Bem Sex-Role Inventory - How masculine/feminine are you?

I scored androgynous with 110 masculinity and 113 femininity.

I would describe myself as a not particularly masculine male and sometimes consider myself more non-binary. Tall, skinny, relatively well endowed, but little body hair and patchy facial hair not capable of growing a full beard. Doctor has said likely low testosterone but not worth testing as there isn't anything to do about it that doesn't have nasty side effects. Like to occasionally shop for and wear things from women's clothing including shirts/pants/lounge wear because they are comfortable not just a lingerie kink. Enjoy doing both traditional masculine and feminine activities.
I scored 77 on both. Anybody understand what that means?
How many of you are wondering why your fem score is not higher compared to your male score? I am.
I scored 110 masculine and 85 feminine. It’s odd that I’m disappointed that I didn’t score more feminine. In most of my fantasies I’m usually a sissy bottom, often in panties
Did think about retaking the test again but doubt if the results would change probably get the same
Masculinity: 101
Femininity: 90

I guess that feels a tad more tilted toward the feminine than I would expect, but it feels close.
Well I thought I was a lot more masculine. I went back and retook it only to end up with Masculinity 82 and Femininity 122. Jesus.
You're fine! I get the uneasiness, but you are good, man. I have all kinds of supposedly "feminine" traits, but nobody would ever mistake me as a female or trans or anything along those lines.
120/80, same as my blood pressure

I'm kind of a power-bottom, but can vers into top role for the right guy. With women, I naturally default to top, but am tickled to bottom for them too, and based on my experience so far, the ones who have indulged with me appreciate a power-bottom and wouldn't be into a complete passive sissy. I guess I've had good luck picking them.