Best friends brought together by a failed marriage...story brainstorm


Really Experienced
Jan 3, 2011
So I have this idea for a story that goes as follows:

Guy and girl are best friends since childhood and never really noticed each other sexually until the guy gets engaged - the fiancee is extremely religious and hates the guy's best friend.

After they get married, things get worse - she turns even more crazy and refuses to have sex with him. After a couple of months of this, the guy gets fed up and moves out - and goes to stay with his best friend.

At that point, he realizes that he overlooked his best friend for years and that she's been attracted to him. The guy sees his best friend in a new light, they have wild, steamy sex, he annuls his marriage, and he starts seeing his best friend.

Not sure if it's too cookie-cutter, if I could put a different spin on it, or if it would work for this audience. I could take this formula and go a few different ways with it. I haven't written very many stories here, but my specialty is interracial and I dabble in lesbian...I could make the protagonist female, the frigid spouse a guy, and the best friend a lesbian...

Love to hear some feedback on this.
I wouldn't call this cookie-cutter...

Actually I think your synopsis is pretty good.
Cookie cutter may be overstating it but it could use a bit more detail IMO

I, as a reader, would question a few things (and I may be more overcritical than most as I tend to dislike much on here but deeply love what I find thats exceptional in my eyes)

How do boy/girl BEST friends not have any notions sex or even its possibility since they are of opposite sexes? Be careful of the age limit here but I know I was well aware of all my female friends, even the non-inner circle ones. A "bestie" but the thought never crossed my mind even on a lark? Personally, I find it difficult to impossible to conceive

No matter how badly a woman may want a man (and what events took place that shes now nuts for a guy she shelved for years? And did it happen DURING his marriage? Odd) I can't' believe shed skip over the being chased. Yes, Im sure a wicked good writer could pull off a plausible way but I think if the bulk of submissions here are any indication, the likelyhood/probabilty of true success sticking to this path would be single digit percentages

Maybe its just me but a girl invites me over for a night Im pretty sure Im doing well. Come live with me til you get back on your feet? I won't have to clean a dish or do my own laundry thats for sure :p (again, in my world, the women DEMAND chase, the men do so. Take out that dynamic and its bordering on "man, this is just too damn easy")

Lovers together is fine but a little too tidy. The wife is crazy right, she needs to bring conflict. Also, why is best friend okay with this situation? Doesnt it reek of rebound? Is she so convinced of her specialness that doubts dont creep in?

As far as substitutions, I dont think the broader classifications so much matter (they can be all men, all women (in certain same sex marriage states, of course) mix of both, black, white, gay, straight, whatever you like and will inspire you to keep plugging.

Depth is what you are lacking. What I like to do is flesh out the character that inspired me most as much as I can. Not in the story yet, but on a character sheet. I go WAY overboard.

Then when Ive got her/him living and breathing, I work on who they are to influence the most and build them not only as a standalone, but as a wrap around the first person. Why? Well, if these people are going to go through hell and back (conflict we introduce) they are damn well going to be MASSIVELY influenced by their "other 1/2" or they wouldnt bother.

You can grow this seed. You can grow any seed really. I am the type who is willing to sing to flowers to get them to bloom to their fullest. The more you make your characters real people, the more you love them. More you love them, the easier the tending of their garden. And I think people respond to that. Every great story on here has people you feel you know intimately or would at least want to. If you aint got that, youve usually got stroke material. Perfectly acceptable pastime but not as interesting as truly great erotica.
The above was VERY overly basic on purpose - of course a story would have plenty more detail.

I'm thinking of framing the conflict largely as race and religion (the wife is something of a racist and belongs to a very rigid church; the best friend, since I am writing the story after all, is a curvy black woman who belongs to a church the wife's church condemns.)

As for how the husband and his best friend don't notice each other, they're best friends since childhood, and while the best friend notices him, she says nothing because she doesn't want to risk their friendship and he has such strong blinders on. There are hints, of course, but the husband acts almost in-the-dark until after his marriage falls apart. Her beauty and charm is something he only hears about from others.

There are hints along the way - the best friend gives a wedding speech that indicates she wants to fuck him, but he takes it as a big joke and the audience laughs while the wife scowls. However, after his wife refuses to have sex with him, the husband hears his friend's speech over and over in his head, and after continual refusals, he starts to see her speech not as a joke but as a sign she's into him. Women may demand chase - in this case, SHE is the one doing the chasing, probably because she has to (That and I want to paint her as strong, powerful, and somewhat crazy.)

