BDSM Litizen Relationship Demographics

Your Relationship Status(es): Choose All That Apply

  • Monogamous

    Votes: 21 33.9%
  • Polyamorous

    Votes: 15 24.2%
  • Open Relationship

    Votes: 13 21.0%
  • Cheating

    Votes: 5 8.1%
  • Single/Divorced/Widowed, But In Relationship(s)

    Votes: 9 14.5%
  • Single/Divorced/Widowed, Not In Relationship(s)

    Votes: 13 21.0%
  • Married

    Votes: 23 37.1%
  • Bitter

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • Drunk

    Votes: 8 12.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 16 25.8%

  • Total voters


Moon Queen & Wanderer
Dec 7, 2005
I'm curious about everybody's relationship status these days. So vote in my poll once it shows up, mis amigos!

Choose all options that apply, por favor. Poll is anonymous, so if all 5 of your online-only Lit girlfriends think you're monogamous with them, your answer in my poll will not give you away...or will it? *Muahahahaha* Nah, it really won't...this time.

Feel free to expand on your choices in the thread (or not). I'm just wasting valuable work time, so I thought I'd be nosy.

For the record, I voted polyamorous, single (not in relationship), bitter, and drunk.

Also, the difference in polyamorous/open relationship, for the purposes of this poll, is that poly = multiple romantic-type relationships, and open = in romantic relationship with one person and fucking other people. The cheating thing should be fairly obvious.

Fuck, I probably should've put "separated" as an option. If you're separated, choose either married or single, I guess, depending on how you feel at the moment. My bad. :eek:

Ok, I'm done triple-posting in my own thread now.
I'm drunk, bitter and cheating!!!

Not really.

Married, mono ... I feel like I voted a third and now forgot. No, seriously, not drunk!

I guess I could have hit divorced too. I'm remarried.
Married, Open marriage and of Polyamorous nature. ^_^

But right now ... I'm just too tired, too worn out, too stressed that I'd rather be a hermit!
I'm not actually drunk, but I took a percoset, and since a little high (on legally prescribed meds) isn't an option, I chose drunk.

Oh, and married and monogamous.
I'm in that, "maybe-kinda-we-hang-out-a-lot-and-fuck-and-share-feelings-but-haven't-said-anything-yet-i-don't-want-to-be-the-first-one-to-say-it-because-I'm-a-coward" stage.
heh heh. I chose five options. I don't cheat, and I don't drink.

I don't do either anymore, but I figured bitter and drunk went together pretty well. ;)

I'm drunk, bitter and cheating!!!

Not really.

Married, mono ... I feel like I voted a third and now forgot. No, seriously, not drunk!

I guess I could have hit divorced too. I'm remarried.

It's ok. I realized after I voted that my choices didn't make a lot of sense, either. I put that I'm poly, but I'm not in any relationships at the moment. So I guess in my case I meant it as more of an orientation than a relationship status? I don't know. My brain's not altogether here today.

Married, Open marriage and of Polyamorous nature. ^_^

But right now ... I'm just too tired, too worn out, too stressed that I'd rather be a hermit!

God, I know that feeling!

I'm not actually drunk, but I took a percoset, and since a little high (on legally prescribed meds) isn't an option, I chose drunk.

Oh, and married and monogamous.

I wish I were drunk. Does that count?

I'm in that, "maybe-kinda-we-hang-out-a-lot-and-fuck-and-share-feelings-but-haven't-said-anything-yet-i-don't-want-to-be-the-first-one-to-say-it-because-I'm-a-coward" stage.

So "Other"? I should've had an "It's complicated" like on Facebook, I guess.

Also, I find it interesting that nobody will cop to cheating, LOL.
Last edited:
The last time either of us had anything to do with anybody else, sexually or romantically, was a long time ago, so I can only pick monogamous there. That's boring, I wanna pick more!

We live together and there have been tentative talks about getting married for mortgage etc. reasons. Is that "other"? And I had two glasses of wine yesterday, so is that maybe "drunk"? And I was thinking about baking a bitter chocolate cake, so "bitter"?
The last time either of us had anything to do with anybody else, sexually or romantically, was a long time ago, so I can only pick monogamous there. That's boring, I wanna pick more!

We live together and there have been tentative talks about getting married for mortgage etc. reasons. Is that "other"? And I had two glasses of wine yesterday, so is that maybe "drunk"? And I was thinking about baking a bitter chocolate cake, so "bitter"?

