Biden says 'MAGA crowd' is the 'most extreme' in US history — here are 50+ links that prove otherwise


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
It's true. They will obstruct the Constitution for their guy without question
He also clarified in 'modern history' whatever that term means in actuality.
Like the last two posters, the President is incompetent and unaware of his surroundings.
Considering his masterful handling of Ukraine I don't know how you can say he's unaware of what is going on. His primary problems are things beyond his control, inflation and gas prices. Now he's taken some stop gap measures on gas and we'll see if raising interest rates does its assumed job. I'm skeptical at best but hopeful
Considering his masterful handling of Ukraine I don't know how you can say he's unaware of what is going on. His primary problems are things beyond his control, inflation and gas prices. Now he's taken some stop gap measures on gas and we'll see if raising interest rates does its assumed job. I'm skeptical at best but hopeful
It only took him a year to see it coming and act on efforts already underway in the previous administration. All Biden did was blindly follow the direction of others. He slow-walked arms that were already in the pipeline and completely fucked up the messaging in the process which had to be corrected and walked back on a daily basis while Boris Johnson was leading the World.
Biden caused both and yes he's too incompetent to do anything about it at this stage.
If Biden caused both then he is literally God because both phenomenon are happening on a global scale. If Biden's actions are raising prices in Japan and Europe we really need to rethink fighting the NWO. I mean clearly it already happened amirite?
It only took him a year to see it coming and act on efforts already underway in the previous administration. All Biden did was blindly follow the direction of others. He slow-walked arms that were already in the pipeline and completely fucked up the messaging in the process which had to be corrected and walked back on a daily basis while Boris Johnson was leading the World.
You mean the efforts that Trump stalled because he needed dirty on Biden that still doesn't appear to exist over two years later? Those efforts? I just want to make sure we are talking about the same efforts.

Biden was well aware of what was going on. There is no reason to believe he blindly followed, at least not any more or less than most other Presidents do. Most of them had no relevant military experience so that's exactly their job. As for the rest, okay he "slow walked" most of us aren't like you. We're not so close to death that World War 3 sounds like fun and really nobody expected Putin to go full out like this. He was supposed to snag some silly area like he did the last two times and then politely go home.
If Biden caused both then he is literally God because both phenomenon are happening on a global scale. If Biden's actions are raising prices in Japan and Europe we really need to rethink fighting the NWO. I mean clearly it already happened amirite?
Biden's massive spending and stimulus caused inflation to rise in the US and in other places where the US Dollar is the reserve currency. Note: High prices aren't necessarily caused by inflation, they are also caused by supply issues that drive up the prices of goods and services against demand. Covid lockdowns created supply chain problems that drove up prices all over the world. Economic sanctions do the same thing in regard to supply and demand, just look at Russia right now.

When Biden shut down oil drilling on day one and reregulated the US energy sector, making it extremely more difficult to produce energy, oil futures prices went through the roof and the price of gasoline began to soar. Why? Because Biden's actions threatened the future petroleum supply causing prices to rise on existing oil and gas against demand. From the day he entered office to the day of the Russian invasion the price of gas in the US went up $1.49 a gallon and is still going up.
You really are one of the most uninformed people on the planet. Biden had nothing to do with inflation. It's a worldwide problem, vettetard.
Is it even possible that you’re serious??

Biden has flubbed just about every single issue that’s come up since he took office.

Afghanistan, all but shutting down the entire oil industry, the southern border chaos, the list just goes on and on. And now this genius has come up with this disinformation review board. This is lunacy on parade.

If what you wrote is truly what you believe then fine. I guess we’ll just have to agree that we disagree. But Biden is a disaster.
Biden's massive spending and stimulus caused inflation to rise in the US and in other places where the US Dollar is the reserve currency. Note: High prices aren't necessarily caused by inflation, they are also caused by supply issues that drive up the prices of goods and services against demand. Covid lockdowns created supply chain problems that drove up prices all over the world. Economic sanctions do the same thing in regard to supply and demand, just look at Russia right now.

When Biden shut down oil drilling on day one and reregulated the US energy sector, making it extremely more difficult to produce energy, oil futures prices went through the roof and the price of gasoline began to soar. Why? Because Biden's actions threatened the future petroleum supply causing prices to rise on existing oil and gas against demand. From the day he entered office to the day of the Russian invasion the price of gas in the US went up $1.49 a gallon and is still going up.
Stimulus spending hasn't caused inflation in the past, there is no real reason to think this is the one time things decided to simply jump off the rails in a bad way. Covid lockdowns to various degrees were global, ours lasted longer than most of Europe but you can lay that at the feet of the Right who literally intentionally spread the disease. Which is why we are 1/6th of the Covid deaths on the planet and we're not even 1/6 the population of China the point of origin as far as anybody can tell at the moment. The sanctions may or may not have hurt, you can never tell that.

