Bitter Pills (closed for mouthwatering)


Literotica Guru
Dec 27, 2005
Jason Bradley sat behind his desk, tapping his fingers against the glass top. Last night two major Japanese corporations had announced a multi-billion dollar merger and since then all hell had broken loose on the stock market floor. And when the stock market went crazy, the bond market wasn't far behind.

Jason Bradley's business was bonds. He'd started out hunched in front of a computer screen twenty-four years ago, yelling at clients that they needed to buy now, that when the bond matured it would be a cash cow for all involved, that he'd bought twenty grand's worth already himself and planned to buy more. Basically, bullshitting people for twelve hours a day.

Now he headed his department and dealt with a whole other bunch of problems. He was 49 years old, with a bad comb-over and a red face perpetually turned down into a scowl. His wife was bitching about a new kitchen while his son was wasting money on some arts degree. He didn't need a day like today.

Kevin Collins poked his head through the door. He was less than half Jason's age, with the pale complexion of a man who spent his days indoors absorbing radiation from his monitor. He was lanky where Jason was round; tall where his boss was squat.

"What do you want!?" yelled Jason. Kevin hesitated for a moment, then raised a sheet of paper.

"Trouble with the merger," he finally said. "Seems the Japanese government are worried about a monopoly."

"And they only say so NOW!? Jesus!" Jason slumped back in his seat. All this chaos would repeat itself in the next few hours and he wasn't looking forward to it.

"I need a coffee and a fuckin' Danish," he finally said. "Where's Sophia?"

"Not here," said Kevin with a shrug.

"What the fuck do you mean, not here?" demanded Jason. "Where is she?"

"Had a doctor's appointment this morning, I think."

"Well shit." This day was just getting better and better...

If anything could cheer Jason up, it was watching Sophia scamper around the office, trying to pick up some tricks and make some connections. I've got some tricks for her, thought Bradley with a grin. She always seemed a little uptight; Jason knew she had a tight body under those conservative skirt suits she always wore. What he wouldn't give to see her showing off a little more tits and leg. Or a lot more...

"Boss?" said Kevin. "You with me?" Jason grunted.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he said. "Look, get the fuck out of here and get back to work. And someone get me a fuckin' Danish!"

Jason Bradley loosened his tie and drummed his fingers on the desk again. He closed his eyes and imagined Sophia bent over the desk, tits pressed against the glass while he fucked her hard from behind. He had to stop himself, though - these glass desks didn't hide anything.
Sophia glanced at her watch for the sixth time since she'd given the pharmacist her prescription. Five minutes had passed, and she was going to be late. She had already cleared taking an hour this morning to see this psychiatrist, but then she'd had to go across town to find a pharmacy that stocked the medication she had prescribed. She paced back and forth. The medication was absolutely necessary, she thought. The depression and nervousness that had hovered like a dark cloud over her most of her life had gotten worse since she had taken this job, but she wouldn't find anything that paid as well easily, and what was health insurance for if not to make sure she could work.

"Here you go, miss," the pharmacist said, with a pitying smile. "I hope it helps." Sophia had tried other medications, but they had hardly done a thing, and her doctor had suggested this as a much more powerful alternative. She paid for her pills and left quickly.

She was a stunning, voluptuous blonde, and even in a conservative suit like the one she was wearing, she attracted a lot of attention from men, though she never understood it. She always felt their stares and wondered what was wrong with her, and she hurried down the street as she hurried through her life, eyes down, nervous and miserable. She glanced at her watch as she reached the corner and shook her head. She waved for a cab and climbed in the back, giving the address of the office and blushing at the leer the driver gave her.

She got the bottle open and shook a tiny, pink pill into her palm. She popped it in her mouth and swallowed it dry, wrinkling her nose at the chemical taste it left in her mouth. A moment later, the cab pulled up in front of her building.

"16.75," the driver said. Sophia opened her purse. He gave a lewd chuckle. "Or you could give me a quick flash."

The idea should have repelled her. Ordinarily, she would have been too flustered to respond and then outraged and upset by the crude proposition for days. Today, though, she felt a little twinge between her thighs, and thought about the money it would save. It wasn't so hard. She unbuttoned her jacket and her blouse, and then slipped her bra down, letting her DD breasts bounce free for a few seconds.

