Biden just endorsed a law that endangers 57 million jobs


Literotica Guru
Apr 24, 2011
With the rise of gig economy jobs such as driving for Uber and other forms of independent work enabled by the digital era, more than 57 million Americans now work as freelancers in some capacity. But President Biden just endorsed a radical labor law that endangers their livelihood.

House Democrats recently reintroduced the PRO Act, which, among many sweeping reforms, would make many commonplace forms of independent contractor (freelance) arrangements illegal. It’s based on a California law that was so dysfunctional even voters in the very blue state voted to change it.

“The Administration strongly encourages the House to pass [the PRO Act] and looks forward to working with the Congress to enact this critical legislation that safeguards workers’ rights to organize and bargain collectively,” the White House said in a statement on Monday. “The PRO Act will strengthen our democracy and advance dignity in the workplace.”

Far from “advancing dignity,” in reality, this law would strip millions of their income.
Unions lead to better pay, affordable health care and better retirement packages amongst other things.

Worker's rights to organize have been dismantled over the past several decades. This has led to unsafe working conditions and no recourse to demand better pay and benefits. Not only our worker's rights have been stripped from us but our civil rights too. Glad to see some affirmative action being put into practice. :)

So what about freelancers?

What about choice?
Unions lead to better pay, affordable health care and better retirement packages amongst other things.

Worker's rights to organize have been dismantled over the past several decades. This has led to unsafe working conditions and no recourse to demand better pay and benefits. Not only our worker's rights have been stripped from us but our civil rights too. Glad to see some affirmative action being put into practice. :)

What civil rights have americans been stripped of by being work?

Lol....that has to be one of the most insane things I've herd in a long time.
So what about freelancers?

What about choice?

Are you implying Union's harm freelancers or employment choices?

If you are, I would like to see your logic as to how that is.

I am not, nor have I ever been a Union member. I am very well aware of how important the Unions have been in gaining and protecting works rights, and leading the drive to fair wages and working conditions.
Unions lead to better pay, affordable health care and better retirement packages amongst other things.

Worker's rights to organize have been dismantled over the past several decades. This has led to unsafe working conditions and no recourse to demand better pay and benefits. Not only our worker's rights have been stripped from us but our civil rights too. Glad to see some affirmative action being put into practice. :)

And yet the powerful teachers unions destroy our youth.
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Sorry, right wing news is not proof of teachers unions "destroying" youth. Nor would it be proof if it was from left leaning news.

Proof is a study showing what you claim using a scientific method of comparison between Union and non Union teachers.

Frankly, you could not pay me enough to be a teacher in an US school. You live in a society where you need to have armed security in schools, have the students pass through metal detectors to enter. I could go on and on about the realities of the risk teachers face in the US but why bother. You seem fully aware, and actually support it.

Hell you should be thankful for Teachers willing to even stand up in front and teach.
Sorry, right wing news is not proof of teachers unions "destroying" youth. Nor would it be proof if it was from left leaning news.

Proof is a study showing what you claim using a scientific method of comparison between Union and non Union teachers.

Frankly, you could not pay me enough to be a teacher in an US school. You live in a society where you need to have armed security in schools, have the students pass through metal detectors to enter. I could go on and on about the realities of the risk teachers face in the US but why bother. You seem fully aware, and actually support it.

Hell you should be thankful for Teachers willing to even stand up in front and teach.

CDC guideline **put kids back in school** Teachers unions **NO!!!** end of conversation!
Did you read any of the articles?

He never does. Teachers' unions have been a major league bogeyman for Republicans for so long they mostly don't even remember why they hated them in the first place.

And I, too, would like to hear how unions are detrimental to "choice", unless you mean the choice to be a freeloader and get things like better pay, safer conditions etc without joining the union. I'm perfectly fine with that choice being taken off the table!