Sad to say but you have an insurmountable credibility problem.
Let's start with the fact that Biden was showing symptoms of dementia during the 2020 campaign. Early signs and easy to miss so you can be excused then. By 2022 the symptoms were frank. Anyone paying attention couldn't miss the signs at all. But the MSM and all the democrats and their supporters kept telling anyone that would listen that Biden was 100%, at the top of his game. Right.
Then came debate night and there is was for all the world to see on live broadcast TV. Couldn't hide it and there is no excuse that can be made to diminish what the nation saw that night.
So here's the deal, those that knew he was fucked up kept telling us otherwise are nothing but liars, liars of the worst sort. Liars that would jeopardize the nation for the sake of cheap partisan politics. If they'll lie to the public about the president being incapacitated, they'll lie about anything. And those of you that were surprised by what you saw are fools of the worst sort, blind fools. All the information concerning Biden's incapacitation was there for anyone that bothered to do a little independent research.
There is no reason for anyone of sound mind to pay the least attention to liars or fools. That means you and all of your press outlets.
Let's start with the fact that Biden was showing symptoms of dementia during the 2020 campaign. Early signs and easy to miss so you can be excused then. By 2022 the symptoms were frank. Anyone paying attention couldn't miss the signs at all. But the MSM and all the democrats and their supporters kept telling anyone that would listen that Biden was 100%, at the top of his game. Right.
Then came debate night and there is was for all the world to see on live broadcast TV. Couldn't hide it and there is no excuse that can be made to diminish what the nation saw that night.
So here's the deal, those that knew he was fucked up kept telling us otherwise are nothing but liars, liars of the worst sort. Liars that would jeopardize the nation for the sake of cheap partisan politics. If they'll lie to the public about the president being incapacitated, they'll lie about anything. And those of you that were surprised by what you saw are fools of the worst sort, blind fools. All the information concerning Biden's incapacitation was there for anyone that bothered to do a little independent research.
There is no reason for anyone of sound mind to pay the least attention to liars or fools. That means you and all of your press outlets.