

Nov 10, 2002
bul·le·tin ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bl-tn, -tn)
A brief report, especially an official statement on a matter of public interest issued for immediate publication or broadcast.
A brief update or summary of current news, as on television or radio or in a newspaper.
A periodical, especially one published by an organization or society.
A printed program, especially one listing the order of worship for a religious service: a church bulletin.

tr.v. bul·le·tined, bul·le·tin·ing, bul·le·tins
To announce or make known by bulletin.

board ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bôrd, brd)
A long flat slab of sawed lumber; a plank.
A flat piece of wood or similarly rigid material adapted for a special use.
Games. A flat surface on which a game is played.
The hard cover of a book.
boards A theater stage.

A table, especially one set for serving food.
Food or meals considered as a whole: board and lodging.
A table at which official meetings are held; a council table.
An organized body of administrators or investigators: a board of trustees; a board of directors.
An electrical-equipment panel.
Computer Science. A circuit board.
A scoreboard.
A tote board.
boards The wooden structure enclosing an ice hockey rink.
A diving board.
A surfboard.
A snowboard.
A backboard.
A rebound.
The side of a ship.
A leeboard.
A centerboard.
Obsolete. A border or an edge.
A usually large, vertically positioned flat surface used for writing or posting, especially:
A blackboard.
A bulletin board.

bulletin board
HeavyStick said:
Your haircut ar-tard..... Did your Flobee break?

stop it heavy stick, your hurting my feelings.

for your information, i dont often cut my hair, or wash it for that matter. a concept you probably will never understand, or try, but thats ok, keep making fun of me. girls probably think im cuter than you are anyway. :)
HeavyStick said:
Your haircut ar-tard..... Did your Flobee break?

stop it heavy stick, your hurting my feelings.

for your information, i dont often cut my hair, or wash it for that matter. a concept you probably will never understand, or try, but thats ok, keep making fun of me. girls probably think im cuter than you are anyway. :)