bigjonno pics 26m

Hey bigjonno, if I may be so bold and give you a bit of advice.

I know from talking to other men around Lit, male threads are a bit harder (no pun intended) to get going. A female could post this same thread, and her inbox would be flooded with Lit vultures looking for a quick thrill. Sad but true.

1. who is your target here? ladies? men? both?

2. What exactly is it we are getting ourselves into? Cock pics? Full body shots? Ass? Legs?

3. With no avatar and no profile pic or profile information...what is the draw?

I'm not trying to be rude, just honest! We want to WANT to see the pics. So make us want them :)
=) im working on it difficulties transfering them to my computer i dont wanna keep you waiting thi!

Are you using an apple device? My ipad likes to make sure there are 8 steps between the camera and getting the on the site.
It's a good start! Kudos to gathering the courage to post! It's hard at first, but it gets easier. Lets see se more :)
hmmm let me see i have more explicit ones but i guess those are a no no here lol

You you have to use a third party pic hosting site. I've been using

Congrats on finding the courage to post. If you're anything like me, once you start, you'll get a little addicted to the thrill of it.