Best place in the world for being gay ?


Really Experienced
Feb 22, 2011
Based on your own experiences and research, what would you say is the best place in the world for being gay? Things to consider are tolerance of the people, friendly laws (or at least the absence of unfriendly laws), and generally an open minded and liberal outlook of society.

Of the top of my head, I would say Brazil is the strongest contender.

mmm... no... this wasn't quite the conversation i had in mind ...

A pretty good one though I think. My ass is a better answer, and my mouth, especially down my throat, would be an alternative.
A pretty good one though I think. My ass is a better answer, and my mouth, especially down my throat, would be an alternative.

no, yeah, of course, a good conversation for any time or place. one of my favorite ones, actually :wink:
I have never been to Brazil.

Some great places that I have been to and find very welcoming: SF, Palm Springs, Provencetown (and greater Boston, 'cause I live here), Portsmouth NH, Southern Maine coast, Key West, Washington DC, Vermont, Montreal, Toronto.
I can agree with all those places gayTopher mentioned! Although I did have a guy snark at me in Key West for my "Girls Marry Girls. Get Over It." shirt. He was all "I think you people are fine but that shirt is hurting your cause." I was so surprised I couldn't even tell him to fuck off.
I had a lot of fun in Sydney. Very adult, liberal, open minded and gay friendly city. And I didn't even know until I got there!
San Francisco CA is a very gay friendly town. Also they have a Hookers Ball every year too.