Baths . . .


A god in a past life
Sep 20, 2002
are for one, showers are for two.

I'll defend that until the day I die. Or untill I get a bigger bath.
A bath for two is a wonderful thing.

I want one now.
I need a bigger shower AND a bigger bath tub, and a babysitter or some drugs for my kids.

Baths for two are the best... some might say even better than showers for two..... no wait... it's a tie.
I'mVan said:
are for one, showers are for two.

I'll defend that until the day I die. Or untill I get a bigger bath.

Uh, oh.:D

But see, the kind of bath you're thinking of isn't really about bathing is it? Further, bodies joined so closely take up the same amount of space in either place.;)
Oh, and as my honeybunny says, we can always shower afterwards.;)

Bathtubs...I miss them. Another reason I like travelling. Ya, sure its nice having a sauna in your house, but the novelty wears off after a while. I just ache to soak in a nice big tub...preferably with someone else! :p

~ Rora :rose:
the tub I want...

Re: Re: Baths . . .

intrigued said:
But see, the kind of bath you're thinking of isn't really about bathing is it?

Actually yes, I love to bathe with a lover. As well, obviously.
Re: Re: the tub I want...

J.B. said:
Especially with the rubber ducky.

The rubber ducky is for those nights when you are in a bathtub sized for two...alone:(

I want a big rubber ducky. Say 6'4....