"OK?" she said, her face flushing red.

"Hell yes," the driver said, and she buttoned herself back up and got out, blushing hard. As she walked to the door, she could hardly believe what she had done. Worse than the fact that she had done it was that as she walked, she could feel her pussy rubbing between her thighs. She was unmistakably turned on.

What's wrong with me? she thought as she rode the elevator up. I'm no slut. She was anything but a slut, in fact. Most people thought she was kind of a prude. She just hadn't met any guys she wanted to date in the past year since she'd moved to the city. Or for a few years before that, really. But having standards didn't make her a prude.

What does flashing your tits for cab fare make you? she asked herself, and stepped off the elevator. She had Mr. Bradley's danish, and she went into his office, her face serious as ever. She didn't look him in the eye. She never could, because he always stared at her with such naked lust, it sent her blood pressure soaring.

"Good morning," she said, setting the pastry on his desk. "Anything pressing that needs to get done?"
For a moment, the buzz of activity paused around Sophia as she strode past rows of desks. Traders had been chattering away but slowed down their spiel long enough to watch her ass sway under the knee-length skirt. In a work environment that was predominantly male, a sight like Sophia was rare. Sure, there were a few other women in the office, but these were the women who had shorn off as much femininity as possible to survive and prosper.

Sophia didn't have any of their rough edges, at least none that the traders and consultants on the floor could see. There was a running tally in the men's restroom of the men whose advances she had rejected. The initial theory was that she was a lesbian, but that wasn't the case. Clearly, she was just an uptight prude who needed loosening up. The guy who got her out of those grey suits would garner the admiration of his fellow men and a pot that was supposedly up to five grand.

Jason Bradley was idly tapping away on his computer keyboard when she entered the room and placed the pastry on his desk.

"Anything pressing that need to get done?" she asked. Yeah, thought Bradley, I can think of a few things you could do if you weren't such a little tease.

"Yeah," he said instead. "I need four copies of the trade reports I e-mailed to you ready for a meeting at eleven. Other department head are givin' me shit." He looked her over as he always did, a grin on his face. What could she do about it? File for harassment? She was in the wrong line of business if she hoped for sympathy; this was a place where the weak got eaten first.

"You sick, or something?" he said. "You're all flush." He grabbed the danish and took a bite. "Go get some work done, it's already been a motherfucker of a day."
Four copies of the report that he emailed her, she thought. Like he couldn't use the printer. Truthfully, he probably couldn't. It didn't seem like the executives knew how to do things like print. Somehow, Bradley managed to tie his own shoes, though.

"I'll get that to you ASAP," she said, her voice soft, muted by her embarrassment. Jason Bradley was an old pervert, and every time he saw her, he leered at her. Every time, it made her shiver with disgust as she tried not to think of what he might be imagining, but she knew there was no point asking him to stop.

"N-nothing's wrong," she stammered, flushing a little darker. "I just had . . . ." She stopped. There was no way she would tell him what had happened in the taxi. In fact, if any whisper of that were heard around the office, it would make her life here a living hell. A worse hell than it already was. "I had to rush to get here. I had a doctor's appointment this morning."

Of course, he had approved her taking an hour in the morning, as long as she skipped lunch, but that was yesterday, and she had long since learned that Bradley didn't pay enough attention to what he said to her to remember what he had said to her yesterday. He generally stayed focused on her breasts and bottom.

"I'll get you those copies," she said.
Jason eyed her curiously. She was, without a doubt, a weak-willed little tramp; why she thought a career in this business was a good move, he could never understand. Chances were she'd be out on her ass soon enough, once the strain of making coffee and filing folders got too much for her.

It'd be a shame to lose such a nice pair of tits around the office, he thought, but it's not like she did much with them, anyway.

"I know you had a doctor's appointment," he said, though he neglected to mention that was only because someone had reminded him. "But I don't remember saying you could have the whole morning off!" He sat back and rested his hands on a beer gut that was quickly heading towards a pot belly.

"If you're hot, you can always make yourself more comfortable," he said with a dirty grin, lowering his eyes to take in the shape of those big breasts Sophia kept hidden beneath her jacket. "Wouldn't want you getting overheated, would we?"
She winced as he snapped at her. It was so confusing. He acted like she was late when he knew that she had an appointment, and got even more impatient with her when she reminded him. It was just ten o'clock, so she wasn't late, but there was no point arguing about it. He was always so plainly unreasonable that she couldn't imagine any circumstance in which he'd actually treat her like a human being, so she just nodded and headed for the door, hoping to get out before he found some other reason to complain.