There would be planty of detail in the story - the detail I would give is similar to other stories I write (I only have a few here; check out "Blind Date" in Interracial to see what i typically write.) I appreciate feedback and look forward to more.
The above was VERY overly basic on purpose - of course a story would have plenty more detail.
Many plots ideas posted here are basic Its oftentimes due to limitations of the author or lack of interest to do more than push their plots agenda/goal as fast as possible. If your issue will be both,either,or neither we have no way of knowing until its written. All I was doing is giving you some things to be mindful of when you write. :)

I'm thinking of framing the conflict largely as race and religion (the wife is something of a racist and belongs to a very rigid church; the best friend, since I am writing the story after all, is a curvy black woman who belongs to a church the wife's church condemns.)
Very solid. Few things that might give me some pause:

Why does a man whos bestie is black date then marry a racist? Did it somehow escape his notice (she hide it?) or might there be a "but I can change her" angle? Or maybe make him just like her BEFORE he met the black girl? (so hes reformed) Do it right and I think you've got killer material.

How large should "the church" loom in all of this. Youve got yourself a church feud it looks like (her church hates the other church) This thing could end up nearing social commentary (and if thats what you intend GO FOR IT! Church feud leads to family feuds and marriage strife? Tons of material there) If you dont want something so grandiose, Id try to keep the ex wifes hangups more individual. Make it her issue and thats why she goes to that church (not the church instilling that issue in her) and you can let the church state lie on its own without tripping off reader questions,

As for how the husband and his best friend don't notice each other, they're best friends since childhood, and while the best friend notices him, she says nothing because she doesn't want to risk their friendship and he has such strong blinders on. There are hints, of course, but the husband acts almost in-the-dark until after his marriage falls apart. Her beauty and charm is something he only hears about from others
Again, solid. Seems you are thinking it through well. Always take it further than you think you'll ever use then bring it back to what fits the story. Most people dont err on the side of too much.

There are hints along the way - the best friend gives a wedding speech that indicates she wants to fuck him, but he takes it as a big joke and the audience laughs while the wife scowls. However, after his wife refuses to have sex with him, the husband hears his friend's speech over and over in his head, and after continual refusals, he starts to see her speech not as a joke but as a sign she's into him. Women may demand chase - in this case, SHE is the one doing the chasing, probably because she has to (That and I want to paint her as strong, powerful, and somewhat crazy.)
Can be done but it takes chops IMHO. You have to paint him as ultra dense for him not to notice a "I wanna fuck you" type speech in the middle of his own wedding. And shes gotta be really really clever too (imagine a typical wedding, theres a large cross section of people with varying senses of humor (the peer group may laugh but grandma grace is horrified) I know I don't have the chops so Id have to find another way. If you do, then let er rip.

There would be planty of detail in the story - the detail I would give is similar to other stories I write (I only have a few here; check out "Blind Date" in Interracial to see what i typically write.) I appreciate feedback and look forward to more..
I get this vibe Im unintentionally coming across as doubting somehow. Not really. My method involves lots and lots of questions. Ive had my best loved ideas decimated by a logic issue I didnt see coming. Those *hints* were the best lit feedback I ever got.

I think everything so far leads to this being a very solid story idea and story arc. You're about a billion questions and answers short before you see it through though. Consider mine a couple less youll ultimately have to do. Or utter nonsense. Its your story after all.
Im going to post my feedback here as its more geared towards these discussions moreso than just a "what I thought."

It's perfectly acceptable, better than a lot of other stuff I've seen, but for me it fell flat of the themes you were going for, if you decided to stick with them.

Ravens his best friend since KG yet they have no moments or backstory whatsoever. I can't infer anything myself, I either accept it as fact so I can move along the story or move on to something else.

Most everybody is this way as well. I feel like youve placed objects in the story "crazy girl" "the bitch", "the torn guy" not characters. You are going to get somebody fucking come hell or high water. The reasons as to the choices they make to allow that to happen and the reasons WHY they go for it are vague.

This is not to say there's little to work with here or its bad. Its not. But if you gave me a list of goals you wanted to accomplish like stated above and ask me were they met, as constructed currently, no.

I think wherein a lot of things fall is between stroke story and true deep charactered erotica. You have lofty lofty goals (as I said, some of what you wanted to pull off I wouldnt even attempt) but maybe not the patience to do so.

I feel you should stick with it. Find more QUESTIONS to ask and the ANSWERS to those. I want to fall in love with Raven because she was my best buddy who we biked up to the store every weekend we were kids or something. I want to hate the wife because shes jealous of Raven because shes a free spirit while the wife is not and never will be (due to her upbringing or some such)

Give the reader more and theyll reward you for it. They want to. Thats why they read.
This is the kind of feedback I wanted to hear. It sounds like I need to develop the characters more, something I usually don't do as much of in erotic stories given that my main focus is usually the build-up to sex, but it definitely sounds like I should go a little more into Raven's story in the beginning as kind of a retrospective.

