Biden just gave Ukraine permission to use American weapons to attack Russian

Should have done it immediately.


In the beginning, no one knew how committed the Ukrainians ACTUALLY were to western style democracy and fighting for their sovereignty.

As it became more and more apparent that Ukraine HAD committed to a path that led away from Putin and Russia, the U.S. / Western democracies provided consistent, well measured, and regularly adjusted (increased) assistance / support…UNTIL the corrupt orange traitor and the "republican” traitors blocked suppprt for SIX MONTHS. And, tragically, that delay allowed / emboldened Putin and Russia to attack towards Kharkiv.


This new Russian attack towards Kharkiv, with the supply bases for the assault claiming "sanctuary" in Russia, demanded an adjustment in strategy: The timing was right / appropriate for the greenlighting of Ukrainian attacks inside Russia using western weapons. (imho).


Slava Ukraini!!!


So if Biden and NATO allow attacks into Russia

Why are they against attacks by Israel against Hamas in Gaza?
No it isn't.

Russia already declared war with our ally. We're helping them defend themselves.
He is making us a legitimate military target. Our methods of delivery, our stock storage areas in Ukraine and across borders in Europe and elsewhere. Supply lines and logistical capability are legitimate targets in war. The Ukrainians want us to be dragged into their war because they have failed and cannot raise sufficient forces to continue the fight. If this thing escalates we could face defeat.
He is making us a legitimate military target.
Yes, Putin is trying to do that.

Our methods of delivery, our stock storage areas in Ukraine and across borders in Europe and elsewhere. Supply lines and logistical capability are legitimate targets in war. The Ukrainians want us to be dragged into their war because they have failed and cannot raise sufficient forces to continue the fight. If this thing escalates we could face defeat.
The Ukranians are defending themselves against invaders and asking for help.
He is making us a legitimate military target. Our methods of delivery, our stock storage areas in Ukraine and across borders in Europe and elsewhere. Supply lines and logistical capability are legitimate targets in war. The Ukrainians want us to be dragged into their war because they have failed and cannot raise sufficient forces to continue the fight. If this thing escalates we could face defeat.

So back off and let Putin win? Where will that end?

You’re an anti-democracy shill for oligarchs and your own personal interests. Who pays you for your propaganda? Is it just in your nature to be a traitor to your country and the interest of its citizens?