Better tasting semen?

Who Cums Up With This Ad Copy? It's Hilarious!

Two Years of Research later... Yummy Cum!

Knowing what we eat can affect how we taste, we took this fact and researched the hell out of it for over a year beginning, appropriately, with the ancient phallic-worshipping religions in which semen drinking was revered. After all, if dietary considerations can negatively affect semen taste, it stands to reason that there must be some combination and concentration of ingredients that could actually make cum taste good - and who better to have perhaps discovered such than cum-loving pagans?.

While initial results were disappointing we persevered, tirelessly trying new ingredients and combinations as our lovely female taste-testers drank us down day after day, month after month (we're sure you're all exhausted just hearing about it). Finally, almost a year later, our lovely ladies began to actually smile at the increasingly tasty results -- much to our mutual delight!

After an additional year of formula tweaking and market testing with 27 local (and very willing) couples, we finally locked in the optimal formulation that is now quite literally making huge waves in the Media, nationally and internationally.
I remember Opie and Anthony having to advertise something called "Sweet Release", which was a supplement to make both guys and girls taste better. women tasted like citrus, and i remember Opie having to say something like "and men taste like a refreshingly crisp apple" or something that seemed WICKED gay. No knocks on any gay people, but it made Op seem as if he was. the commercial went something like

Opie: Hey Anth, lets talk about S-E-X!

it just sounded HORRIBLE
LustrusStorm said:
If men only eat fruit their semen is sweet heh heh

Actually, you don't have to only eat fruit!

If you have a glass of pineapple juice will be delicious!! :p
Eagle70 said:
i remember Opie having to say something like "and men taste like a refreshingly crisp apple"

I'll never look at bobbing for apples the same way. :)
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I have heard that pineapple is the thing.

Guys, we have to eat or drink lots of pineapple juice and thats the ticket :D
Yeah, I heard that most citrus drinks will do, but pineapple works the best.

Coffee and tea are bad, so are vegetables like broccoli and asparagus.
Water men! Drink lots of water. I love having men cum in my mouth, but men who drink plenty of water have the best tasting semen. :D

Bob_Bytchin said:
Yeah, I heard that most citrus drinks will do, but pineapple works the best.

Coffee and tea are bad, so are vegetables like broccoli and asparagus.

I hate to tell you....but alcohol is bad too!

Just have a rum and pineapple juice!
SpiceCake said:
Water men! Drink lots of water. I love having men cum in my mouth, but men who drink plenty of water have the best tasting semen. :D


Have I ever told you, I drink lots and lots of water? I go through a gallon and a half a day easy.
I had taps installed with my vasectomy for Classic, Diet, CaffeineFree, Citrus and....cumming soon...Vanilla!

If I go to a bar and order a pinapple juice I might get lucky?

As for the product linked to, can I get it at the drive thru? And if so, super size it please!
Lancecastor said:
I had taps installed with my vasectomy for Classic, Diet, CaffeineFree, Citrus and....cumming soon...Vanilla!

The CaffeineFree would be a great option for late night cum consumption. Very thoughtful of you, babe.