bknight2602 ROLLEYES

modest mouse

Meating People is Easy
Oct 21, 2001
What is with having the rolleyes emoticon in half your posts? Obsession is bad.:rolleyes:
I don't think I have that many rollseyes. LMAO

:eek: <----------------------eek!
Honestly, you use it quite often. I think it hinders what you have to say. Its my opinion of course, but the rolleyes emoticon always has a condescending connotation.

Im actaully not trying to be too critical but was trying to figure out why you were using it so often. many times when it seems both ot of place and counter to your posts.
Critism taken, thanks I'll watch out in the future!

BTW I've actually use this combination a lot more times.

:devil: :p :kiss:

For rather obvious reasons.
foxinsox said:
If you want prime example of excessive and inappropriate emoticon use, head for the Playground and look up Dream (poster formerly known as Atrful's Dream).

Quite often, her posts will feature copious numbers of ROFLs, LMAOs, closely followed by :D :D, a couple :kiss:, perhaps a :confused:, definitely a :devil: and the whole shebang is usually topped with either a :rolleyes: or a :mad:, sometimes both.

If you're lucky, you'll get a :rose: x 12.

I thought there were limits to how many could be posted?
modest mouse said:
Its my opinion of course, but the rolleyes emoticon always has a condescending connotation.

I share your opinion.

I hate the eyeroll emoticon even more than the dancing nana.
I like the *rolls eyes* smiley. There is so much here that it is appropriate for. Perhaps we need a *smirking* smiley also??? And then we'll need a *throwing up* smiley after that....or wait, is that what the frog is really for??????

I think some people here forget how to lighten up and just have fun sometimes. The smilies help remind us to keep things in perspective.

(okay, I admit it... the banana does get my nerves too!)