Big tits lovers: Come here



You might find this site to your liking.
I haven't been there, so I don't know if it's a pay site.
If you want the free stuff, then go to:
Right now, there are tons of dawn's mpegs there.
I'm not a big tits fan, but Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Dawn. What a pair!
Search for that chicky on Kaaza or whatever your favorite file sharing program is. She has some nice little movies too ;)
Ya she does, one of her as a hooters waitress and another one of her as a nurse...just one of many of her movies.
Cibo said:
Ya she does, one of her as a hooters waitress and another one of her as a nurse...just one of many of her movies.
Should any of her .mpegs be on the amatuer section? I think the moderators should move to pornstar section.

At least move them to big breasts section! Sheeesh. There are small tits lovers too, you know!
Seen several of her movies floating around myself. If I find any, I'll let you know CV.
I have big tits, and I love them. But for some reason, as pretty as she is, Dawn just isn't my type.

Don't get me wrong, her tits are great.

Starfish said:
I have big tits, and I love them. But for some reason, as pretty as she is, Dawn just isn't my type.

Don't get me wrong, her tits are great.

Dawn isn't my type either. Oh, sure, she calls me a lot but it's just not going to work out.
Nice hat, hoggie. Ever use it to cover up your schlong when you step out to get the paper?
Doesn't fit

Starfish said:
Nice hat, hoggie. Ever use it to cover up your schlong when you step out to get the paper?

It's a fedora, not a stovepipe hat. It it were a stovepipe that could work.
Didn't Hanibal Lechter put on a fedora at the end of Silence of the Lambs?

Got Fava?
Yes he did

Starfish said:
Didn't Hanibal Lechter put on a fedora at the end of Silence of the Lambs?

Got Fava?

He did put one on. He was not a tit-man, though, he prefered thighs and legs. Medium-well done.
I'm not interested in women sexually, but I have to say those are the most perfect tits I have ever seen.
Re: Yes he did

hogjack said:

He did put one on. He was not a tit-man, though, he prefered thighs and legs. Medium-well done.

This is where I back out of the thread, and put myself on ice.
Starfish said:
I have big tits, and I love them. But for some reason, as pretty as she is, Dawn just isn't my type.

Don't get me wrong, her tits are great.
Same here. I don't know, she just doesn't do anything for me.

She does have nice boobs, though.