Biden shut down some future stuff and opened up a lot more. Also oil companies are sitting on plenty of sites that they refuse to drill on, also we know they are price gauging the hell out of us, there just isn't a whole lot we can do about that fact. If Biden's actions threatened future supply believe me you would have heard every tycoon on the planet howling but no such thing happened.

Yes, gas went up from 'nobody is working and nothing is open' to 'holy shit everybody hit the road at once.' Literally gas prices going up went hand in hand with the economic recovery which was a bit faster and more aggressive than expected. The chart doesn't cover current prices and while they are dropping I haven't checked the current price. Regardless if you think gas prices shot up to their current prices because Biden shut down a tiny bit of drilling and opened up much more. Which believe me, I'm pissed. We're supposed to be moving away from fossil fuels as quickly as we can but Biden like Obama before him is a pussy when it comes to anything environmental. He might occasionally pay lip service to something but there is nothing even resembling a full court press. He could easily put solar panels on the White House and other government buildings.

If Biden caused both then he is literally God because both phenomenon are happening on a global scale. If Biden's actions are raising prices in Japan and Europe we really need to rethink fighting the NWO. I mean clearly it already happened amirite?

You mean the efforts that Trump stalled because he needed dirty on Biden that still doesn't appear to exist over two years later? Those efforts? I just want to make sure we are talking about the same efforts.

Biden was well aware of what was going on. There is no reason to believe he blindly followed, at least not any more or less than most other Presidents do. Most of them had no relevant military experience so that's exactly their job. As for the rest, okay he "slow walked" most of us aren't like you. We're not so close to death that World War 3 sounds like fun and really nobody expected Putin to go full out like this. He was supposed to snag some silly area like he did the last two times and then politely go home.
Biden isn't aware of anything that is going on. Just yesterday he was seen on TV standing on a stage saying, where am I?, what am I doing?
Is it even possible that you’re serious??

Biden has flubbed just about every single issue that’s come up since he took office.

Afghanistan, all but shutting down the entire oil industry, the southern border chaos, the list just goes on and on. And now this genius has come up with this disinformation review board. This is lunacy on parade.

If what you wrote is truly what you believe then fine. I guess we’ll just have to agree that we disagree. But Biden is a disaster.
Afghanistan was a success, he hasn't come close to shutting down the oil industry. They aren't all the way back at their all time high in 2019 but they are not only high, but creeping back up. So that part is just a lie.

The Southern Border is no worse than it was under Trump, just the media coverage has shifted. The list does not go on and on, he's not perfect by any means but to claim he's some unmitigated disaster is just absurd. The disinformation board (while necessary) is something that will do nothing and ultimately will be some honorary position of a guy getting paid to sit at a desk. Probably a real cherry gig where the most you ever have to do is report that this is what is being spread en masse.

There is no agreeing to disagree. This is like agreeing to disagree that dinosaurs are extinct or that Thanos' snap eradicated half the universe in a movie. Covid is real and is not caused by a purple people eater with a fancy glove.
After the debacle of Donald Trump, Joe Biden is doing just fine. The economy is doing just fine too despite the lying backbiting of Trumpers.
Afghanistan was a success,
This is the kind of intellectual regression that has to take place in the defense of Joe Biden's foreign policy decisions. You have to be a complete idiot to believe it and ignorant of his 50 years of error in the field.
This is the kind of intellectual regression that has to take place in the defense of Joe Biden's foreign policy decisions. You have to be a complete idiot to believe it and ignorant of his 50 years of error in the field.
I asked all the great military minds on this forum exactly how they would remove every American citizen from Afghanistan. Nobody had a better idea than the Biden exit plan.
Is it even possible that you’re serious??

Biden has flubbed just about every single issue that’s come up since he took office.

Afghanistan, all but shutting down the entire oil industry, the southern border chaos, the list just goes on and on. And now this genius has come up with this disinformation review board. This is lunacy on parade.