I think all three of them should be developed more, but the biggest focus of the story should probably always come back to Raven. Thanks for the feedback...not sure when another draft will be up but I want to do it.
This is the kind of feedback I wanted to hear. It sounds like I need to develop the characters more, something I usually don't do as much of in erotic stories given that my main focus is usually the build-up to sex, but it definitely sounds like I should go a little more into Raven's story in the beginning as kind of a retrospective.

I think all three of them should be developed more, but the biggest focus of the story should probably always come back to Raven. Thanks for the feedback...not sure when another draft will be up but I want to do it.
Im glad you are still inspired. And I think you are on the right track.

Id say you have three mains you have to make us intimately familiar (traits, backstory,motivations, all of it) with:

The soon to be ex wife
Your conqueror

And dont dont DONT rush these people! When you can write them like you want, do so. If you want to stay motivated, jot yourself notes and return to them a few minutes a day.

Raven wants you to bring her to life and she's got no time schedule on that. Shes ready when youre ready, ONLY when youre ready, just like your hero.
I decided to revise ...I haven't heard too many complaints about the sex parts of my stories (though I always appreciate feedback on that, too.)

Working title: "Raven At Last"

It was about six months ago, and I was preparing for the happiest day of my life. All the hard work, stress, and downright madness of wedding planning was finally paying off, and I was about to marry Constance, my fiancee. I was nervous standing at the front of the church, tapping my foot waiting for the music to begin and for this to get started.

Constance and I go back to my third year of college - she was an incoming freshman who was completely out of her element at Boston College, having come from a rural town in Massachusetts. She came across my booth on opening weekend, and we chatted over our mutual interest in strategy games. I share my dork side with only a few people, and Constance was one of the few I shared it with so readily. I almost regretted it at first when she destroyed me in a game of Go, but she took time showing me how to get better, and soon I was a worthy adversary for her.

After being fast friends, Constance and I started dating as I headed into law school the followng fall. Her father, the minister at her church, appeoved of me, since he felt I "kept her out of trouble" at school, and in law school, I had little opportunity to get into trouble myself. I had plenty of chances during my undergrad years, and I had a few one-night stands and "friends with benefits," but Constance fulfilled me in other ways that studying, drinking, and hooking up could now.

Constance's church taught her a lot of things I thought were corny at first but really didn't mind after a while. She doesn't curse and actually got me to stop cursing, at least around her, although it still slips out when I have a frustrating assignment. She also doesn't drink or smoke, doesn't eat junk food, and doesn't believe in sex outside of marriage, and the food she has me eating makes me feel a lot better than the pizza and greasy fried chicken I was used to, especially during finals. I still have the occasional beer or cigar, but nothing around her, and I feel great most of the time. What can I say? She's good for me.

So finally, the ceremony began, and Constance looked wonderful in her dress. I hadn't seen the dress yet, but the detail on it was impressive - what looked like pearls throughout the dress, the way it fit her was incredible...Constance was nothing if not classy. She would have to forgive me if I had a few thoughts about our wedding night tonight, which would be spent at a cabin in Vermont about an hour away.

Constance's father took his place as the officiant after walking his daughter down the aisle, and the ceremony began. I felt the usual jitters as he asked if anyone objected to the marriage, though I saw the cold stares on both his face and the bride's as they both scanned the audience. I notices she locked eyes a bit longer with one guest in the back row, sitting there alone.

The guest, of course, was Raven, my best friend since first grade. I have plenty of guy friends, and most of them were there, but none more special to me than Raven. I was hoping to give Raven a bigger part in the ceremony; unfortunately, Constance and Raven never quite got along.

Raven and I met on the first day of first grade; my family had just moved to Boston and so had hers. We were the only two students in the small, private school who were new, so as the automatic outcasts, we spent more time talking to each other than anyone else. At the very least, we weren't alone.

It turned out we lived just down the street from each other, so any time we could hang out together, we did. I went to her house for dinner, and she went to mine, usually based on who was having something we liked better. Pizza at Raven's house? Sorry, Mom and Dad; I won't be home for dinner.

We were so close, our parents inevitably became best friends. We had Thanksgiving and Christmas together, we went on vacations was amazing. Only to the outside world were Raven and I all that different.

To some people at school, Raven and I were two mismatched people brought together because no one else wanted to hang out with us, and at first, that felt true. Raven, after all, is black, and I am white. It didn't matter to us or our parents, but to some people at school, whom I lovingly call "a bunch of assholes," it was a big deal.

