Bite Marksgirls ass!

Not to many it seems. Oh well I just be able to keep my ass in tact for when Tank gets back Friday night....he might have a few ideas what to do with my ass ;)
Like I don't? BTW, food for thought. My greatsest fantasy of anyone from this board currently involved Hanns and yard tools... Not Someplace.
Bluesboy2 said:
Like I don't? BTW, food for thought. My greatsest fantasy of anyone from this board currently involved Hanns and yard tools... Not Someplace.


You are shameless ya know? :D
PepperminTrish said:
I'm not much on biting but I could be persuaded to kiss it instead.

Kissing and lite spankin and I'm a puddle of goooooo.....;)
PepperminTrish said:
Hhhhhmmmmmm, I dunno ....... I'm feeling rather greedy tonight.
;) :kiss:

Uhh.Can we take turns?

marksgirl said:
You just wanna be sandwiched, don't try to fool me! :D

I thought I was being totally up front about it!
Bluesboy2 said:
Uhh.Can we take turns?

I thought I was being totally up front about it!

You where, I was just yanking your crank again......:D
PepperminTrish said:
If you scroll down just a bit, I think marksgirl defined it pretty damned good. I however, just meant I wasn't sure I felt like sharing.
A 3-way doesn't necessarily mean YOU have to share, at least not every time. :D
LukkyKnight said:
A 3-way doesn't necessarily mean YOU have to share, at least not every time. :D

Ahh, very true ...... it seems I may not have thought this whole 3-way situation out completely. Thank you for pointing out what I had missed.
I'm still sharpening those fangs, but as soon as I'm done I'll get you right after Bluesboy.
PepperminTrish said:
Ahh, very true ...... it seems I may not have thought this whole 3-way situation out completely. Thank you for pointing out what I had missed.

Ms.Villa, how about if everyone in this thread just does you all at once?