Her hand was on the doorknob when he spoke again, and she froze. Make herself comfortable? Overheated? What was he talking about? She looked at him, and saw the hungry grin and the way he stared at her chest, and she cringed. It was like a shark, but worse. A shark just wanted to eat. Mr Bradley seemed to want to make her suffer, to humiliate her as punishment for some offense that only he could imagine.

For a moment, she had a flash of the cab driver's eyes, opening wide as she pulled the cups of her bra down, and she felt her face flush, a dark red now, like a ripe tomato. It was hot, she thought. Her fingers went to the buttons of her jacket, and undid the lowest. It wasn't as if she was naked underneath, she was wearing a perfectly respectable blouse and a nice bra, why shouldn't she take her jacket off?

As she unbuttoned her jacket, slowly, she thought of all the months she had worked here, how she had never dared to so much as open a single button, afraid of how the sharks - the men - would react to even that small a provocation. It seemed silly, though, to make herself uncomfortable just because she was afraid. It wasn't like they could be any cruder than they were already. She slid the jacket off her shoulders, her breasts jiggling a little under her blouse as she shrugged, and then she gave Mr Bradley a weak smile.

"Thank you," she said. She felt almost sick, and the look on his face didn't help. "I'll get you those reports." She practically ran out of his office, slinging her jacket over her desk and grabbing the folders he wanted as she hurried to the copy room.
Jason found himself just a little surprised as Sophia slowly unbuttoned her jacket. For months this sexy little tease had barely shown a hint of cleavage and now she was slipping off that cheap jacket and giving the girls some air.

What's gotten into her?, he thought. Her face was flush but if Sophia was embarrassed, that didn't stop her. Her breasts gave the most wonderful jiggle under her blouse and Jason almost groaned with pleasure. God, but she was a sexy bitch! He wanted nothing more than to strip her bare and fuck her silly. He probably could have gotten away with it too, but the rules of the office bet were clear - it had to be 100% consensual to win the pot.

He didn't say anything when she darted off. He was busy remembering the way her breasts moved and getting another erection.


At his desk, Marcus Forsythe was busy with a new client, pitching him a ton of garbage.

"AT&T are about to hit a new wave here and you wanna be on the crest, right?" he said into his phone. In truth, he'd been trying to dump these bonds for weeks and finally found a fish small enough that he could throw him and his money to the sharks. Marcus ran a hand through his wavy blonde hair and continued his spiel, drawing the dumb son of a bitch in a little more. Forsythe looked like the All-American boy done good, with his bright white teeth, dimpled chin, fine tailored clothing. But underneath was the personality of a Neanderthal - direct, aggressive and constantly on the hunt.

He had hung up to let the client stew when he spotted Sophia heading to the copy room. He hadn't had a chance for alone time with the office tease all week. Suddenly, he felt a need for paperclips.

He straightened his tie but left the jacket on his seat, then sauntered into the room. He leaned against the door frame, giving her one of his patented million dollar smiles, and said, "Sophia! Looking good, as always."
Sophia kept her eyes down as she hurried to the copier, feeling suddenly exposed, though her blouse wasn't particularly low cut or snug. She couldn't stop thinking about what she had done downstairs, in the cab, and wondering what had possessed her. She had acted like some kind of cheap slut, exposing herself to that cab driver, and for what? To save a few dollars? She wanted to go into her mind and erase the memory, but as shameful as it was, she knew had been aroused when she did it.

She went into the copy room and loaded the folder into the feed. The stacks were thick, and even the new machine would take a few minutes with them, and she punched instructions. 4 copies, collated. She would fasten them with clips, so the clients could pull the pages out without tearing them. She hit the start button just as a voice said her name.

She gasped and whipped around to see Marcus, one of the lower level execs, smiling at her in that smug way that he always did. Her first thought was that he knew what she had done, and she felt a shiver of panic rushing through her. She knew there was no way he would know. He was acting exactly the way he always did, trying to flirt with her, ignoring her disinterest with the same cold confidence as the suckers he pitched on the phone.

