Being Called Buster . . .


Really Really Experienced
Jul 1, 2002
What exactly does it mean to be called "buster" Just thought I would ask.
It's a good thing.



Main Entry: bust·er
Pronunciation: 'b&s-t&r
Function: noun
Date: 1839
1 a chiefly Midland : someone or something extraordinary <a buster of a breakfast -- Harriet B. Stowe> b : an unusually sturdy child c often capitalized : FELLOW -- usually used as a noun of address <hey buster, come here

Unless you're Australian. Then apparently it's a type of wind.
DRUG, DRUGS, tooo many Drugs

Sounds too close to Bastard really.
How about I just call you, "OMG! YES YES YES!"? That one work for you?

It's a little longer than "cowboy" though...
RosevilleCAguy said:
It's better than being called "Dude".

I called Eumenides "dude" on the phone. she didn't stop laughing for a good 40 minutes.

Ok, you boys have fun. My computer's fucked up and since I need to reboot I might as well sleep. G'night kids =)