Biden a Communist?


Literotica Guru
Jun 4, 2021
I see him called that on this board now and then. No idea where that comes from. Even the most provocative, to the RW, of his appointees are visibly less interested in socialism in any economic sense than in embracing the woke side of culture-war issues. Which does not always even align with Communism -- e.g., both Russian and Chinese Communism have always been overtly hostile to homosexuality, classifying it as "bourgeois decadence" or something neurotic.
You know as well as I, the right has been branding everything they don't like "communistic" since before any of us were born. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the real meaning of the word.
You know as well as I, the right has been branding everything they don't like "communistic" since before any of us were born. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the real meaning of the word.
I know, but this particular instance seems especially insane. Biden is about as far as you can get from Communism and still be to the left of CPAC. His politics are indistinguishable from Bill Clinton's. During the Clinton Admin I once did see a bumper sticker that said "CLINTON FOR CHANGE," with both "C"'s rendered as hammers-and-sickles, but that kind of thing never got above the bumper sticker level -- one would not have seen any RW seriously taking that position on this board if it had existed in '90s. The derangement about Obama was rather different, and more strident and fiercer, for obvious reasons, even though Obama's politics were also indistinguishable from Clinton's. But Biden is extremely white.
As I've posted, the Republican Swiftboating technique starts with the goal of smearing an opponent and then working something (or several things) up from there. Of course you can tell that they are afraid of someone by the very fact that they open up Swiftboating campaigns on them.
It's all about negative labeling. Some of the worst words to be associated with are commie, Nazi and pedo.
If Marx and Hitler could agree on nothing else, they would want us to fuck children! Pedos of the world unite! MAP heil!
As I've posted, the Republican Swiftboating technique starts with the goal of smearing an opponent and then working something (or several things) up from there. Of course you can tell that they are afraid of someone by the very fact that they open up Swiftboating campaigns on them.
The essence of Swiftboating as Karl Rove conceived it is to attack your opponent's strongest point. Kerry served in Vietnam and W didn't, so, in the runup to a wartime election where that obviously mattered, their propaganda aimed at trivializing Kerry's war record.