"Good morning, Mister Forsythe," she said, her voice a little high and breathy.
Some guys can hide their intentions to varying degrees of success. Marcus was never one of those guys. His eyes trailed up and down Sophia's body, that some cocky grin widening from ear to ear.

"I like it when you call me Mister Forsythe," he said, drawing nearer. "Hey, if you ever get tired of doing Bradley's dirty work, I could always do with a personal secretary." He glanced down at the photocopier, only faintly interested, and then slipped behind her.

"Excuse me, just gotta get some supplies," said Marcus. He was about a head taller than Sophia, with broad shoulders that ensured he could hold his own in the office or the bar. He placed his hands on her hips; there was enough room to get past, but he still squeezed behind her, pressing his crotch against her ass.

"It's a tight fit," he muttered, "but I can handle it." He chuckled and let her go, turning around to rummage through a drawer of office supplies.
Sophia flushed as he looked her over. It wasn't that she minded being looked at. She liked being pretty, liked knowing that men wanted her, but the men in this office were savages. There was never any hint of basic human decency from any of them, they saw a piece of meat, or at best a prize to be won. She knew Forsythe took pleasure in making her uncomfortable, but she couldn't help blushing. She couldn't help the fear that pumped adrenaline through her and made her heart race as he cornered her.

"I think you'd have to talk to Mister Bradley, if you want to get me reassigned" she said. She stopped as soon as she said it. There was no way Bradley was going to let her go to a junior exec, not unless he found another, hotter secretary he could torment, but why was she saying anything to Forsythe. The last thing she wanted was to encourage him in any way.

Then he slid behind her, pinning her against the copier for a moment and pressing himself against her. She gasped, shocked to feel herself getting hot from the sleazy contact. She clenched her teeth and held onto the copier to make sure she didn't fall when he pulled away, and her voice came out in a fluttering stammer.

"Y You shouldn't d do that." She turned to try to glare at him, but she couldn't find the outrage. Every time she reached for it, it seemed to turn into lust.
Marcus turned and found Sophia looking flush. He also noticed she didn't have the same hardness in her voice when she normally tried to chew him out. Perhaps she was starting to relax a little? It wasn't good for a girl that gorgeous to be so uptight.

"Well, maybe I will talk to Jason," he said, stepping towards her again. "I don't plan to stay on the trading floor forever, honey. I need good people working under me."

He leaned closers and placed a hand on the copier, keeping his eyes on hers and a grin on his face. "What do you say, Sophia?" he muttered. "Think you'd like being under me?"

God, she was a sexy little thing. Marcus wanted to bend her over the copier and fuck right there, like every other red-blooded man in the office.
Sophia stared helplessly up at him as he crowded her against the copier. She felt dizzy and short of breath, and she knew he was only interested in her in the crudest way imaginable. He wanted to use her so he could brag about it, and then it would be open season. Any kind of respect she got around the office would be gone, and she knew that as bad as it was sometimes, most of the men were holding back, trying to charm her. Once she'd been with one of them, though, they'd all want a turn.

"I I don't think it m matters m much who I work for," she said. It wasn't exactly true, though. Working for Bradley gave her a little shelter. He was the boss, after all.

The copier finally finished the job, and she turned quickly to gather the reports, afraid to look Forsythe in the eye.

"I have to get these to Mister Bradley," she whispered, almost apologetically, and she slipped around him, her heart racing in panic.
She was staring up at him like a deer in headlights. Marcus could only grin; it wasn't every day that Sophia seemed so flustered. In fact, he couldn't recall her ever acting like this. Normally she wouldn't say anything, or just blow him off with a few choice words.

But for whatever reason, that didn't happen this time. She seemed utterly helpless and he had to admit, it kind of turned him on.

He didn't try to stop her from running away, though he was definitely going to make sure he bumped into her again later. Then he had a wicked idea and grinned.

"Don't wanna leave the old man waiting," he said. Then he firmly smacked Sophia's ass and said, "Go get 'em!"
Just when she thought she had escaped, he slapped her ass and she gasped. She could hardly breath she was so humiliated, but she hustled as quick as she could in her heels to get back to her desk, tears sliding down her cheeks. A slap on the ass wasn't the worst thing in the world, but it was the kind of thoughtless, degrading behavior she struggled to keep in check, and she was afraid to even try to tell him off. Afraid because a part of her was responding to his crude treatment.

