Bath time....


Literotica Guru
May 14, 2002
As I mentioned in my other thread, Trail and I decided to share a few pics with you. We sure hope you'll enjoy....:)

I'm on his computer, and I'm not used to loading pics because he has things set up all different and uses a different browser. Please pardon my fumbling around and the fact that I'll probably be a wee bit slow....
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I just love this whirlpool, we had the bubbles just a whirling!:D
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The sun DOES shine....

Hmmmm...almost beginning to think you'd gotten out of the pic posting business! *L* But alas....and much to my pleasent suprise....this is not the case...:) I enjoyed your other thread some time back, although I was simply a lurker.

I have to say, you are an exceptionally lovely woman...physically, and from what I remember, inside as well...

really love your bubbles! those big areolas seem to be pretty sensitive!
Couldn't post.....tongue kept getting in the way.:p
BertieC said:
very nice bubble bath indeed! so very sexy and exciting! :heart:

Yes, it was! We had a wonderful time, but then we always do, no matter what we do.;)
Thank you for replying, I was beginning to wonder if I am here alone.:D

This is the last shot of me, and then I'll post a few of him.
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Re: The sun DOES shine....

Dbtk44 said:
Hmmmm...almost beginning to think you'd gotten out of the pic posting business! *L* But alas....and much to my pleasent suprise....this is not the case...:) I enjoyed your other thread some time back, although I was simply a lurker.

I have to say, you are an exceptionally lovely woman...physically, and from what I remember, inside as well...


You should just hear me going "how damn sweet!!":D
Thank you, you sure brought a smile to my face.;) I'm really glad you're enjoying....

Bertie, yes, they've become quite sensitive lately. I can't imagine what it is....;)
And here is Trail....the poor thing is not happy with these, lol. It was 3 a.m and he was a little worn out.....:p
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Cannon ball nay just stopping by to say Hi I & T good to see you around. Just got in and trying to clean up desk before heading off this week.
