Best experience I have ever had...


Feb 25, 2013
I should start by saying up front that I am not Bi or gay. I am not attracted to men or penis or anything of that nature. I'm not sure this is the sluttiest thing I have done but it is definitely the kinkiest.

A few years back I helped a friend of mine, Grace, move from Phoenix to a suburb just just east of Phoenix. Needless to say it was almost unbearably HOT! I arrived at her apartment and waited with her for the other 3 "friends" that were to help with the move. Unfortunately none of them showed. So after 10 hours of trips and moving boxes and furniture we finally finished getting everything to her new apartment. As luck would have the bed was one of the last items we moved. We were both a little tired from moving all day so putting the bed together was not going to happen. It was mattress on the floor for her first night in her new pad. We needed some food so I headed out to pick up some take out and grabbed a 12 pack to quench our thirst from the move.

We had always flirted here and there few taps on the butt when passing by at the bar sometimes, but nothing ever really came of it as one of us was always seeing someone. Well, she had just broke up with her bf which is why she was moving. We sat drinking our beers, each going down better than the last. We were both feeling pretty good from the beers and I mentioned how sore my back was and couldn't believe how much stuff she had. She told me to lay down on the mattress and she would give me a massage for helping her out. At first I said it wasn't necessary but she really insisted and said it was the least she could do. Grace was a GORGEOUS african-american woman in her early 30s and had ALL the right curves and getting a nice back rub or massage would have felt great from almost anyone at that point let alone Grace. I was only wearing my gym shorts as it was almost 100 degrees and Grace was in some nice white shorts that showed the top of her thong every time she bent over and a loose fitting tank top that loosely hung from her perfect size breasts. They made the top not quite reach her navel and throughout the day kept me trying to sneak a peak which probably made the move take longer.

I laid face down as she knelt down at the top of the mattress with her knees almost touching my ears I felt her hands rub my shoulders and neck and felt her thumbs rolling over the middle of my back tracing their way down my spine to my waistband and back up again. Every time she leaned forward to roll her thumbs and rub her hands down my back I could feel those perfect mounds in her shirt lightly graze the back of my head. I noticed every time she got to my lower back her thumbs would ever so slightly work their way under the waistband of my shorts and she would focus on my lower back longer and longer every time her hands worked their way to my waist, Needless to say, feeling her breasts barely touching the back of my head, shirtless or not, and feeling her soft yet firm massaging hands get more and more daring was making me rock hard. She would make small talk about being very appreciative for the help and brought up our flirting and how we should have gone out on a date or two, which I TOTALLY agreed with. She made a few comments about how stiff I felt...she had no idea....or maybe she did. She suddenly stopped and said she would be right back and not to move; she needed to find something as I heard her ruffling through a few boxes. When she cam back she straddled my ass as I felt oil being lightly poured over my shoulders and back. I could feel the oil running down the middle of my back following the outline of my spine as Grace's fingers spread the oil side to side and over my shoulders asking me if that felt a little better to which I replied "yesss". She worked her hands over my shoulders, down the middle of my back, lower and lower until I could feel her thumbs roll under the waistband of my shorts. Up until now she would move her hands back up towards my shoulders, but her thumbs continued their way downward lower my waistband and I could feel her straddling position moving towards my thighs causing my shorts to lower their way almost complete off my ass. Her voice grew softer as she asked how my massage felt. I was breathing heavier and could barely mutter how nice it felt. She commented on how nice and round my ass was as her hands were now fully focused below my waist spreading oil over my ass as her fingers would get daringly closer and closer to touching my hole. I could feel her grinding on my thighs as her hands slid over my ass, the top of my thigh, until I felt her finger tips work their way over the top of my thighs, barely grazing my scrotum causing me to slightly arch my back and she seemed to let out slight sigh as I did. She worked her hands back up to my shoulders leaning forward I could feel that she had removed her top and the feeling of her nipples on my back was almost enough to make me gush. She leaned into me and whispered in my ear how good I felt and how good she felt and she wanted me to just relax; she was going to make me feel very good as she lowered her perfect breasts lower and lower while her hands were exploring my inner thighs until her finger tips would reach my scrotum, causing me to arch my back slightly raising my ass a little in the air fully expecting her to reach underneath and stroke my granite-hard cock. I could feel her erect nipples on my back. I felt her finger tips lightly grazed my virgin hole as she moaned lightly. I was hesitant as I had never experienced any type of play in that "neck of the woods". But, I will say, I find it almost impossible to stop doing almost anything "in the heat of the moment" and the heat and the moment felt AWESOME!!! Like before when working her hands to my lower back, once her hands and fingers were in a certain area she focused almost exclusively in that area. I felt her lean forward, moving side to side until her nipples slid over my oiled ass and between my crack. I felt her teeth lightly bite my cheek as she move a hand underneath and felt my solid cock wet with my precum. She then took her fingers and slid them between my cheeks making my hole slippery with my own cum. I was a little nervous, very excited, and breathing very heavy as she leaned forward and told me to relax, her hand stroking me while her other fingers moved between my ass cheeks making my hole slick I felt her start to apply pressure to my hole until her finger penetrated me, I let out a slight moan under my heavy breathing. That seemed to excite her as I heard her soft voice mutter a light yesssssss and felt the pace of her grinding pick up and the push of her finger go deeper. Feeling her grinding on me and then her extending the length of her finger in me made me MOAN a little louder, which seem to excite her because every time I moaned her YESSSSSS got a little louder and her finger seemed to push in and out a little harder while the pace of her grinding was picking up faster and faster. If she was holding back up until now, that was about to end as she leaned in and told me to take it. She said she was always checking out my ass and now she was going to take it and take it hard and asked if I was ready...I said YESSS. She said she wasn't going to be nice and it wasn't too late to stop...I told her to f--k me. To which she replied OOOHHH YESSSSS....and proceed to insert another finger in me causing me to MOOOOAAANN louder....every time I moan she thrust harder, causing me to MOOOOAAANN LOOOUDER, until she was f--king me with three fingers and stroking me. The fingers hurt at first, then became, uncomfortable, then just made my erection last longer and kept me from cumming. By this time my ass was raised in the air feeling this beautiful woman doing things to me I never thought in a hundred years I would ever be doing. She told me to roll over, which I did without hesitation and watched her remove her clothes and straddle my face. She was SOOOOOO WETTTTT and I loved feeling her juices run all over my face while she stroked me and violated my ass. I MOANED....SHE SAID TAKE IT, I"M CUMMMINGGGG....and I have never....ever, felt something so wet before in my life. With her fingers pushed deep inside me, her other hand reached down between her legs and pulled my hair as hard as she could pushing my face hard between her legs telling me to open my mouth.....she gushed and gushed all over my face, in my mouth, running down my neck. I could help but to EXPLODE HARDER THAN I EVER HAVE....

That was quite possibly the best experience I have ever had. It was so unexpected. We saw each other for a little while after that. Not exclusively, but little dates here and there that kicked things up a notch or two sometimes. Looking back I wished I could have married that So....slutty, kinky, or both?