In the fourth grade, Raven managed to cross a small group of schoolyard bullies. I guess when she called the biggest one a "bedwetter," she was right - and he got mad. He disregarded the old rule of "don't hit a girl" and took a swing at her. I saw her in trouble and ran over to help, but he got two of his buddies on his side, and soon we were surrounded by a bunch of crazy fourth-granders who wanted to see a fight.

Facing down an ass-whooping, Raven gave the lead bully a strange look; upon being asked what she was looking at, she looked at him horrified and said, "I don't know, but it's really ugly and it's about to EAT YOU!" The bully wasn't very smart, he fell for it, and Raven landed a direct punch in the stomach. I followed up by stomping on his instep before the other two could react, and we both shoved him into the other two, causing a domino effect of three kids falling into the ring of fourth-graders.

The other kids turned on them right away, and after that, we were heroes to our classmates. Both of us had plenty of friends after that, and we didn't get in trouble after we explained to the principal that we acted in self-defense. After that day, we were the king and queen of the fourth grade, and it continued until we finished high school.

In high school, we both got excellent grades and got elected homecoming king and queen. A mutual friend suggested we should date during our last year of high school - I laughed. I saw a chuckle off Raven's lips, too, so I didn't feel a bit bad about laughing. Come on, don't be silly. She was my best friend. You don't date your best friend; it's a rule.

During our undergrad, Raven started dating another guy, and I started seeing Constance going into law school. I became good friends with Raven's boyfriend, a business student who treated her like a princess. Raven, on the other hand, had no such luck with Constance.

I never understood why they couldn't be friends. I got it - Constance wanted me to herself, believing in the whole "the two shall become one flesh" business in the Bible - but every attempt I made to bring them closer failed. Constance hated the amount of time I spent studying, an activity that predictably included Raven, whereas Raven had all kinds of nasty names for Constance.

I had been a little upset at Raven the past few days for her antics - if I had to hear her call Constance a racist one more time, I was ready to tell her what I reall thought. I just didn't understand why she couldn't just be happy for me without calling my bride names. I would have thought, after three years in law school, top honors, and a six-figure job in one of the largest firms in Boston, she couldn't figure out that calling someone something without proving it doesn't mean anything. Constance had never shown herself to be a racist, a prude, or a crazy person. She was just raised in a conservative family and church, and she thinks enough of me to marry me.

Raven, as much as she seemed to want to do so, did not object, and the ceremony was perfect. Constance had asked to save out first kiss for the moment her father directed me to "kiss the bride"; as excessive as I felt that was, I honored it, and it was nice. Sure, I've kissed other girls, and she needed some practice, but we had the rest of our lives for that.

On the way into the church reception hall, Raven was the first to greet me, running up to me, wrapping her arms around me, and kissing me on the cheek, telling me she'll miss me. I told her it's not as if we wouldn't see each other anymore; sure, we had different jobs now and I was moving to Constance's hometown, but we still both worked in Boston and we could always see each other when we had the chance.

I bumped into an old classmate, one who flamed out of law school and is now selling real estate, and after congratulating me, he started asking me about Raven. "You know, forgive me, but..." I looked at him like he lost his mind. "Never mind. It's your wedding. I shouldn't say it." I pulled him aside to ask him. "I just wanted to know what you thought my chances were with Raven. I mean, look at her in that dress; she so sexy." No, I didn't look at my best friend as a sex object at my wedding to another woman; how much of a perv do you think I am? "So, if I askher to dance-"

"Why don't you just go ask her?" I snapped.

"I dunno...she just seems a little out of my league, like she wouldn't like me. I mean, look at that ass-"

"Brian!" scolded a familiar voice - Constance, who, for some reason, was yelling at me when I wasn't talking about the way Raven's ass looked in her dress. Without missing a beat, Constance dragged me to the head table and looked at me sternly. "If you so much as look at that woman again, or any of those people trying to ruim my day," she screamed, "you're in so much trouble. All she wants to do is take you away from me just because her boyfriend didn't want her. Now shut up, sit here, and don't move until after the speeches, and then we're going to my side of the room to mingle. Got it?"

I didn't really answer her, and she started into the caterer next. Frustrated, I thought ahead to the wedding night, knowing she would make it worth my while at the cabin. Just in case I needed a little mental stimulation, though, I look around the room, and there are plenty of ladies there in nice, figure-hugging dresses.

As the speeches began, Raven sauntered up to the front, wiggling her figure for all to see. Her dress barely covered her ass, her bust was almost on display for everyone, and the way she Supermodels carry less attitude that Raven gliding up to the front to give the best man speech, a last-minute change we arranged to get Raven into the wedding.

