Becoming a sexual being for all



I am trying (and also looking to see if someone wants to write) a story my boyfriend and I have been talking about. It's a little complicated to explain so if you want to PM me for clarification feel free.

Understand that my BF is a voyeur and his fantasies revolve around me with other people. I love the idea of being the star for him so we mesh really well. So the story goes we are at home with my best friend who is a borderline nympho and has no boundaries it seems. If she is horny somebody is getting laid and it might not be her BF. Now suspend reality "a little" but we are drinking and the conversation is sexual, my friend suggests me and her should just give in and become sexual beings. My BF is laughing but in full agreement. We get so wrapped up in it we decide to do it. She suggests starting by taking a few explicit pictures and sending it to everyone of my contacts on email. I look at who would see me and it is so exciting. She sees her list and says she wants to do it. In the end we do it. Friends, neighbors and spouses of relatives are shocked by our coming out but what is exciting is who starts contacting us for sex.

Anyway, welcome feedback or ideas.

It's an interesting idea. The idea of someone taking that step: just really publicly declaring their sexual openness is really hot.

However, I do suggest being a little careful about using drunkenness as an excuse to get your characters to do things that they would not normally do, except as a last resort. I'd suggest trying to find deeper, more personal reasons for taking that step. I'm not saying that alcohol can't play a factor (hey, in real life, it often does!). But set it up with some glimpse of what's missing in your life. Have your character explore the ideas, desires and needs when she's sober, so that even if she's drunk when she presses the 'send' button, we understand that this drunken act is just a reflection of a very real need.

If I could suggest a little twist on it: you take a dirty picture and you're meaning to send it to your boyfriend, but you accidentally send it to someone else: a teacher, a co-worker, etc. And at first you're in a panic, you wonder how you can delete the email, and eventually, feeling no other choice, you write an explanation to this person, explain how it was an accident. And they take a very long time to reply while you freak out that they're going to tell your parents or your boss or you'll get expelled/fired. But you also find yourself getting so worked up at the vulnerability: knowing this picture of you is out there, not sure who's going to see it, what they're going to think. And you find yourself a little disappointed when the person responds with a "haha, don't worry about it, accidents happen," response.

So that night, you talk to your friend about it, and you both get really excited by the idea. You talk about why it turns you on so much, and talk about the fantasy of sending such a photo out to everyone. As you drink more and more, you start taking pictures... you aren't realistically talking about sending them out... just exploring what sort of photos would you take. What would your neighbours say if they saw you like this?

You wake early in the morning with your head pounding... you get some coffee... check your phone. You do a double-take: there's like a hundred messages on your email, and you realize, with a feeling of dread, that you actually went through with it. You feel that same mix of terror-excitement that you had when you sent out that one picture accidentally, but this time it's magnified by a hundred-fold.

You wake up your friend, tell her what happened, and she starts freaking out too. The pictures - and your names - are all over the Internet. But once you settle down, you realize that you've got two choices: admit that you took the pictures but claim that your phone was hacked and you never meant to send them out; or admit that this is who you are, this is the incredibly sexual being you want to be known as...
wow thank you for the reply, I like the ideas and possibilities :)
I love the possibilities, but don't see what I can add... it is SO rife with potential... esp if some of the photos are girl on girl...
If I could suggest a little twist on it: you take a dirty picture and you're meaning to send it to your boyfriend, but you accidentally send it to someone else: a teacher, a co-worker, etc. And at first you're in a panic, you wonder how you can delete the email, and eventually, feeling no other choice, you write an explanation to this person, explain how it was an accident. And they take a very long time to reply while you freak out that they're going to tell your parents or your boss or you'll get expelled/fired. But you also find yourself getting so worked up at the vulnerability: knowing this picture of you is out there, not sure who's going to see it, what they're going to think. And you find yourself a little disappointed when the person responds with a "haha, don't worry about it, accidents happen," response.

So that night, you talk to your friend about it, and you both get really excited by the idea. You talk about why it turns you on so much, and talk about the fantasy of sending such a photo out to everyone. As you drink more and more, you start taking pictures... you aren't realistically talking about sending them out... just exploring what sort of photos would you take. What would your neighbours say if they saw you like this?

You wake early in the morning with your head pounding... you get some coffee... check your phone. You do a double-take: there's like a hundred messages on your email, and you realize, with a feeling of dread, that you actually went through with it. You feel that same mix of terror-excitement that you had when you sent out that one picture accidentally, but this time it's magnified by a hundred-fold.

You wake up your friend, tell her what happened, and she starts freaking out too. The pictures - and your names - are all over the Internet. But once you settle down, you realize that you've got two choices: admit that you took the pictures but claim that your phone was hacked and you never meant to send them out; or admit that this is who you are, this is the incredibly sexual being you want to be known as...

Awesome idea! I love it! One time I set up a much smaller version of this.

A girl I had a crush on (and who had a crush on me, which I suspected, but wasn't sure of) was over my place in college, and I was showing her some pictures from a recent trip to Florida on my computer. Later in the photos were some naked pictures of me that my then-gf had taken. When I knew we were close, I excused myself to go use the bathroom, told her to keep going without me, and took my time so she'd be able to see all of them as much as she liked.

When I came back, she was looking at photos at the very end, past the naughty ones, and her cheeks were an adorable shade of red. I played innocent, but she ended up spending the night...
Awesome idea! I love it! One time I set up a much smaller version of this.

A girl I had a crush on (and who had a crush on me, which I suspected, but wasn't sure of) was over my place in college, and I was showing her some pictures from a recent trip to Florida on my computer. Later in the photos were some naked pictures of me that my then-gf had taken. When I knew we were close, I excused myself to go use the bathroom, told her to keep going without me, and took my time so she'd be able to see all of them as much as she liked.

When I came back, she was looking at photos at the very end, past the naughty ones, and her cheeks were an adorable shade of red. I played innocent, but she ended up spending the night...

sounds like a great night! :) I really liked the extra ideas and trying to write it. Are you interested in writing I will be more than happy to provide information and more ideas. let me know what you think.


I am trying (and also looking to see if someone wants to write) a story my boyfriend and I have been talking about. It's a little complicated to explain so if you want to PM me for clarification feel free.

Understand that my BF is a voyeur and his fantasies revolve around me with other people. I love the idea of being the star for him so we mesh really well. So the story goes we are at home with my best friend who is a borderline nympho and has no boundaries it seems. If she is horny somebody is getting laid and it might not be her BF. Now suspend reality "a little" but we are drinking and the conversation is sexual, my friend suggests me and her should just give in and become sexual beings. My BF is laughing but in full agreement. We get so wrapped up in it we decide to do it. She suggests starting by taking a few explicit pictures and sending it to everyone of my contacts on email. I look at who would see me and it is so exciting. She sees her list and says she wants to do it. In the end we do it. Friends, neighbors and spouses of relatives are shocked by our coming out but what is exciting is who starts contacting us for sex.

Anyway, welcome feedback or ideas.


Very interesting storyline, might have to give it a try.