Bigfoot confirmed dead.


Anti-M 0derator
Jan 2, 2002

This is a 1977 still photo made from a 16mm film reportedly showing the legendary Bigfoot cavorting in northern California. The man who launched the "Bigfoot" legend has died, and family members say they can now reveal the truth: Ray L. Wallace was the Bigfoot in the movie.

Full story here
Now you know of my affection for both of them! ;)

Your AV needs a Sanata hat! He's very adorable! :)

Your AV need a gorgeous ass. I know it's there somewhere! :p
mmm A Camel toe! Yes that would be hot!

Hiya Spice

You know I never believed in the big foot sightings. Just like I don't believe that we are visited by aliens. I'm not suggesting that we are alone in the universe, just havn't been visited.
Hi BK! How are you?

I do believe we have been visited by aliens - do you read this board carefully?;)
SpiceCake said:
Hi BK! How are you?

I do believe we have been visited by aliens - do you read this board carefully?;)

Kooks and nuts, but not aliens.
I'm fine in this damn cold coutry. It did warm up to the 30's hyesterday and today so it has been better.