Best friends try stranger sex before getting together at a friends party?

Aug 12, 2022
Hi all,

I'm looking for a story I read a long time ago. I remember a fair amount of details, but nothing that seems to get me anywhere in searches...

Two friends (m/f), can talk about almost everything and wander onto the topic of sex. The girl confesses she's always wanted to hook up with a total stranger but has been too afraid to do it. They go to this speed dating type event where people then get partnered up to go have sex (the guy ends up with a shy busty girl). A while later they're at a friend's party and a card game involving sex stuff comes out. It culminates in the two friends finally having sex together while being directed by the host of the party (who is very happy that this is FINALLY happening) as everyone else watches on. The girl borrows her friend's diaphragm so they can do it without a condom and the guy can come in her and they end up having a rather explosive orgasm together at the end while basically yelling 'I love you' at each other.

I appreciate the help, and if you read this story I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! And thank you to whoever wrote it!!!