Looking at Raven from behind as she grabbed the microphone after the maid of honor's snoozer of a speech, I started to see what my old classmate saw in her. Her body filled out that tight dress so nicely, her ass was pretty much in my face...and I never saw a nicer one. Constance was pretty, sure, but Raven turned every head in the room when she walked in. I saw at least two guys getting slapped for staring, and if I didn't have a ready-made excuse of "it's my best friend's wedding toast," I would have made it three.

"For those who don't know me, I'm Brian's best friend since first grade," started Raven. "So it's hard for me to see him get married for a lot of reasons. We did everything together. We fought bullies together, we got elected homecoming king and queen together, and we survived law school together. And now we won't even be co-workers. And let's be honest," she paused, "Constance and I don't like each other." This draws a gasp from a few people, though it wasn't exactly a secret.

"So good luck to both of you, and Constance, keep him happy and take care of him in every way, because," she grins, staring at Constance, "if you don't, I will." She then walked over to Constance and whispered something in her ear; I could barely make it out, but I heard her say, "Game on, bitch."

At that point, Constance ordered Raven out of the reception hall, but Raven only left after her father and a couple of security officers escorted her out. Constance predictably shouted at me not to go after her, but I was already gone at that point because I at least needed to say goodbye to her.

Before she left, she had her arms around me and told me, "Look at the way she's treating you. Is this what you want for the rest of your life?" I thought about it as I tried to defend Constance as stressed or hormonal, trying to convince her, if not myself, that she would lighten up. "All right, but remember this. If she's not everything you dreamed of, you call me. And if you need any help getting going tonight, remember this." She took me to the side of the building and reached behind her back. Puzzled, I allowed her to continue until I noticed what she was doing.

She unzipped her dress and slid it down, revealing the most perfect pair of breasts I had ever seen. I had never seen Raven in less than a bikini, so I had no idea she had her nipples pierced. I started noticing so many things about Raven that I had only heard from others - her smooth, dark skin, her long, beautiful, curly hair with blonde highlights, the way she shook her best assets. I never thought of my best friend this way, but I was almost upset at myself because I hadn't.

She slid the dress all the way off, revealing the only thing she had on underneath - a shiny gold, barely-there g-string. Oh my fucking God. I was lusting after my best friend - at my own wedding. In a rigid, conservative church to the minister's daughter. I wasn't sure how I would restrain myself at this point, considering I hadn't had sex since before Constance and I started dating, but I knew I had to.

So when I told Raven I couldn't take this any farther, she understood. "I know, sexy," she smiled as she spoke. "But when you get back from your honeymoon, call me and tell me if you weren't thinking about this when you fucked her. Also, one more thing," she told me, reaching down to my pants, reaching for my cock - hard as a rock. "If she doesn't blow your mind, call me and I'll fuck you."

She kissed me on the cheek and slid her dress back on, heading to her car asI headed back into the reception to an upset Constance. I had a bit of explaining to do, though a simple "you just threw my best friend out of the reception; what do you want from me?" seemed to do the job. Miraculously, the rest of the evening seemed to go well. I spent a portion of it sizing up Constance, wondering what she would be like in bed.

We finally got out of there and headed to our honeymoon cabin as day turned to night. Surprisingly, she seemed to be in a good mood, largely because the stress of the wedding was over.

The cabin we had was exquisite - well-maintained, beautiful, and with a canopy bed and roses ready for us. The owners took extra care to prepare it for our special night, but I just wanted a clear bed.

I got right to work after we got in, kissing the back of her neck and reaching under her dress to get her more comfortable. Her skin was so soft, so smooth...I thought about how it wasn't as smooth or sensuous as Raven's, but I tried to block Raven out of my mind. This was my night with Constance, my beautiful bride.

I slipped a hook off the contraption she called a bra, but before I could go any further, she grabbed my hand. "Wait," she said. "I don't know if I'm ready."

"What do you mean?" I asked, somewhat dumbfounded.

"I mean, I'm not ready to have sex."

"Oh, come on," I exasperated. "Do you have any idea how much I've been looking forward to this?"

"How much YOU have been looking forward to this?" she shouted. "It's all about you, isn't it, Brian? I'm not comfortable having sex with you, and all you can think about is your depraved desire? Ugh!" She folded her arms and turned away from me.

"Fine. I'll try again tomorrow night," I snapped, visibly upset, as she grabbed her frumpiest pajamas and changed into them behind closed doors in the bathroom. I changed into my sleep clothes, a pair of basketball shorts, and climbed into bed with her, wondering if I would sleep at all.

Her only words to me? "Put a shirt on." Seriously? What was this, a monastery? But if it made her more comfortable, I played along. I got closer to her and wrapped my arms around her in an attempt to spoon - she bucked me off. I didn't believe it, but I tried to be a good sport and just turned over and went to sleep.

