Best Obummer Bashing film EVA


Fuck Your Safe Space
Jun 28, 2012
Enjoy a 22 min flick about Obummers lack of respect for our operators who make sure we sleep safe and secure at night, putting them at risk for a political circle jerk. In case any of you twats wonder why he is so despised by our military folks this reason is prob in the top 3 of most service/ex service members "Shit I hate Obummer for" list. It's not b/c he killed's because he was a fucking asshole about it.
It must really suck to have wars end.

This is already the bloodiest month of 2012 in Afghanistan...

But there's a different standard for Obama than Bush.

We don't run to the presses withe the daily


Hope and Chains 2012!
Hey numbnuts, here's why Bush didn't set the fucking timeline you advocates for defeat kept screaming for...

Whatever the source of the increasing attacks, there’s no denying they place a nerve-wracking strain on our troops. They’re already fighting an insurgency war, meaning the enemy doesn’t wear uniforms, he hides among civilians, local populations can be distrustful and even hostile, and our soldiers never know when or from where an attack will materialize. The psychological and morale ramifications of that type of warfare are incalculable. Now add to that attacks from within the ranks of security forces we’re supporting and training, and the stress become intolerable. “Get the rest of those boys out of there,” Gregory Buckley, father of a recently killed Marine, told the New York Daily News.

That heart-felt cry deserves a response from our political leaders.

President Barack Obama should acknowledge the realities of Afghanistan and the problems with his strategy of a telegraphed withdrawal plan. If he and his military advisers don’t have an alternative, an accelerated troop withdrawal is the only answer.