She made it to her desk and opened the drawer she kept her purse in. Her pills came out, and she got the lid open after a moments struggle. She swallowed two and closed her eyes. Almost immediately, she felt her heart slowing to a normal speed. She was finally able to take a deep breath and after a moment clenching her fists, her hands stopped shaking.

There was a warm, tingling sensation in her belly that was a bit disconcerting, but it was far better than the panic attack she had been experiencing. She breathed a sigh of relief and picked up the copies of the report. She opened the door to Bradley's office and walked in, going through the list of things she still had to get done this morning and sighing. Hopefully they'd all take a long, long lunch. She set the reports on Bradley's desk and glanced at the clock. Ten thirty. There was plenty of time.

"All set Mister Bradley," she said. "I'll confirm your schedule for this afternoon, and get the conference room set up for your eleven o'clock."
Jason was busy making some important bets on that night's game. Even if he didn't trade anymore, he still loved the risk of passing large sums of money around. And since he didn't have any pressing business until this pointless meeting at eleven, he figured he should enjoy himself.

Sophia came in to remind him of what he wasn't getting. It wasn't that Bradley couldn't buy himself a big-titted blonde for a few hours whenever he wanted to. But that Sophia was his assistant made her almost forbidden fruit - and forbidden fruit was always so much sweeter.

She seemed a little more relaxed than when she'd arrived, at least. She laid the documents on his desk and he stared at them.

"What am I supposed to do with these?" he asked gruffly. "Take them down to Meeting Room 2 and make sure there's water and snacks or whatever the fuck else we need. Also, I want you there to take notes. Be there to give 'em something nice to look at while I ream 'em." He chuckled, but it turned to a sigh when he looked her up and down. The jacket was gone, sure, but the blouse was buttoned up tight and Sophia's skirt still hung to her knees.

"I mean, Jesus, girl," he continued. "I hired you to add a little eye candy to the place. Would it kill ya to show off a little cleavage from time to time? A little leg, maybe?" He shook his head and waved her away to make preparations for the meeting.
She thought about what he said as she grabbed a notepad and hurried to the meeting room. She had never doubted that he hired her for her body, but she had struggled to make him take her seriously. It had obviously failed, and she was as miserable here as she had ever been, so much so that she was actually taking medication for it. Maybe if she just accepted things the way they were. The men here would never respect her mind, or treat her kindly when she was fighting their whole world, but maybe if she gave them a little of what they wanted.

She put the reports around the table, filled glasses with water and set up the coffee tray with all the snacks they could want. She looked at her reflection and thought about what Bradley said. She did look a little too proper. There wasn't much she could do about her skirt at this point, but she could undo a button or two on her blouse. Or three?

She leaned forward, her cleavage deeply displayed now, the lace trim of her bra even peeping out. When she straightened up, she blushed. She actually looked pretty sexy. She felt a shiver of apprehension as she wondered how the boys would react, but it wasn't all fear. A part of her was kind of looking forward to it. She was about to button the third button back up, to make the change a little less obvious.

The door opened before she had the chance, and she turned to see which of the execs had come early.

"Good morning," she said. "Can I get you a cup of coffee or anything?"
Reggie Watson hated these meetings. Mortgage bonds were in the toilet right now and the last thing he needed was to get chewed out by the boss while the other department head snickered in the background. If that fat fuck Bradley made one more snide comment...

But hell, it was better then driving a bus like his dad had done. There weren't a whole lot of prospects for a Harlem kid trying to make his way out, but Watson had been stubborn. The good thing about bonds and stocks was that no one gave a shit about the colour of your skin. The only colour that mattered at all in this business was green and if you had more of it than the other guy, you were everyone's friend.

So he wasn't looking forward to this meeting, but his mood was improved by the buxom blonde with her blouse opened. She was showing off two nice handfuls of titty and had an ass to match. Reggie had broken in more than a few interns and secretaries over the last twenty years and he knew a good one when he saw her. It would have been something else to hate Jason Bradley for, but word was Bradley couldn't seal the deal with this one. Unlike most men in his position, Watson preferred to stay in shape and not let gluttony ruin his frame. His black hair was short and greying in the sides, which he felt gave him a new sense of maturity.

