Being Replaced...

You can tell if something needs replacing if it's not working anymore.
Whether it's a light bulb or a t.v. or a computer or a vibrator or whatever. :)
He/she ignores you, to talk to "the other".

He/she spends less and less time with you.

When he/she is with you, he/she seems uninterested in everything.

lickerish said:
He/she ignores you, to talk to "the other".

He/she spends less and less time with you.

When he/she is with you, he/she seems uninterested in everything.


I just wanted to say that I really like your AV licky. :)
The accountant says you are "fully depreciated".

And RevCan doesn't call anymore.

sorry about the slight hijack Mia

Hey bootyful!! :kiss: I need to go to bed, but I'm gonna call you soon (within a few days) so we can make plans for my visit up north. Okies? Love ya :heart:
Have you ever felt the feeling of impending replacedom? Whether on a job, in a relationship, from a pet, from a kid, <insert your own example here>?

How do you deal with the feelings of paranoia and/or failure that accompany the perceived/real replacement?

(disclaimer...can you tell that I am trying ohsohard to be politically correct tonite?)
Re: sorry about the slight hijack Mia

lickerish said:
Hey bootyful!! :kiss: I need to go to bed, but I'm gonna call you soon (within a few days) so we can make plans for my visit up north. Okies? Love ya :heart:
No problems as long as you send me the live cam feed. :)
lickerish said:
He/she ignores you, to talk to "the other".

He/she spends less and less time with you.

When he/she is with you, he/she seems uninterested in everything.


What she said.

Also when the answer to "what's wrong?" is invariably, "Nothing, really. It's just something i have to work out on my own."

Of course, being human you won't see it coming 'til it's too late.
I'd like to toss my two cents in here...sometimes people are sooooooooo use to expecting the worst...that they start to create it. They manifest this terrible situation that really isn't there. And then before you know've got just what you've asked for.
Oh god.. Morgy can read my thoughts! That's what I was going to say.

Licky.. ok, I'll sleep with my cell phone so I won't miss the call. ;)
Nora said:
What she said.

Also when the answer to "what's wrong?" is invariably, "Nothing, really. It's just something i have to work out on my own."

Of course, being human you won't see it coming 'til it's too late.

Sometimes, even when you see it coming, you just have to bite your lip and wait. The real test of love is helping the beloved to achieve thier best good and most happiness. But, it is still painfull in the extream.
Mia62 said:
Have you ever felt the feeling of impending replacedom? Whether on a job, in a relationship, from a pet, from a kid, <insert your own example here>?

How do you deal with the feelings of paranoia and/or failure that accompany the perceived/real replacement?

(disclaimer...can you tell that I am trying ohsohard to be politically correct tonite?)

Hi Mia-- Just keep in mind that your only paranoid when people aren't out to get you. Pay attention to your instincts, they are usually right.

If possible ask what is going on.