bdsm in mainstream movies?


Jun 18, 2013
I've seen a few, the story of O, Secretary, 9 1/2 weeks... what other movies besides porn are out there that have bdsm themes?
Movies mostly don't deal with BDSM. some of them use it as a plot device, like the reason why the beautiful woman got killed or something like that. And porn is just porn. It's really difficult to get into someone's sexy head in fifteen minutes of chicka-bow-bow.

If you want deep and thoughtful explorations of erotic BDSM scenes, you will have to look into written erotica. And IMO, the best explorations will be fan fiction, for reasons.
Theres a comedy set on an sort of S&M island staring Dan Ackroyd and Rosie O'Donnell called something like Escape to Eden.
My favorite representation of SM is in a crap ass mainstream movie.

Movie = garbage. OK? This said, the representation of SM in it blew my mind.

It's a throwaway moment, it's not big in the plot. It's there to make a small point not a Big Point.

In the remake of Dragnet with Tom Hanks and Dan Akroyd, the Hanks character has a state trooper GF and they get into some handcuffing sex, implied. He's the receptive party.

But the WAY it's implied is awesomesauce. It's not emasculating that he's into it. It presents tied-up-submissive sex as a hot I'll try anything swingin' single guy sexy sex option. It implies that you can have a hot girlfriend and let her do weird things to you and it means you're FUN, not boring. It doesn't mean you're a creepyperv or weak.

No judgement. Fun - it's there so his character is the fun one. It's jokey but it's not THE joke and it doesn't make him the joke. It gives hetero(ish) top girls like me the BRIEFEST little feeling that maybe, maybe there's someone on the same planet as you are.

Never before or since has anyone got this so right.
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Theres a comedy set on an sort of S&M island staring Dan Ackroyd and Rosie O'Donnell called something like Escape to Eden.
Which is a shitty adaptation of an Anne Rice BDSM novel also called Escape From Eden.
Rice disavowed her erotica, and the film was being made at the same time as "Interview" and she spent all of her time mooning over Tom Cruise and left Eden to its own devices.

Again, written is better.

Netz, thank for the recommendation! I love your reasons. :rose:
Secretary is the best I've seen since it's pretty much a bdsm love story. More art-house, though.
I thought Going Under was pretty good. Definitely a lot better than that 5.4 IMDb rating suggests, and definitely worth watching.
I watched 9.5 weeks......a LONG time ago...I don't remember the BDSM aspect - reminder please?

Now I'm wondering if my fiance at the time who picked it for us to watch was trying to tell me something, lol.
I watched 9.5 weeks......a LONG time ago...I don't remember the BDSM aspect - reminder please?

Now I'm wondering if my fiance at the time who picked it for us to watch was trying to tell me something, lol.

It certainly wasn't a BDSM themed movie, it had a cute little scene where he smacked her with a crop at one point. The movie more depicted his slide into control over her, but in a way that seriously left me wanting to see more.
Movies mostly don't deal with BDSM. some of them use it as a plot device, like the reason why the beautiful woman got killed or something like that. And porn is just porn. It's really difficult to get into someone's sexy head in fifteen minutes of chicka-bow-bow.

If you want deep and thoughtful explorations of erotic BDSM scenes, you will have to look into written erotica. And IMO, the best explorations will be fan fiction, for reasons.

Agreed, I actually write a lot of my own. But was just curious if there were any movies out there. I know Black Snake Moan was supposedly on the list, but just because he chained her up didn't make it BDSM for me. Although a great movie :) I heard SICK was pretty good, but can't seem to find it anywhere. I guess everyone's idea of the life is so different it's hard to capture.
I thought Going Under was pretty good. Definitely a lot better than that 5.4 IMDb rating suggests, and definitely worth watching.

I second this one. Roger Rees does a terrific job in his role as the bottom to a pro who then suffers greatly when he tries to alter the nature of his relationship with the pro. For those who don't recognize the actor's name, he played Lord John Marbury in The West Wing.

Another mainstream movie that features characters who live BDSM is Maitresse, with Gerard Depardieu. It was released in 1975, so you can imagine how young he was at the time.
I second this one. Roger Rees does a terrific job in his role as the bottom to a pro who then suffers greatly when he tries to alter the nature of his relationship with the pro. For those who don't recognize the actor's name, he played Lord John Marbury in The West Wing.

Another mainstream movie that features characters who live BDSM is Maitresse, with Gerard Depardieu. It was released in 1975, so you can imagine how young he was at the time.

I have a love hate with Going Under - as a film it's beautiful and good. I saw it at fest and was pretty damn thrilled, then watched it again and slightly less so.

As a representation of commercial SM it's ok. You never really understand her at all, but the way his character is fleshed out is good and Rees is fantastic. I just wish we got more about her in it.

Worth seeing, and could be much worse.
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Part of the issue is that happy people having hot sex is a boring movie, so the idea of a representation that I can live with and a film I want to watch are different things. Obviously I'd rather watch Secretary than Dragnet remake.

I do recommend shortbus as a general movie about sex and the pitfalls of sex without being a downer or sex negative, just really really interesting.
Not really a BDSM film but 'Quills' is pretty good, it explores the mind of the Marquis De Sade with regards to his artistic nature and his need to express. Can't help but wish I was Kate Winslet strung up and whipped as the martyr priest comes to her aid :D
Preaching to the Perverted. Have you guys not seen this? Or is it not really mainstream?
I second this one. Roger Rees does a terrific job in his role as the bottom to a pro who then suffers greatly when he tries to alter the nature of his relationship with the pro. For those who don't recognize the actor's name, he played Lord John Marbury in The West Wing.

Also the Sheriff of Rottingham in Robin Hood: Men in Tights.

Preaching to the Perverted. Have you guys not seen this? Or is it not really mainstream?

I heard good things about it from an ex; it's on my "really ought to watch that one of these days" list.
In my opinion, I don't think there are any "main stream" movies with a BDSM theme. I don't think the generic viewing public can handle it. There are some that touch it, but most of them are only on the light side, or you see scenes where the actor is coming out of a room where BDSM equipment is seen, or maybe someone comes to the door sweating and out of breath and wearing some leather outfit, like they were caught in the middle of a session. It's always left to the audience to figure it out.

The Secretary isn't really BDSM. It has BDSM ideas, but it's very light. Maybe if they had a second chapter, it might get deeper into it. Nine & 1/2 Weeks is similar. It had a promising beginning and I thought it was going to get better, but it just turned into things he wanted and things she thought were strange.

She only liked it when she thought it was fun. She liked the blindfold, the ice cube and she liked being fed sexy food from the frig. She didn't like the crop scene at all, or the scene when he introduced another woman.

I know there are some darker movies, slightly out of the main stream that might have a more BDSM theme, but they are rare and don't have much of a box office draw. I think BDSM is still too freaky for a main stream audience to accept.
I agree. I heard a lot about Secretary before watching it. I was super excited at the opening of the movie where she is in the spreader bar walking around filing paperwork. But the movie just never went a lot of places. I also didn't like how they portrayed that the only reason she enjoyed BDSM was because she had psychological issues that BDSM helped her through. While I'm sure this is the case sometimes, there are plenty of us that just enjoy it for reasons unknown. I did greatly enjoy the ending, when she sits at his desk and waits for him to accept her. I wish the end of the movie had been the beginning :)