Believe it or not, I'm getting sick of drama


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
Someone point me to some fluff!

You've got about 5 minutes before I have to go and do some math. I like math.
So, now you're asking me for cybersex?


And I can help you with your math homework too, as long as it's not Dif EQ.
There is always fluff Muff, you just need to search.

I say start some fluff of your own! I'm taking the box challenges out of the box threads!


Start a fluff thread. All fluff NO SUBSTANCE.
I have to admit that the board was making very little sense to me recently, until I got a PM filling me in that KM and bratcat are actually the same person, and she/they are carrying the love child of Lance, aka Problem Child. Then, all of a sudden, everything clicked into place, it was one of those serendipity moments...

Oh, I'm sorry, this is the non-drama thread? Well, in that case, you are looking as lusciously well-armed as ever, KM... :D
:D Thanks for the heads up, MahPope!

I'm bratcat? Gawd. Can she do calculus!? Finals are next week!!! Vote conservative? Can she shoot? Oh my gawd, if she can't shoot my .45 I'm in serious, serious trouble. And my new .22, oh my I love that rifle. And my Mossberg. My much beloved Mossberg, oh someday I shall brave the agony and get you cut down to fit me so I can shoot skeet, but if I can't shoot...!

*bursts into tears*

I'm going back to smoochie on my fave gaylord now.
If only there were someone for whom I could ... save this drama that you speak of.
Dear KM,

Come on over and have some chopped liver. Sarapet and bad kitty are passing out crackers. intrigued is going to teach us about making lemonade. There's a discussion about liqueur in Sunday coffee. Oh, and if we're lucky, really really lucky, tank and Marksgirl will demonstrate their patented sex play involving strawberries and whipped cream. It has to be seen to be believed. *nods*

That's as fluffy as I can get on a Sunday morning. Hope it helps.
This is what I get for posting without reading the overnight clipping file first. Please ignore what I said earlier (unless you feel like chopped liver). I HATE falling for stupid shit.