Becoming addicted


Deviant but Romantic
Mar 2, 2022
So with the completion of my second story I thought that might be it.

I’d been inspired to write an unofficial sequel (with permission from the author) and I’d also written a sex-parody of one of my favourite films. Maybe I had one more story in me…and yet…I find myself drawn to the idea for THERE’S A LOT OF ME ABOUT and having it stretch over multiple categories, from Erotic Couplings to Group to even Romance.

I guess the point is I’m finding myself increasingly drawn to writing more stories. I know it might be a temporary thing but does anyone else get like this when in that seemingly unending creative froth?
I agree. I keep saying I'm going to take a break, but then I get a story in my head and I have to write it, or it keeps rolling around my brain. Although I'm sure some people think that's where my ideas should stay, hidden away where no one else can read them. Lol.
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Only you know when you're done. If a story wants to be written it'll tell you... the muse has literally nothing better to do than nag. Go as hard as you can for a long as you can... as the song goes: if it makes you happy, it can't be that bad
I guess the point is I’m finding myself increasingly drawn to writing more stories. I know it might be a temporary thing but does anyone else get like this when in that seemingly unending creative froth?
Bit of a daft question, EmilyMc. Have you not see the length of our story lists?
Bit of a daft question, EmilyMc. Have you not see the length of our story lists?
Well the first one was a rush, but the second one a slog. Took a year to get to here but I knew I wanted to do THE PROCESS next, and that is proceeding like Gangbusters at the minute (I’ll be on approximately 3,000 words by the end of this week, easy).

But I didn’t foresee getting another idea in my head this early and having that bouncing off the walls as well. It’s a head-spinning feeling.
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EmMc, if ya need an idea, let me know, I have three or four hundred to choose from.


There was a time I wasn't sure I'd ever write more than about five stories...
I know it might be a temporary thing but does anyone else get like this when in that seemingly unending creative froth?
I do this all the time. A Krissmas Karole became the half million word monstrosity We're A Wonderful Wife and it goes on and on. My one-shot works are few and far between because I love my characters and their situations. Even my recent Geek Pride story Enchantress (Sitting at 28 5's and a 1) is getting a follow-on next week, ENCHANTRESS - The Warrior Duchess currently sitting at 59k words and will probably cross over to 60K when the story is done, it will probably finish with ENCHANTRESS - The Agatean Empress in November
Yes, I agree. When I first started I had three stories in my head. I figured I'd get them down and that would be it. Today my 12th story was posted and I have six more in some form of started and notes for 25 more. I don't see me stopping any time soon.
So with the completion of my second story I thought that might be it.

I’d been inspired to write an unofficial sequel (with permission from the author) and I’d also written a sex-parody of one of my favourite films. Maybe I had one more story in me…and yet…I find myself drawn to the idea for THERE’S A LOT OF ME ABOUT and having it stretch over multiple categories, from Erotic Couplings to Group to even Romance.

I guess the point is I’m finding myself increasingly drawn to writing more stories. I know it might be a temporary thing but does anyone else get like this when in that seemingly unending creative froth?
I think you are using the addiction metaphor in a jocular manner. But, generally, the more one writes, the more additional ideas emerge. That's fine, and it may be a permanent thing, not a temporary condition.

The only thing I would suggest is to try to deal with it all in an orderly matter. If you have new ideas, jot down (on a computer file) notes about them, suggestions you many have for yourself. Have a separate file for each potential story (or maybe chapter). Don't actually start writing too many things at once; try to finish one or two projects before starting a new one. Take your time in editing and proofing what you plan to submit first. There is no rush.
I'd describe my attitude toward writing stories at Literotica as lying somewhere between preoccupation and addiction. I wish that I was more addicted to diligently writing stories than to coming up with story ideas and noodling them over in my mind.
Tell that to the hundreds of characters clamoring for attention in my head. Not to mention the millions of new ideas banging on the outside of my head wanting in. :eek::eek::eek:
The limiting factor is that there is only so fast you can write all of that, so it's going to have to wait anyway. :unsure:
I'd describe my attitude toward writing stories at Literotica as lying somewhere between preoccupation and addiction. I wish that I was more addicted to diligently writing stories than to coming up with story ideas and noodling them over in my mind.
“Rule your mind or it will rule you. ” – Horace. I didn't have that ready to go; I had to look around for something that might be relevant.