Yes, yes, and yes. :D
Polynatured but life has been a bit full of small children, work, aging parents and tings like that. Being there for each other too has been quite enough for us to keep up with, so I chose mono too.
I'm married and hubby and I have just opened our relationship, though whether that will turn out being polyamourous I have no idea as yet. I have cheated in the past, though that isn't likely now since I have no reason to hide things.
Open relationship, bitter and drunk. :D The bitterness is mainly directed towards myself for not getting out of some crappy relationships sooner than I did.
Divorced/ Not in Relationship

Could have added Drunk, but it's early morning so that might happen later. ;)
Poly, living with one partner; the other is on a different continent, no idea when we'll see one another next.
I'm not actually drunk, but I took a percoset, and since a little high (on legally prescribed meds) isn't an option, I chose drunk.

Oh, and married and monogamous.

As some one who has tried to function on percoset, and realized the next day that what I had done is not nearly as good as I thought it was the night before, percoset totally qualifies as drunk.

As to the poll, I think I could check all of them except married and cheating.

Man my relationships are fucked up. :rolleyes: lol
I voted "bitter" before I knew I could pick multiple choices, so I tried to re-vote but it wouldn't let me, I guess I'm not technically drunk, just hungover with a couple mimosas.
Open relationship, forgot to put married (derp) and drunk on a Cline syrah, so that's my excuse!
Lemme see how many multi-quotes Lit will let me do....

Polynatured but life has been a bit full of small children, work, aging parents and tings like that. Being there for each other too has been quite enough for us to keep up with, so I chose mono too.

I can imagine that that tends to make trying to pursue any sort of open or poly-type relationship difficult.

I'm married and hubby and I have just opened our relationship, though whether that will turn out being polyamourous I have no idea as yet. I have cheated in the past, though that isn't likely now since I have no reason to hide things.


Open relationship, bitter and drunk. :D The bitterness is mainly directed towards myself for not getting out of some crappy relationships sooner than I did.

Been there, done that.

Divorced/ Not in Relationship

Could have added Drunk, but it's early morning so that might happen later. ;)

We're almost on the same page here.

Poly, living with one partner; the other is on a different continent, no idea when we'll see one another next.

Oh, man, the partner on a different continent bit sounds pretty rough.

We are married and we enjoy an open relationship aswell

Very nice!

Hmm... should I respond to the poll too? :heart:

Yes, please.

As some one who has tried to function on percoset, and realized the next day that what I had done is not nearly as good as I thought it was the night before, percoset totally qualifies as drunk.

As to the poll, I think I could check all of them except married and cheating.

Man my relationships are fucked up. :rolleyes: lol

I have paradoxical reactions to opiates/opioids--euphoric, hyper, and manic as fuck. As a (mostly former now) horseback rider, I am no stranger to such things.

One summer, after I took a pretty bad fall off of a particularly tall horse that landed me in the ER, I was introduced to the joy and wonder of Percocet. I was still in college at the time but was living with my parents for the summer and had a summer job as a waitress. I took a couple of weeks off to recover, but I was still pretty busted up when I went back to work. In order to make it through busy lunchtimes on my feet, I was popping two Percocets every three hours or so, and, dude, I was flying. I made SO much money in tips, LOL.

And I feel you on the fucked up relationships. Again, been there, done that.

I voted "bitter" before I knew I could pick multiple choices, so I tried to re-vote but it wouldn't let me, I guess I'm not technically drunk, just hungover with a couple mimosas.

Bitter people unite! I have no idea why it won't let you vote again in a poll that allows multiple choices. Stupid forum software!

Open relationship, forgot to put married (derp) and drunk on a Cline syrah, so that's my excuse!

Yay, drunkenness! Like I told kitten, I really don't know why it won't let people vote again in a multiple-choice poll. Durrrr.

Hey, look, we finally had a couple of someones admit to cheating. At least they're honest with themselves?
You need a "not cheating, but my partner/etc. fuck friend is" column.

It always amazes me that fucking dogs or incest or rape or whatever is moral relativist hour at lit BDSM but cheating OMG.
Oh, man, the partner on a different continent bit sounds pretty rough.

Yeah, at least we got some quality time together last year, but I wish she was closer. It's not even the next continent over :-(

Still, Skype and Twitter chat are godsends. And it gives me added motivation to write smut.