black woman interracial gang bang


Sep 9, 2012
there are not enough of these types of stories so I thought id give you a few suggestions if anyone would be interested in writing a story about black women in interracial gang bangs

a hot 19yr old australian aboriginal girl who has her sights set on the big city decides to leave her small town, along the way she decides to stop at a small pub/bar in town in the middle of no where.
Eventually nightfalls and the customers start rolling in, much to their delight they see the young woman drinking on her own, the customers, local farmers and truckers, deicide to gamble with her, firstly winning drinks, then kisses, until they get her clothes.
She's not so thrilled on this idea, but the large bar owner says to her in a stern voice if don't make the bet if you can't pay the debt,she manages to negotiate with the old farmers and truckers,that she will let them have body shots off her as payment,they lustfully agree.
While she lay on the bar and the men take their shots, in a swift and cunning move one of the old farmers manage to get their cocks in her mouth,the bar erupts with cheers, as she obediently takes the cock stabbing her in the throat,from there the bar filled with 20+ old farmers and truckers take turns aggressively pleasuring this young aboriginal woman eventually leaving her in a pile of sweat and their loads.

If someone would take this idea on that would be awesome