Been a hustler...what,what....

The Squid King

Spineless Tyrant
Jan 6, 2002
...way before Melvin Flynnt.

Bones is the only way to fly.

Bones is a dice game.
7 or 11, you win on the first roll, 2 or 12, I win first roll.

Anything else is bullshit. If you roll bullshit, you can only win on bullshit.
The Squid King said:
Where you at bitches, you got something to say to me?!?

I'll fucking kill you, you ain't think my dunnies died for the cause!

Pardon me for being a suburban white boy. "Dunnies"? "Cause"?
The Squid King said:
"Dunnies", are my boys, my blood, the only friends I've ever had in this life. "The cause" is to get rich, to beat our station in life, I'm poor white trash too, I never had shit in this world except what I earned from the game. I lied, cheated, and stole for the little bit I got, my dunnies gave their life for that shit. Motherfuckers talk that bullshit and never buried their friends. Fuck that, I'll kill every one of them. I've done it before, and I'll do it again. My dunnies gave their life for me, and that is sacred.

Ok, just curious.
The Squid King said:
I can find out, motherfucker. I'll give Laurel $20,000 to tell me, then I'll smoke your ass.

You'll be on your way to work in the morning when four pipe-hittin' niggers will pull you off the street, then your ass is mine. Think I give a fuck about this life. I've lost everything I'm ever going to have, and you will too, bitch!

Okay now, caaaallm down, man. If you need someone to talk to, my yahoo name is 'checkerboardmadness' or my AIM is 'rastaschmasta', give me a buzz.
This is the oddest, most intense, yet strangely nonsensical thread I've read today.
Laurel said:
This is the oddest, most intense, yet strangely nonsensical thread I've read today.

Sorry, Laurel, I don't mean to bring this sort of drama to your board.
Something happened here and I'm not sure what. Odd, very confusing to say the least. All these edited posts amd dancing bananas, hmmm very strange. yes quite odd really.
I was just hoping to talk about dice, love the game. What a surprise.