The next morning, she laid out our itinerary, which involved not doing much of anything. She insisted that I sit and pray with her for what felt like three hours; when I asked her what we were doing next, she scolded me and told me this was important, since we weren't going to church. At night, I tried once again to initiate sex, but again, it led to an argument, and we ended up going to sleep angry.

After another failed attempt to initiate sex, I decided to give Constance one more chance. While she was showering, I discovered that I could annul the marriage if she refused to consummate it. I hated to go that far, but if my choices were a life without Constance or a life without sex, I knew which one I wasn't picking.

The day seemed to go well; we took a tour I wanted to go on, the first activity I got to pick during the entire trip, and both Constance and I were in cheery moods. Tomorrow we headed back to our lives and into an apartment while we looked for a house, so I was just enjoying today.

Day once again turned to night, and Constance was sending me signals all day - touching my legs, holding my hand, and making it clear that she seemed ready to consummate our marriage. I couldn't have been happier, and I felt as if it was worth waiting for.

We climbed into bed, and I kissed the back of her neck, rubbed her back, and talked softly to her. She smiled, letting me continue and asking for more.

I took it as as invitation, sliding my hands under her blouse to undo her bra. I slid it off and pulled it out from under her top as I went for her breasts. They weren't big enough for my hands, but they felt nice, and I caressed them with my fingers.

I ran my fingers around her nipples, a go-to move for me when I was in college, feeling as if she was finally getting comfortable with me touching her. I could see in her eyes that it felt good to her, so I continued.

Soon, I saw her seem to get lost in pleasure as I played with her breasts, pulling her closer to me - but then, what she did next floored me.

"OK, stop," she demanded. What the hell? "This is wrong. We shouldn't be doing this."

"You have got to be fucking kidding me," I shout back. Pure frustration at this point.

"Watch your mouth, boy," she sniped back.

"Watch your attitude, Constance," I fired back. "For four nights I've tried to make this work, and all I get is this bullshit-"

"I said watch your mouth."

"You know what? You know the hell what?" I didn't even know what I was saying at that point. "I'm sick of your shit. All this 'no cursing' and 'no sex' rules you invented because you're a damn prude. Well, fuck you, and fuck your shitty attitude. I've had it up to fucking here with this horseshit. I'm finished. I'm going back to Boston tomorrow. Without you."

"You can't do that!" she shouts. "We're married. We have a lease together."

"Correction, fucker - your father signed the lease." That part was another bit of my research - I couldn't get approved for the lease. I was upset then, but I was thrilled at that point. "I don't have to do jack-shit. Have a nice life. I'd call you a fucker, but you're fucking useless at that."

Fortunately, we already had our suitcases packed so we could head out early and move into our apartment the next day, so I grabbed my things, took the car keys, and headed out.

"You can't leave!" she shouted. "I'll call my father, and he'll talk to you! We'll work this out!" I raise my middle finger and say nothing else, slamming the door behind her.

The minute I had reception, I called my parents and told them what happened. My dad told me I could move back home, as much as it killed me to do so, until I got to work and could afford a place of my own.

"The worst thing is," I stammered, "that I forgot who was there for me. I can't even face Raven right now. I should have defended her at the wedding. She's just a fun-loving goof-off, and those humorless assholes shot her down."

My dad tried to calm me down while my mom booked me a hotel room for the rest of the week. It wasn't anywhere near as nice as the cabin, but I needed to be away from my bitch of a wife for a while. Like the rest of my life. Fuck, how could I have been so stupid?

I checked into the hotel and fell on my bed, cursing to myself and watching TV just to take my mind off my failed marriage. I wondered when I would hear from Constance - not for a while, I was sure; she was at the cabin without a car or cell phone reception. But enough about her; I needed to get my life in order. Sure, I had a few things - a law degree, a great job, a family that had my back - but I still couldn't stop thinking about how badly I had fucked up.

About two hours after I checked into the hotel, I heard a knock at the door. Of course, all kinds of things ran through my head - was there a problem with my room? Did Dad's credit card get declined? Did that bitch Constance and her asshole father follow me here? Reluctantly, I opened the door - and with one look, my foul mood disappeared.

There stood Raven with a gorgeous smile on her face, as no sooner did I open the door did she rush into the room and embrace me. I held her close to me and thanked her so many times for coming.

Happiness at seeing my best friend quickly turned to curiosity, though, wondering how she knew where I was and what happened. It turns out she was at my parents' house when I called, and she didn't want me to know she was there. I thought she was upset - and why shouldn't she be, after all, with what a spineless asshole I was - but she wanted to surprise me. I was never so happy to be surprised in my life.

