Before We Strip Americans Of Their Constitutional Rights...

Vetteman blames the Drug industry now?

What kind of drugs does Vette take before and after playing with his guns?

And before posting here?
The thread title doesn't match the article. And I don't think the researchers are omitting any drugs the perps were takung. Mental health is an issue that isn't given a lot of support in this country as evidenced by the budget cuts. Some perps are crazy, some are evil. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that a parent shouldn't make guns easily accessible to their mentally disturbed kids, much less take them to the gun range for lessons.
The media seems to be ignoring the role of drugged perpetrators and whether or not schools might be responsible. There are a lot of kids on prescribed drugs the consequences of which may need to be studied.

I don't know what your news sources are, but I've seen plenty of news talking about the mental health issue and drugs relating to these whack jobs. And those blaming the schools are just as whacky..And there is ongoing research about kids and their psy meds and schools.
For the love of everything unholy don't tell me that a man who opposes socialized medicine, where people wouldn't be prescribing medicine because they get paid to do so is complaining about the fact that we drug people up. I hope that's not happening here cus that would really really sad. I'm sure he no more considers holding the doctors who prescribe the drugs responsible than he does the salesmen of the gun so. . .yeah. This entire thread is a wash.
For the love of everything unholy don't tell me that a man who opposes socialized medicine, where people wouldn't be prescribing medicine because they get paid to do so is complaining about the fact that we drug people up. I hope that's not happening here cus that would really really sad. I'm sure he no more considers holding the doctors who prescribe the drugs responsible than he does the salesmen of the gun so. . .yeah. This entire thread is a wash.

Actually blame the pharms. Just look at all the lawsuit ads from the side effects. ;)
Actually blame the pharms. Just look at all the lawsuit ads from the side effects. ;)

That's fair, still you are part of the I hate Obamacare and would have hated UHC even more club. Why are you hating on people making money? Why are drugs any different than guns? Drugs don't kill people, people kill people. :rolleyes:
Just another thread where Vette blames someone, something else when he feels his rights MIGHT be removed.

Obfuscation, Wizard, doesn't work when it's used too often.
Drugs can make people kill people....guns can't make people kill people.

Also, lack of drugs can make people kill people
Just another thread where Vette blames someone, something else when he feels his rights MIGHT be removed.

Obfuscation, Wizard, doesn't work when it's used too often.

Sounds like he cares about his rights, whereas, you don't seem to.

Once one is gone, the rest go with it
I respect your research very much vetteman. It was informative, educational and appropriate, and I think you may have a valid question.

However, the thing that stands out the most to me here is not the matter of which homicidal individuals were receiving which medications at the time of the incident, but rather that all of the homicidal individuals were in need of mood-altering, anti-psychotic or antidepressant medications at all.

Would a person who was not previously violent or troubled become so upon taking this drug or that? Possibly, but I don't think you've adequately demonstrated that here. What's been demonstrated is that there is an undeniable connection between emotional or psychological distress and violent or murderous behavior. The former seems to be a mandatory prerequisite for the latter.

I want to point out that I'm not saying I completely disagree with the position you put forward. Only that I don't think you've necessarily adjusted for all variables involved. I don't see a firm case for these medications being equivalent to a rash outbreak of behavior. I see the pharmaceuticals as a potential stressor in a long line of other catalysts that combined to make a perfect storm in each perpetrator, thereby defining the medicine itself as more closely similar to a symptom, than a cause.
I'm not blaming the drug industry. Doctors prescribe these drugs. I'm saying that kids on mood-altering medications drugs in the school or public setting might need to be investigated for their adverse effects.

You make a good point... make psychological testing part of the gun ownership process.

Armed Forces members require regular psych evals, as do law enforcement and others who carry firearms.

Shouldn't the same standard apply across the board with all gun owners?
Just another thread where Vette blames someone, something else when he feels his rights MIGHT be removed.

Obfuscation, Wizard, doesn't work when it's used too often.

(nice new album cover.....I had forgotten what he looked like..:) )
You make a good point... make psychological testing part of the gun ownership process.

Armed Forces members require regular psych evals, as do law enforcement and others who carry firearms.

Shouldn't the same standard apply across the board with all gun owners?

That gets kind of expensive.

I think more like Doctors prescribing these drugs being required to ensure that their patients have their gun ownership priveledges revoked
so vettes pissed off that the drug industry is getting away with shit with very little regulation

he's also pissed off the safety net is so weak that it lets shit like this get through

yet, he blames Obama

sheer fucking genius
so vettes pissed off that the drug industry is getting away with shit with very little regulation

he's also pissed off the safety net is so weak that it lets shit like this get through

yet, he blames Obama

sheer fucking genius

If only we had a smaller government instead of a larger government to regulate an exponentially growing human population and society where things like this would be more apt to happen, then things like this wouldn't happen.

also, communists, socialists, marxists, muslims, homosexuals, blacks and hispanics, women with rights and Nazis!!!!

11,493 people were shot dead last year in the USA.

With a population of 300,000,000

about 1 gun per person in the country

(guessing here) going to say 50% own guns

at least a 2 hour phsyc visit to get any idea at all of somebodies mental health.

Its going to cost at least $300.00 for that, and the shrinks would have to recertify to be qualified to give a government gun ownership evaluation.

I can't see it working.

Just make phsyc drugs a reportable condition for gun ownership purposes and you would cut the stats in half (again, a guess) would also cut gun suicide rates I suspect