Biden's strongest point, apart from not being Trump, is his common-man appeal -- so they call him a Commie.
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If you want to look like a Communist, wear a bill cap, like laborers do, in the color of the flag of the Soviet Union.
If you want to look like a Communist, wear a bill cap, like laborers do, in the color of the flag of the Soviet Union.
With an acronym for a catchy slogan! Like, "Make Anarcho-Syndicalism Great Again!"
If you want to look like a Communist, wear a bill cap, like laborers do, in the color of the flag of the Soviet Union.
Or you could just look at Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump's espionage controller. He was an actual card-carrying communist.
I see him called that on this board now and then. No idea where that comes from. Even the most provocative, to the RW, of his appointees are visibly less interested in socialism in any economic sense than in embracing the woke side of culture-war issues. Which does not always even align with Communism -- e.g., both Russian and Chinese Communism have always been overtly hostile to homosexuality, classifying it as "bourgeois decadence" or something neurotic.
Socialism is Communism it's only a matter of degree. Biden is acting in a totalitarian as are agencies of the US government. They have the Post Office surveilling social media and maintaining a database, which is totally outside their jurisdiction. We now have the CIA spying on the American people which violates their charter. The FBI and the DOJ have been politically weaponized against enemies of the Democrat party and it maintains a two-tiered justice system when evaluating Republicans and Democrats. The Biden administration lies to the American people as a matter of policy and it nurtures a relationship with a corrupted media that routinely promotes its lies as truth to the American people which is now perceived as pure propaganda. All of these conditions are typical of Third World Communism, only here it has a fancy new name, Progressivism.
Socialism is Communism it's only a matter of degree. Biden is acting in a totalitarian as are agencies of the US government. They have the Post Office surveilling social media and maintaining a database, which is totally outside their jurisdiction. We now have the CIA spying on the American people which violates their charter. The FBI and the DOJ have been politically weaponized against enemies of the Democrat party and it maintains a two-tiered justice system when evaluating Republicans and Democrats. The Biden administration lies to the American people as a matter of policy and it nurtures a relationship with a corrupted media that routinely promotes its lies as truth to the American people which is now perceived as pure propaganda. All of these conditions are typical of Third World Communism, only here it has a fancy new name, Progressivism.
Who hurt your feelings more:
  1. Obama
  2. Hillary
  3. Biden
    All of the above
Socialism is Communism it's only a matter of degree. Biden is acting in a totalitarian as are agencies of the US government. They have the Post Office surveilling social media and maintaining a database, which is totally outside their jurisdiction. We now have the CIA spying on the American people which violates their charter. The FBI and the DOJ have been politically weaponized against enemies of the Democrat party and it maintains a two-tiered justice system when evaluating Republicans and Democrats. The Biden administration lies to the American people as a matter of policy and it nurtures a relationship with a corrupted media that routinely promotes its lies as truth to the American people which is now perceived as pure propaganda. All of these conditions are typical of Third World Communism, only here it has a fancy new name, Progressivism.
Is there a true statement in here at all? I don’t see one.
You know as well as I, the right has been branding everything they don't like "communistic" since before any of us were born. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the real meaning of the word.
Just like the left calls those who draw attention to the disappointments of the civil rights movement a racist, without discussing the disappointments.
Socialism is Communism it's only a matter of degree.
This is known as the Guilt by Association Fallacy. In this fallacy one associates what one personally dislikes with that is generally disliked. There never has been the slightest danger of a Communist dictatorship in the United States. Nevertheless conservatives have used the fear of Communism to slander the democratic left in the United States.
It's all about negative labeling. Some of the worst words to be associated with are commie, Nazi and pedo.
And racist. Anyone who draws attention to the high black crime rate is dismissed as a racist, unless he blames white racism for the high black crime rate.
Socialism is Communism it's only a matter of degree.
Wrong. But then no one here expected you to know the difference or even the real definition of either word.
Just like the left calls those who draw attention to the disappointments of the civil rights movement a racist, without discussing the disappointments.
I won't deny that some on the left are too trigger happy with that accusation, but that does not absolve you of the breathtakingly racist comments you post in here on a regular basis.
And racist. Anyone who draws attention to the high black crime rate is dismissed as a racist, unless he blames white racism for the high black crime rate.
White racism isn't the only reason, but it's absurd to argue it's not one reason.
White racism isn't the only reason, but it's absurd to argue it's not one reason.
If white racism is responsible for the high rate of black crime, why has the black crime rate risen since 1963?
I won't deny that some on the left are too trigger happy with that accusation, but that does not absolve you of the breathtakingly racist comments you post in here on a regular basis.
My speculations about the evolutionary reasons for high rates of black crime and illegitimacy and low average IQ's await further research for validation. High rates of black crime and illegitimacy, and low average IQ's are easy to verify, and I have done that.
You know as well as I, the right has been branding everything they don't like "communistic" since before any of us were born. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the real meaning of the word.
This is one reason I get so disgusted trying to have even a moderately intellectual conversation with the various Bud Spencer and Rightguide usernames, or with some people face to face- "Socialism" to these people has been re-defined as anything that isn't social darwinist, far-right extremist in ideology, or it's used to brand any idea that did not originate from a conservative Republican (regardless of what it relates to.

How, for example, does teaching that racism is wrong have anything to do with "Socialism?"

I have no patience with such stupidity. No elected officials in the U.S., save perhaps one or two far-left extremists, are arguing for the State to take over all private buisnesses, utilities, and farms. Though, oddly, some states, such as Idaho, own and operates all liquor dispensaries within the state. That really IS socialist by definition- yet you don't see any right wingers condemning THAT practice at all (in fact many will actually support it!)
If white racism is responsible for the high rate of black crime, why has the black crime rate risen since 1963?
It probably hasn't. Certain things were just a lot easier to sweep under the rug back then.

My speculations about the evolutionary reasons for high rates of black crime and illegitimacy and low average IQ's await further research for validation. High rates of black crime and illegitimacy, and low average IQ's are easy to verify, and I have done that.
No, you haven't. What you have done is regurgitated some racist junk science that's been widely discredited. What I can't figure out is why you feel the need to do that when you're otherwise a pretty reasonable person.
It probably hasn't. Certain things were just a lot easier to sweep under the rug back then.

No, you haven't. What you have done is regurgitated some racist junk science that's been widely discredited. What I can't figure out is why you feel the need to do that when you're otherwise a pretty reasonable person.
Hereditarianism and race realism have been loudly condemned, but not discredited. They explain durable average racial differences and the dogma, "Race is only a social construct" does not. They explain why giving blacks equal rights has exacerbated black social pathology. The only reasons my opinions may startle some people is because they have been suppressed for nearly two generations. I am always reasonable, even when my opinions are unpopular. That is why I do not feel the need to resort to name calling and insults. I know that I am right, and I know that most of those who flame me know it too. They just wish I would shut up.
I don't think he's a communist (not that such is a real thing post-1975). I do think he's a bumbling imbecile who has made it through life by being amiable, folksy, and a good story-teller.

Corn Pop was a bad dude!
And racist. Anyone who draws attention to the high black crime rate is dismissed as a racist, unless he blames white racism for the high black crime rate.
Maybe you can post the differences between the platforms of the CPUSA and the Democrat Party.