Bill Gates is offering a cash prize for inventing a condom that 'preserves sensation'

"If the “next generation” condoms are anything like Next Generation Windows, you will be stopped midway through by an error message informing you that you have performed an illegal operation and need to restart."

Doesn't this happen to everyone when having sex?
I am locked up like Vista...can't decide which joke to go with.
Stealth condom

Bill Gates-funded boffins develop anti-AIDS stealth condom
Crafty polymer gel 'solidifies' in presence of sperm

By Lewis Page • Get more from this author

Posted in Science, 10th August 2009 12:15 GMT

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Scientists in Utah have developed what they term a "molecular condom", a type of gel which "turns semisolid in the presence of semen, trapping AIDS virus particles in a microscopic mesh".

"Due to cultural and socioeconomic factors, women often are unable to negotiate the use of protection with their partner," says Julie Jay, University of Utah doctoral candidate in pharmaceutics, speaking particularly of AIDS-ridden sub-Saharan Africa.

Hence Jay and her colleagues have developed an anti-HIV barrier gel intended for use by women before having sex.

"It flows at a vaginal pH, and the flow becomes slower and slower as pH increases, and it begins to act more solid at the pH of semen," Jay says.
Why the f--- is this necessary?

Condoms are not difficult to use.

Sex is still very fun with one on.

STDs/STIs/VD/whatever they're calling it these days is not very fun.

WTF, why is this necessary?

Not saying Gates isn't doing something good for humanity, but WTF, why is this necessary?

It's just marketing.

Cue hot chick, holding up a pack of the new SensoCondom: "It even feels better me."

When I was single, condoms were my friend. Without my friend, I would probably be making the last semester's tuition payments right about now.

You like fucking your little slut sister in public don't you?

I bet you like ramming your big cock into your sister over and over again while people drive past and watch us!


Give it to me!

Fuck your little sister while everyone watches us!

Fuck her!

Fuck your sister!

You like fucking your little slut sister in public don't you?

I bet you like ramming your big cock into your sister over and over again while people drive past and watch us!


Give it to me!

Fuck your little sister while everyone watches us!

Fuck her!

Fuck your sister!

Good Lord, what is the matter with you people?
... I don't even understand how that's supposed to be relevant, even in a trolling context. I've got nothing.
Why the f--- is this necessary?

Condoms are not difficult to use.

Sex is still very fun with one on.

STDs/STIs/VD/whatever they're calling it these days is not very fun.

WTF, why is this necessary?

Not saying Gates isn't doing something good for humanity, but WTF, why is this necessary?

Gates is a shameless immoral pervert and self-righteous liberal turd. It should be ignored.
Why the f--- is this necessary?

Condoms are not difficult to use.

Sex is still very fun with one on.

STDs/STIs/VD/whatever they're calling it these days is not very fun.

WTF, why is this necessary?

Not saying Gates isn't doing something good for humanity, but WTF, why is this necessary?

Who said sex was still very fun with one condom on?

I will chip in $100 to the offer!
Just read an interesting article about fairtrade condoms. Who knew?
Not saying Gates isn't doing something good for humanity, but WTF, why is this necessary?

To Gates, anything that lowers/prevents an increase in the population is a good thing.

I am sure his work has helped many, but I don't believe for a second he does it for the good of humanity. It's the next best thing to eugenics (one could argue, given the targets of these schemes, that is all this ever was).