"I thought about what you said at the wedding," I explained as we moved over toward the bed. "I know it seems know, the idea of you and me ever being a couple...but tonight I just-"

"Brian," she stopped me. "Stop it. Everything I said and did at the wedding..."

"You didn't...mean that." I could barely talk. My mouth was as dry as a desert. "You're my friend, Raven. My best friend. I know you like to joke around."

"I let you go once, Brian," she said firmly. "I'm not doing it again."

I looked her over - she was dressed in a form-fitting tank top and short cutoffs - and I remembered seeing her at the wedding almost naked. She was so gorgeous then - so forbidden yet so tempting...every time I tried to initiate sex with Constance, I could only even go forward if I had Raven on my mind - and she still looked incredible. I couldn't believe what I was thinking. I wanted to fuck my best friend, and it looked as if she would go for it.

I looked in her beautiful green eyes, and then over her body again. Damn, her breasts looked good in that top. No way was she wearing a bra. I moved back to her luscious lips and then into her eyes again.

Without missing a beat, I kissed her on the lips. I wanted her to kiss me back so badly and make good on her promise at the wedding - both of us knew Constance didn't take care of me worth a damn - but I was petrified that I could lose my best friend for pushing things too far.

She kissed back, pressing her luscious lips against mine. It felt incredible; her lips were so much sweeter and more supple than Constance's. Even if this was as far as we went, it was phenomenal.

Raven quickly took the lead, partting my lips with her tongue and sliding it in my mouth. Her tongue stroked mine slowly, and, like her nipples, it was pierced, bringing the total piercings on her body to eight - including her belly button. My tongue circled the stud in her mouth, and I pulled her as close to me as I could as I kissed her passionately. I couldn't imagine wanting anything more than this.

I slid my hands under her tank top, and she listed her arms to let me take it off; I returned the favor, and she removed my shirt. I moved my mouth down to her perky, pierced nipples on those gorgeous, perfect tits of hers. I flicked her nipple rings, tugging on them as I pinched and played with her other nipple with my anxious fingers.

As I sucked her delicious nipples, Raven moaned softly, reaching for my belt to remove my pants. I helped her get them off but didn't take my mouth off her tits, almost hooked on sucking her nipples. I fucking needed this. Her tits tasted incredible, and her moans sounded heavenly.

I switched to her other nipple, squeezing her still-wet tit with my fingers and pulling on her nipple ring. Her moans got louder, and I felt myself getting bolder as I reached for her cutoffs. With my one free hand, I undid her cutoffs and slid them off, revealing her slutty selection - the same g-string she had on at the wedding.

I couldn't wait much longer as I moved her hands to my boxers, which she was more than happy to remove to reveal my throbbing, almost desperate cock. I returned the favor and stripped off her g-string, revealing her nealty-trimmed, blonde-streaked pussy. I slid my hands along her pussy, feeling how smooth and sexy it was and also how wet I was making her.

I spread her pussy lips with my fingers, first noticing the contrast between my white hands and her dark pussy, and I only became more turned on. I needed so badly to make Raven mine.

I laid my black goddess on her back and mounted her face, sliding my cock in her mouth as I spread her sexy legs. I went right to work on her trimmed pussy, sliding my tongue into her as I fucked her face with my thick cock. I felt her working over my shaft with her sexy, pierced tongue while I worked desperately to please my naughty angel.

I moved my hands down to her ample ass, squeezing her gorgeous ass cheeks as I lifted her legs in the air. I licked her pussy deeper than before as I gained total control over her naked, sexy body. I switched off between licking her pussy and her curvaceous ass, and both of them tasted like sweet, delicious heaven. She was intoxicating, and she had my tongue under her spell, but I knew I was doing the same to her. I almost couldn't believe what an expert cock-sucker my Raven was, but I didn't care at this point. She sucked my cock and my balls like a goddess - her tongue stroking my shaft quickly and methodically and the head of my cock like a slutty pro.

She stops abruptly and comes up for air. "No more fucking around, baby," she told me. "I want you to fuck me." I dismounted from her face and dropped her legs, allowing her to roll over and stick her ass in the air. "And don't be nice about it, sugar. I've been a bad, bad girl." I looked briefly in her eyes as I changed positions, seeing the passion I knew she felt for me, knowing our friendship would never be the same.

I moved in behind her and rammed my cock in her pussy, quickly finding the right spot. Her earlier moans were nothing compared to what I was hearing now as I rode her from behind. Her screams became almost uncontrollable as I started moaning myself; I was never much of a noise maker in bed, but Raven brought out my wildest desires.

