Best son mother rape story

I came in here hoping to get some good ideas on how to rape my mom, and lo and behold, find out you are dating?! Does this mean you're suddenly single?

*clears my throat*

Well, hello, I'm The Douche.

DOUCHE! How ya doin', you fuckwit smartass you! You disappeared! Yes, I'm single. Yes, I'm dating. Yes, I'm having fun :) Lots of changes, but I'm doing just fine.

I know it's wrong, but that made me laugh.

x2. I chortle snorted.

I too lol'd.

I wish Sinny would stop this brazen hussy attempt to make me hyper-jealous.

She's acting like she needs to be deep fucked.:mad:

Rawr :D

Back away from my wife! :mad:

Unless you want to make it a threesome. ;)

Oh, hey Sin sin. We were just talking about you.:cool:

I'm glad I took down the cock shot. It would have been pure chaos in here.

Well, it's a very good thing I have those 709 cock shots you sent me via PM then. ;)

Guy 1: I texted with him today before work. He said he may not be able to get beyond his food phobias. I am starting to wonder whether OCD might be an issue. I will be tuned to it, if it is there.

Guy 2: I texted him today in between meetings. I told him I was concerned about escalating the physical contact and he called me within two seconds completely apologetic and wanting to know what he said or did that made me concerned. (It was an email exchange about how much he wanted to ravage me..... was stunningly hot, but also really aggressive the way he described manhandling me). I was blown away with his concern and also that he was so responsive in wanting to know how to 1) fix it and 2) talk about it immediately. We had a talk about it and set some boundaries that fall well within my comfort level. I feel a lot better about Saturday. This guy is seriously emotionally cued in, or at least is good at giving that impression. We shall see. I am actually a lot more excited now that I know he responded perfectly to me setting some boundaries.

He sounds Dom.

I am not Web camming my dates!! Period.

UPDATE: Guy 2 sent me a super long email detailing his enthusiasm, and he wrote it in a really astute/funny/brilliant way. I think we've got a connection here, people.

Meanwhile, Guy 1, the Korean food hater remains a Korean food hater. I just don't know how much I can groove on someone who doesn't love banchan and bulgogi and soon dubu, Zumi. Ugh. He also disclosed that he doesn't like cheese. Other than Kraft macaroni and cheese. AND HE IS 43!!!

The turn this thread took is making me laugh me arse off.

Anyone who doesn't like cheese has issues. Just sayin'

So if I were to trip and my dick fell into your mouth, it's all good?:)


This made me LOL

Yes....and bar.:)

Can I come? :)
If I get even ONE PM, now that you've let the cat out of the bag, from Killswitch's alts, I'm going to be mad.

Heh. My work here is done.

He sounds Dom.

Anyone who doesn't like cheese has issues. Just sayin'

This made me LOL

Can I come? :)

I want to come, too! Also, he is VERY dom. VERY. We had a discussion about it last night before I went to bed. I feel like he's a bit of a predator and he's really not used to women saying no to him, blah blah.
I'm currently married to a German/Canadian/Texan.

You're not going to get me drunk on tequila and try to re-circumcise me, are you?


Only if you say "please"

Heh. My work here is done.

I want to come, too! Also, he is VERY dom. VERY. We had a discussion about it last night before I went to bed. I feel like he's a bit of a predator and he's really not used to women saying no to him, blah blah.

I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Dom Men. Not fake-wanna-be-Doms, but real, bona-fide, non-chest pounding Doms. They make my panties wet. I have a finely tuned Dom-Dar. I can pick up the vibe in a 10 minute conversation. True Story!
Morning-after analysis!

Guy 1: I had a decent time. Had a wonderful glass of wine. His eyes were buried in my cleavage for half the night. Lori, you're right. He's so inflexible. Not very adventurous. Has never traveled away from here, doesn't have any interest in exploring things (food, terrain). He's inquisitive, but surprisingly flat. We have no future.

Guy 2, later today: We have texted and talked much the last day or so. I'm convinced he's completely dominant, aggressive, and is not accustomed to women saying no or putting the brakes on things, setting boundaries. I have been half tempted to cancel because he is just so damn aggressive (do I really need that aggravation right now???), but I think I'd regret if I just didn't see what was there. He suggested a really wonderful high-end restaurant. I'm meeting him there early evening. I didn't shave my legs (or anything else). Heh. No temptation.
Well, sad to say I'm not surprised about Date #1.
Always remember, though, even if there's no romantic sparks on this dating adventure, you might just make a few good friends...which is not a bad thing!


Good Luck tonight.

And if you don't want #2, give him my number. :devil:

Last night I went to a Poker Game at 5. Half of my group, half of a group of STRANGERS we haven't played with before (well one of the guys knows one of the guys, etc & so on)...

Playing with new people is so different, have to learn their styles. It was a lotta fun, I came in *cough*fourth*cough*

Then, onto a Superbowl Party (complete with Karaoke). A dude who is from Milwaukee and now lives here writes a pretty popular blog & is a drinking buddy of mine, he hosted the party at a local bar. I sang "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac.

Got flirted with by a guy in his (I'd have to guess?) late 50's, who'd flown in to Dallas to just be here for the game. Nice enough but I wasn't in the mood to be flirted with....just in the mood to hang with friends.

Tonight I'm not sure if I'm going out. I slept funny or something and my lower back hurts. :( But knowing me, I'll decide a drink or three may be just what my back needs to feel better. ;)

I CAN NOT WAIT to hear how things go with #2!!!
Well, sad to say I'm not surprised about Date #1.
Always remember, though, even if there's no romantic sparks on this dating adventure, you might just make a few good friends...which is not a bad thing!


Good Luck tonight.

And if you don't want #2, give him my number. :devil:

Last night I went to a Poker Game at 5. Half of my group, half of a group of STRANGERS we haven't played with before (well one of the guys knows one of the guys, etc & so on)...

Playing with new people is so different, have to learn their styles. It was a lotta fun, I came in *cough*fourth*cough*

Then, onto a Superbowl Party (complete with Karaoke). A dude who is from Milwaukee and now lives here writes a pretty popular blog & is a drinking buddy of mine, he hosted the party at a local bar. I sang "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac.

Got flirted with by a guy in his (I'd have to guess?) late 50's, who'd flown in to Dallas to just be here for the game. Nice enough but I wasn't in the mood to be flirted with....just in the mood to hang with friends.

Tonight I'm not sure if I'm going out. I slept funny or something and my lower back hurts. :( But knowing me, I'll decide a drink or three may be just what my back needs to feel better. ;)

I CAN NOT WAIT to hear how things go with #2!!!

When I get to DFW, don't forget you have to teach me how to play poker. And I want to learn dirty tricks poker. Because I want to win and shit :) Congrats on fourth place!

I'm emailing with Guy 2 right now. He is trying to convince me to go to his place after the restaurant, which strategically is, ahem, a few blocks from his house, I just learned. Plot thickens. Heh. If it doesn't work out, I"ll send your contact info to him ;)

Guy 1 is such a sweet man, I can see us hanging out. I just think the spark was lacking for me. And maybe for him, too. He did keep glancing at my tits, and kissed me at the end of the night and did the full body press, but otherwise, he didn't touch me the entire night.