Maybe more to the point.

"The only difference between a writer and someone who wants to be a writer is discipline." - Ayelet Waldman. That's another one I had to dig around for. I had no idea who she was and I've never read anything by her.
"The only difference between a writer and someone who wants to be a writer is discipline." - Ayelet Waldman. That's another one I had to dig around for. I had no idea who she was and I've never read anything by her.
She's an interesting and controversial author (mostly screenwriting), married to Michael Chabon, so a powerhouse writer combination. Hearing them speak about writing is a fascinating and instructive experience.
She's an interesting and controversial author (mostly screenwriting), married to Michael Chabon, so a powerhouse writer combination. Hearing them speak about writing is a fascinating and instructive experience.
There’s a great bit on YouTube by the creators STORYTELLERS called TURNING PRO which looks at the difference between a pro and an amateur and it largely being about attitude. It’s absolutely brilliant and I come back to it when I’m low for inspiration.
Tell that to the hundreds of characters clamoring for attention in my head. Not to mention the millions of new ideas banging on the outside of my head wanting in. :eek::eek::eek:
I have to live with a brain that doesn't know the meaning of "downtime". Sometimes I want the thoughts to slow down or stop, but the flow is like a firehose. Not always creative though, unfortunately. And it's exhausting.
So with the completion of my second story I thought that might be it.

I’d been inspired to write an unofficial sequel (with permission from the author) and I’d also written a sex-parody of one of my favourite films. Maybe I had one more story in me…and yet…I find myself drawn to the idea for THERE’S A LOT OF ME ABOUT and having it stretch over multiple categories, from Erotic Couplings to Group to even Romance.

I guess the point is I’m finding myself increasingly drawn to writing more stories. I know it might be a temporary thing but does anyone else get like this when in that seemingly unending creative froth?
The advice already given is useful. I'll throw in something from the perspective of a boring killjoy: Keep everything you do, to satisfy your creative impulses, within your window of discretionary time. Your responsibilities IRL come first, even when they squeeze down the window for fun stuff. Yes, that should be obvious, and something we've all dealt with as adults. But when you're new to something exciting, it can cause problems for it to be kept in proportion. It doesn't even have to be 'addictive.' 'Seductive' can be plenty of trouble (and in line with what we do here).
The advice already given is useful. I'll throw in something from the perspective of a boring killjoy: Keep everything you do, to satisfy your creative impulses, within your window of discretionary time. Your responsibilities IRL come first, even when they squeeze down the window for fun stuff. Yes, that should be obvious, and something we've all dealt with as adults. But when you're new to something exciting, it can cause problems for it to be kept in proportion. It doesn't even have to be 'addictive.' 'Seductive' can be plenty of trouble (and in line with what we do here).
Oh, don’t get me wrong I’ve always been super-creative in one way or another and I’ve written the odd bits and pieces but this new bite of writing erotica is very different. I’m enjoying the characters more, their quirks, their stories, the ups and downs of their lives.

I’ve not known it feel SO real. I guess that’s the new bit.
If it feels real then you are getting the hang of this writing thing.
There’s a great bit on YouTube by the creators STORYTELLERS called TURNING PRO which looks at the difference between a pro and an amateur and it largely being about attitude. It’s absolutely brilliant and I come back to it when I’m low for inspiration.
May I start by asking, do they define "pro" and "amateur" as whether one is paid or not? I know, I should just look at the video.
Oh, don’t get me wrong I’ve always been super-creative in one way or another and I’ve written the odd bits and pieces but this new bite of writing erotica is very different. I’m enjoying the characters more, their quirks, their stories, the ups and downs of their lives.

I’ve not known it feel SO real. I guess that’s the new bit.
This reminds me of something I said to define erotic writing. It's regular writing with all of the off-stage naughty stuff depicted. Actually, "regular writing" (whatever that is) has gotten more explicit over the years.

Then again, maybe it's just porn.