Again, she flipped her long, flowing hair as I fucked her, and I grabbed onto her locks and held on. "Fuck me hard, baby," demanded Raven as I rode her as deep as possible. I felt the most intense sensation in my cock, sending pleasure up my spine as I pounded my lusty Raven like the whore she desired to be.

Feeling bolder, I grabbed on tighter to her hair, pulling back on it as I continued fucking her deeper, my balls slapping against her as my other hand reached for her gorgeous ass. "FUCK!" she shouted. "HARDER!" I couldn't resist yanking on her hair even more, not even caring if I was hurting her because I knew she wanted it.

I pulled as hard as I could on her streaked locks as I began slapping her round, bouncy ass. Raven cried out for more as I sped up my fucking and tightened my grip on her hair. "Who's my bitch?" I demanded as I spanked her quickly and firmly.

"I'm your bitch, baby," she shouted. "I'm your fucking whore. I'm anything you want; just fuck me!"

I felt the pleasure from my cock intensifying throughout my body as I felt Raven lose all control. Her screams drown out my moaning and the noise my hand made as I spanked her gorgeous ass. I felt her shaking in the same ecstasy I knew I was feeling as I felt myself about to cum, and all I could do was yank her hair even harder and smack her ass as mercilessly as I could.

"Fuck, Brian! Fuck yes! Fuck YESSSSSSSSS!" screamed Raven as I increased my iron-clad grip on her hair and rhythmically spanked her, timing the ass-slaps with my thrusts into the deepest parts of her pussy. My cock throbbed harder and faster as I felt myself about to cum, a badly-needed orgasm as I prepared to fill my best friend's pussy.

"Oh FUCK, Raven! FUCK I need this!" as I grabbed onto her hips and rammed my cock as deep into her as I could go, shooting my seed into her as hard and deep as I could. Our simultaneous orgasms died down at the same time as I drew close to her, my still-hard cock finishing out the most intense fuck-session of my life.

I took her in my arms and kissed her passionately, gazing into her gorgeous eyes as I break the kiss. "I love you so much," I whispered, meaning every word of it. "I love you, Raven. I'm sorry I didn't realize it sooner."

"It's OK, Brian. I love you, too. I...I always have," she replied - stunning me. "Constance was right, Brian. I wanted you for myself. I can't remember a time when I didn't want to be with you. I was just...scared." I didn't understand. "I was scared. I didn't want to risk our friendship, Brian. I couldn't face life without you, and if that meant you just remained my best friend, then I could deal with it. But when you married Constance, I got scared. I need you in my life. I love you so much. I can't be without you."

"I'm all yours, my angel," I replied, kissing her neck. "I don't want to be without you."

"But...what about Constance?" she asked. Good question.

"I checked into it," I responded, confidently. "She refused to consummate the marriage. I can have it annulled. I'm finished with her. I'm yours now. I'm done being an idiot. I want to be with the woman I love."

"I want to be with you, too," she said, gazing into my eyes - damn, she had beautiful eyes. "I have a place in the city and I want you to come live with me." I could move in the next day, and she was more than happy to let me. My life was complete now - a great job in the city I love, a family that has my back, and the love of the most incredible woman on the planet. I could have been upset with myself for not figuring it out sooner, knowing how happy Raven and I could have been all these years, but all I could think about was how much I wanted to make it up to her - and myself.

Over the last six months, I moved in with Raven, filed annulment papers, and started my job in downtown Boston at a firm right across the street from Raven's firm. Constance and her father came to court to fight the annulment, but they lost and I walked free from the biggest mistake of my life. Since then, she's showed up at my work a few times and at Raven's work and has fortunately been banned from both, and we both filed restraining orders against her. Last we heard, she's sitting in jail for stalking us. Poor girl.

We're both on the fast track to partnership at jobs we love, but even our work doesn't make us anywhere close to as happy as we make each other. We meet for lunch - and a quickle - every afternoon, and Raven shows me all the time what a depraved whore she can be - with me, only, of course; I've never even seen her look at another guy once, and I know I'm not looking at anyone else. Last week, we went to the nicest steakhouse in town, and she slid under the table and gave me the most intense blowjob I've ever received. I still can't believe no one noticed she was sucking me under the table - or the next day at my desk. Or the next afternoon when I returned the favor by eating her pussy at her desk. I felt so naughty risking everything for a thrill, but I'm still as crazy about Raven as I was the day we fell in love and the crazy risks we take to please each other are worth it.

Raven just sent me a sexy picture of herself to my phone - dressed in nothing but whipped cream and chocolate syrup while spread-eagle at her desk. My cock stood up instantly and I'm on my way over.

End of Story

I decided to beef up the details, and I actually had a lot of fun writing this, especially at the end exploring what a whore Raven can be.