"Coffee'll do fine," he said with a grin, sitting down at the desk.
"How do you take it?" Sophie said, turning away quickly to hide her face. He had obviously seen how far her blouse was open and her breasts nearly popping out. To button up again would probably just call more attention to it, and then he would feel like commenting. It wasn't like she looked indecent or anything, she was just showing a little more skin than usual. Just like Mr. Bradley had told her to.

She poured coffee for the young black exec and glanced over her shoulder at him, to see he still had his eye on her. She felt herself blushing. Didn't anyone here have anything better to do than stare at her, she wondered. It seemed that they didn't. She took a deep breath to calm herself before she turned to bring Mr. Watson his coffee, but she was trembling by the time she was halfway back to the desk he was sitting at. Her hands were so unsteady she could barely set the cup down in front of him.

"Will there be anything else?" she said.
"Same way I take my women," said Reggie. "Sweet and creamy." He chuckled at the joke, but he was seriously liking the view. Most of the women in his business were hard - hard-nosed and hard on the eye - but Sophia had avoided that fate just yet. Jason Bradley was an asshole, but he knew how to pick 'em.

Reggie was just about to tell the hot little blonde exactly what else there'd be, but the others arrived at that moment. Jason glanced at Sophia and was surprised to see her blouse unbuttoned at the top. That was the second time she'd done something he'd asked her to do; what else might she do?

He didn't have time to think about it, though. The execs, four in all, took a seat at the table. Reggie looked to Sophia and patted a free chair next to his, silently suggesting she sit beside him.
His remark would have slid past if she hadn't been feeling so exposed, and for a moment she stood there, almost paralyzed. Did three buttons and a little cleavage invite that kind of comment, or the leer he was giving her? Or was it simply the same thing that she always endured? Then the question was why was it suddenly affecting her so strongly? She wanted to run, to button up her blouse, to put her jacket back on, to disappear from the sight of this man and all the other men in the company that leered and groped and propositioned her day after day.

That was nothing new, though. She had endured that for a year, now, and still came back.

The other men came through the door at that moment, taking their seats at the table, and Bradley gave her a curious look. He had obviously noticed the deep display of her cleavage. They all were looking at her, but Mr. Bradley was her boss, and she could see him thinking. What he was thinking exactly was more than she could guess, but she had a pretty good idea she wouldn't want to know.

Mr Watson patted the seat beside him and invited her to sit with a glance, and she slid into the seat without thinking. She took her notepad out and tapped a few keys, linking her desktop to Mr. Bradley's, so her notes would be available to him.
Reggie beamed as Sophia slipped into the chair beside him. The blonde was definitely giving him some of the right signs, but it almost seemed to be despite herself. Regardless, Watson wanted the girl close, if only to get a better look at that cleavage.

If Jason Bradley had cared to notice, he might have seen the interest Reggie was showing in his PA. But he had bigger fish to fry at that moment, arguing over some of the numbers with CFO Henry Savage. Savage was a shark from the old-school, a keen-eyed dealer who was nearing seventy but who'd hung onto his position by tooth and nail. He was one of the few men who didn't get hard whenever a hot piece of ass like the blonde at the table, passed by, if only because his prostate refused to co-operate anymore.

Watson leaned forward in his chair, ostensibly to get a closer look at something in the report he'd barely glanced at for the entire meeting. His hand landed on Sophia's knee, almost like an afterthought. He didn't even look in her direction; he simply kept his hand on her, squeezing her knee gently through her skirt.
Sophia blushed but kept quiet, clenching her teeth when Watson's hand reached out for her knee. She knew none of the other men could see it under the table, and she didn't dare make a scene. There was no hope of any support from any of the men here, and at least if she kept quiet, the humiliation would be private.

As he squeezed, though, she felt her body getting warmer. Her breath was coming fast, like she'd been working out, and she had to force herself to stay quiet as her chest rose and fell. She listened closely to the debate her boss was having with Savage, a creepy old man who should have been retired by now but who seemed likely to stay forever. He was making the old arguments against the new, preaching ordinary sleaze and doing his best to steer Bradley away from new, untested scams. She made notes, catching the nuance of the arguments but also, and more importantly for her boss, catching Savage's insults. Bradley loved nothing if he didn't love petty revenges.

