Because We Cannot Get Enough of Alec Baldwin


Libertarian Sage
Oct 11, 2022
Statements and evidence show [ALEC] BALDWIN was not present for required firearms training prior to the commencement of filming. Statements, depositions from OSHA, and evidence show BALDWIN was provided only minimal training on firearms, even after [armorer and co-defendant Hannah Gutierrez-] REED requested more training for BALDWIN. In the deposition taken from REED, she stated BALDWIN had very limited training on the cross draw that was required for the scene on the 21st and limited training in firearms and how to check his firearm as to whether it was unloaded or loaded, in which REED felt was very important in his role as RUST.

He should go into politics. He is a great liar. (Great as in big, not adroit.)
The circus is coming to town up in Santa Fe. My money's on a plea deal right now.
Statements and evidence show [ALEC] BALDWIN was not present for required firearms training prior to the commencement of filming. Statements, depositions from OSHA, and evidence show BALDWIN was provided only minimal training on firearms, even after [armorer and co-defendant Hannah Gutierrez-] REED requested more training for BALDWIN. In the deposition taken from REED, she stated BALDWIN had very limited training on the cross draw that was required for the scene on the 21st and limited training in firearms and how to check his firearm as to whether it was unloaded or loaded, in which REED felt was very important in his role as RUST.

He should go into politics. He is a great liar. (Great as in big, not adroit.)
And he lives so much in your mind, you needed to start "another" thread on the political board of all places...*chuckles*
The circus is coming to town up in Santa Fe. My money's on a plea deal right now.
I think he will do the OJ and fight this one all the way to acquittal; his finger will not fit into the trigger guard.

If the gun don't fit, you must acquit!
A gun guy kills a Hollywood type but the RWCJ can't celebrate because the killer made fun of their orange god.

I think he will do the OJ and fight this one all the way to acquittal; his finger will not fit into the trigger guard.

If the gun don't fit, you must acquit!
His ego may drive him to fight it to the bitter end. We're going to find out how big a fool he is if he tries.
I think that we already have enough evidence to prove that he his asshole enough. His brother Stephan, a devout Christian, is so much different.
I’d think for some actors who’ve done a lot of gun movies the on site training gets to be like the airline seatbelt/emergency videos-only newbies pay attention.
I’d think for some actors who’ve done a lot of gun movies the on site training gets to be like the airline seatbelt/emergency videos-only newbies pay attention.
And those are the ones that get sloppy and careless.
In short, with stardom comes a special type of arrogance (which leads to a "special" type of ignor[e]ance).
Baldwin definitely seems to trigger folks.

Wonder why.

Baldwin definitely seems to trigger folks.

Wonder why.

Maybe because he murdered someone and is attempting to blame everyone and anyone except himself.
Maybe because he murdered someone and is attempting to blame everyone and anyone except himself.
He's a Leftist and like your average abortionist, incapable of performing a murder.
He merely performed a very late-term abortion.
No big deal UNLESS...,
you're a R-winger.
Maybe because he murdered someone and is attempting to blame everyone and anyone except himself.
No, that's not it. If that were the case, we'd have hundreds of threads of other people who have done that. Keep trying though.
No, that's not it. If that were the case, we'd have hundreds of threads of other people who have done that. Keep trying though.
That's exactly it. To my knowledge there are two individuals serving time in the state pen for having exactly the same 'accident' as Baldwin along with a few more that have served their time and been released. But you don't hear about those cases because they're local and not worthy of national media attention.
That's exactly it. To my knowledge there are two individuals serving time in the state pen for having exactly the same 'accident' as Baldwin along with a few more that have served their time and been released. But you don't hear about those cases because they're local and not worthy of national media attention.
So before it was what that he murdered someone and blamed someone else for it...and now it's because the others are not worthy of media attention.

Can't wait to see the next reasoning.
So before it was what that he murdered someone and blamed someone else for it...and now it's because the others are not worthy of media attention.

Can't wait to see the next reasoning.
Noone can resist his schweddy balls.
Yeah, we see how things are going for him.
*chuckles* well I'm thinking Alex is walking from this clean as a whistle. Why, well it's got nothing to do with the evidence. Wrongway predicting his incarceration is all the proof I need to know he will walk from the charges....
I think he will do the OJ and fight this one all the way to acquittal; his finger will not fit into the trigger guard.

If the gun don't fit, you must acquit!
Leftist justice for Leftist fans. If Walker, Texas Ranger had done the same thing, they would be buying rope futures.
Seeing the amount of shit the MAGAs have lost over a weather balloon, if Baldwin walks away from this there'll be so much sewage flowing down the Mississippi that New Orleans is going to be well fertilized.