If what you wrote is truly what you believe then fine. I guess we’ll just have to agree that we disagree. But Biden is a disaster.
That's all fine and good but inflation, the topic, wasn't his fault. If that were the case, he'd be at fault for every other country's inflation. Maybe if the RWCJ oil baron cronies weren't ripping us off, the inflation would be more manageable.
Biden isn't aware of anything that is going on. Just yesterday he was seen on TV standing on a stage saying, where am I?, what am I doing?
No he wasn't. Why do you lie like a fucking rug comrade? He couldn't remember the second port which is probably port (I can't pronounce it well enough to even google it with all the stupid silent letters) but yeah he should have memorized that. He was at no point confused about his location, just wondering why he was struggling to remember a name. Holy fuck you're dishonest.

Worth noting that while due to inflation real wages are "down" that doesn't give any context as to compared to when exactly. Cus they are way down since 2009 by that standard and will not go up in real terms until we increase the minimum wage. If we refuse to do that we should give praise for what is accomplished.

This is the kind of intellectual regression that has to take place in the defense of Joe Biden's foreign policy decisions. You have to be a complete idiot to believe it and ignorant of his 50 years of error in the field.

While his foreign policy needs help. We should for example be working with Venezuela and Cuba for that matter but he's a pussy. We all acknowledge that. However the end of the Afghanistan War was a good thing with acceptable casualties.
Afghanistan was a monumental case of “ FUBAR”. He adandonded Americans and Afgahani allies over there. Hundreds of them. Not to mention abandoning literally millions of $$$ in military equipment, vehicles, aircraft, and electronic equipment which by itself alone will give up codes and security measures to the Taliban.

As for your comment about not shutting down the oil industry, my goodness. What are you paying at the pump now pal? Under Trump we were a net oil exporter. In his first year Biden tied up the oil leases in red tape so virtually all drilling ceased. Now, Biden is going around to OPEC, hat in hand asking them to increase production because we are importing oil again. Just so you understand,,, there’s a oil shortage and it’s because we’re prohibited from refining our own oil. Thus we have to buy it on the world market

And the southern border, for you to say it’s no worse now than it was under Trump is just laughable. Even the most liberal counts of illegals crossing over admit the current influx is up over 200% from when Trump was in office. I mean,, Biden is loading these illegals up into planes in the dead of night and flying them all over the country trying to disperse them and not overload the border states.

You’re entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts.
That's all fine and good but inflation, the topic, wasn't his fault. If that were the case, he'd be at fault for every other country's inflation. Maybe if the RWCJ oil baron cronies weren't ripping us off, the inflation would be more manageable.
Good point and to a certain degree I agree with you.


There’s always a but isn’t there.

If you think it through, a rise in energy is going to adversely affect the price of everything else. Any product that’s made uses energy during the manufacturing process. And once the product is made, energy is what gets it to market, and on and on.

I had this discussion with my son the other night and he made the point that if you wanted to destroy a nations economy the point to attack is it’s energy sources and the infrastructure related to it.

He was right.

But don’t tell him I said that.

Now I agree with you regarding the overall inflationary factors that are not related to the price of oil. Much of that can’t be laid at Biden’s feet. The war in Ukraine for example. But I hold that the vast majority of the pain in the US is related to the energy / oil issue.

Good point though.
Afghanistan was a monumental case of “ FUBAR”. He adandonded Americans and Afgahani allies over there. Hundreds of them. Not to mention abandoning literally millions of $$$ in military equipment, vehicles, aircraft, and electronic equipment which by itself alone will give up codes and security measures to the Taliban.

As for your comment about not shutting down the oil industry, my goodness. What are you paying at the pump now pal? Under Trump we were a net oil exporter. In his first year Biden tied up the oil leases in red tape so virtually all drilling ceased. Now, Biden is going around to OPEC, hat in hand asking them to increase production because we are importing oil again. Just so you understand,,, there’s a oil shortage and it’s because we’re prohibited from refining our own oil. Thus we have to buy it on the world market

And the southern border, for you to say it’s no worse now than it was under Trump is just laughable. Even the most liberal counts of illegals crossing over admit the current influx is up over 200% from when Trump was in office. I mean,, Biden is loading these illegals up into planes in the dead of night and flying them all over the country trying to disperse them and not overload the border states.

You’re entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts.

Yeah, he left twelve behind. Acceptable. Losses. Not hundreds. Twelve. You have no idea what equipment was left behind but we know it was all decommissioned. Perhaps repairable but who cares?

Yes, we are net importer again right now, which is normal for us. We are still the largest producer on the planet its just a matter of economics.

Show your work about the influx being up 200% cus that doesn't even remotely pass the sniff test.
Trump pulled US forces out of northern Syria, abandoning Kurdish allies and allowing Russian troop to move into US bases.
But not all the US forces. Some remained to secure the oil fields.
Oil fields, not allies.