4 for me :)

Lieutenant George: You know, I won't half miss you chaps after the war.
Private Baldrick: Don't worry, Lieutenant; I'll come visit you.
Lieutenant George: Will you really? Oh bravo! Yes, jump into the old jalopy and come down and stay in the country, and we can relive the old times.
Captain Edmund Blackadder: What, dig a hole in the garden, fill it with water, and get your gamekeeper to shoot at us all day?
hmmm kind of appropriate...

General Melchett: Are you looking forward to the big push?
Private Baldrick: No sir, I'm absolutely terrified.
General Melchett: The healthy humor of the honest, Tommy. Don't worry my boy, if you should falter, remember that Captain Darling and I are behind you.
Captain Edmund Blackadder: About thirty-five miles behind you.
QuickDuck said:
2 and 4 for me :)

Lieutenant George: You know, I won't half miss you chaps after the war.
Private Baldrick: Don't worry, Lieutenant; I'll come visit you.
Lieutenant George: Will you really? Oh bravo! Yes, jump into the old jalopy and come down and stay in the country, and we can relive the old times.
Captain Edmund Blackadder: What, dig a hole in the garden, fill it with water, and get your gamekeeper to shoot at us all day?

For some reason the 4 th season didn't crack me up and much. I love to watch it anyway!

And of course I love Blackadder's Christmas Carol.
Ebonyfire said:
For some reason the 4 th season didn't crack me up and much. I love to watch it anyway!

And of course I love Blackadder's Christmas Carol.

there was one done for New Years, 1999 where he and Baldrick invented a time machine. (ummm i think it was Blackadder Back & Forth)

It took in segments of the old shows, plus a few new scenes thrown in.... it was pretty darn good

such as Baldrick's underpants being the real reason that the dinosaurs died out.
I'm looking forward to the new Rowan Atkinson movie coming out! I don't remember the title (and I'm being lazy and not looking it up), but he plays a spy or something. I've only seen one preview for it.
red_rose said:
I'm looking forward to the new Rowan Atkinson movie coming out! I don't remember the title (and I'm being lazy and not looking it up), but he plays a spy or something. I've only seen one preview for it.

I just hope they didn't put all the jokes in the trailer :(
red_rose said:
I'm looking forward to the new Rowan Atkinson movie coming out! I don't remember the title (and I'm being lazy and not looking it up), but he plays a spy or something. I've only seen one preview for it.

That is gonna be on my must see list.
Starblayde said:
I just hope they didn't put all the jokes in the trailer :(

I remember when Mr Bean used to be funny.... the first couple of times of seeing the show.

by the 7th time though, it did get old.

Still, i did enjoy it
QuickDuck said:
I remember when Mr Bean used to be funny.... the first couple of times of seeing the show.

by the 7th time though, it did get old.

Still, i did enjoy it

Me too. Remember the one with the turkey?
QuickDuck said:
I remember when Mr Bean used to be funny.... the first couple of times of seeing the show.

by the 7th time though, it did get old.

Still, i did enjoy it

The cartoon Mr Bean is not really that funny but the RL series had its moments.....
Ebonyfire said:
Me too. Remember the one with the turkey?
*giggle* yup, although getting out of the carpark without paying, and the one where he went on holidays and rearanged the hotel room (including putting up pictures) was pretty damn good too :D