It was hard to concentrate, though, with the hand on her knee, especially when her body seemed to be responding to it. As disgusting as it was, she could feel the heat between her thighs sinking hotter and deeper.
The hand on the knee was simply Reggie testing the waters; when Sophia didn't back away, he took it as a good sign. He would have liked nothing more than to pull her skirt up and slip his hand up between her legs, but Watson was wary of the other men in the room. Even if they were paying him no attention now, they might notice something was up.

Jason, meanwhile, was wondering how best to ruin Henry Savage. It couldn't be that hard, could it? The old bastard had to have a dozen skeletons in his closet: people he'd stabbed in the back, illegitimate children, laundered money, something! Savage knew that Bradley wanted his job and Jason knew that Henry knew. It made their relationship less than friendly at the best of times and right now, it seemed they were close to blows.

Not that Reggie Watson was too concerned. He'd sat back a little, letting his hand slide up Sophia's thigh. He gently groped her leg and cocked his head in her direction.

"Save yourself some time," he muttered. "It's just the same old crap they always say. Don't you get tired of his shit?" He gave her a little smile and gripped her thigh a little harder. "We should really do lunch, discuss your prospects."

Like the prospect of me showing you my favourite motel, he thought.
Just keep taking notes, Sophia told herself. Keep the pen moving across the paper, and no one will notice anything. Watson's fingers were creeping up her thigh, and she was hardly able to sit still. It was so wrong, so rude, so terribly inappropriate, but she couldn't deny that it was turning her on.

Bradley, her boss, was in some sort of sparring match with Henry Savage. They never agreed on much, and she couldn't figure out why the old man hadn't retired by now, but deep down she was rooting for him. She rooted for anyone who pissed Bradley off. He probably wasn't much worse than any of the others, but he was the one who made it his business every day to humiliate and abuse her. He was the one who did the most to make sure she was miserable at her job, and she held a special place of loathing for him.

When Watson whispered in her ear, she found that her jaw was clenched so tight she could hardly speak. Was he really asking her to lunch? What prospects was he talking about, anyway? Unless he was about to make some big move, anything he could offer her was a step down the ladder. Not that there were any steps up.

She nodded though. She couldn't think of any reason why, except that she never went to lunch with anyone, and maybe, just maybe, he might turn out to be a friend. His hand squeezed her thigh, and she let out a little gasp. She thought quickly and opened her hand, letting her pen bounce of the table and fall to the floor.

"Excuse me," she said, her face flushing as she slid her chair back. She looked and saw the pen had rolled over by Savage's foot, and she bit her lip. Great. She slid out of her chair and crawled under the table on her hands and knees.
Reggie chuckled at Sophia's gasp and watched with a grin as she slid under the table. That was a good look for her, he thought. He crossed his legs and finally turned his attention back to the argument.

It seemed to be winding down at last, as Bradley and Savage uttered the last few insults they could speak before lawyers had to come in. Once again, Jason promised himself he would find some dirt on that old bastard. Maybe this time he actually meant it.

Henry Savage wheezed and finally said, "I'm too old for your bullshit, Jason. You wanna try to push these numbers passed our shareholders, go right ahead. But it's your neck in the noose!"

"The noose?" Bradley scoffed. "I'll have you know... what the fuck?" He looked down and spotted Sophia crawling under the desk, making a bee line for Savage.

"Jesus, Sophia, how about you come this way first?" he said with a chuckle, grinning devilishly at the blonde. Savage looked down and saw a fine pair of tits crawling towards him.

"Well ain't that a sight for sore eyes?" he said, cackling. "Ha, maybe if I was twenty years younger, girl, I could keep you busy down there. But shit, I haven't had a hard-on since Clinton was banging fat interns in the Oval Office!" He laughed again and even Bradley joined in with the others. Savage slowly rose to his feet and sighed.

"Well, this has been fun, but I got bigger fish to fry," he said. He gave Sophia a wink before heading for the door. Jason and Reggie stayed back, Watson offering Sophia a hand up.

"Guess you made a good impression on the old man," said Jason. "He always did like a secretary who knew her duties." He laughed again.

Watson offered Sophia his business card.

"Let me know when suits," he said, then left with a smile. Jason glanced from Reggie to Sophia.

"What the fuck was that about?" he asked.