Bill Maher mocks the left's ABSURD sexuality-gender obsession with 'pride flag' parody


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
HBO host Bill Maher took aim at the left's ridiculous obsession with sexual orientation and "pride flags" with a little absurdity of his own on a recent episode of "Real Time with Bill Maher."

Maher shared a video clip from his show on Twitter with the caption "Gay pride month is coming up, and we feel at @RealTimers that 96 different Pride flags are just not enough."

In the clip, Maher shared a graphic of "96 pride flags" to represent supposed "sexual orientations," such as Sapiosexual, Rubber Pride, Lithromantic, and Queerplatonic.
Link for the video...
The obsession I see in this forum is not from the left on the topic.
It is crazy. 😜 They had a really cool 😎 flag 🌈 🏳️‍🌈. Why did they have to mess with a classic look? Boggles the mind. I kind of agree with that piece.
Why does Burger King have a flag? Pizza Hut, Denny’s, KFC and McDonald’s all have flags already. Isn’t that enough?
In the real world, it actually does matter "who started it."

Con artists - both religious and political - "started it" when it comes to gender and sexuality. Don't like Pride stuff? Next time, don't build an oppressive society around the premise that there's something to be ashamed of.

If you're looking for someone to blame in the meantime, blame the con artists who are still banging the drum, and trying to get you to give away all your money in exchange for the doublethink-cocktail of feeling superior to, and terrified of, a relatively-powerless minority group.

If you're addicted rage and fear, then for fuck's sake, at least be angry at and afraid of the rich. They're a minority group. They have actual power. Their lives are quantifiably, demonstrably better than yours. Pull back the curtain by a nanometer and you'll discover that they are actually hurting you. Maybe you should stop listening to millionaires who are being paid by billionaires to get you riled up about literally anything else.
Over the last few years Maher has lost his fucking mind and its really scary cus I wonder if he's getting paid or if someone has something on him because it was really fast and with no real explanation.
Over the last few years Maher has lost his fucking mind and its really scary cus I wonder if he's getting paid or if someone has something on him because it was really fast and with no real explanation.
Drugs, clearly.
He cut off Elon Musk.

Elon said he might vote (R)...
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Maher is an asshat. Always has been. Shitty comedian and even shittier talk show host who relies on guests to make him appear smarter than he is.