Baseball player persecuted by gay tyrants

Sadly, he's probably telling the truth that he has nothing against homosexual conduct. The Latin culture has really embraced the lifestyle in the past generation, in many cases become more accepting of this perversion than even the anglo culture, when it was probably far less accepting of it a mere generation or two ago. :(

Still, that won't stop his persecutors. Political correctness is the new civil religion and its inquisitors have no mercy for those they persecute.
"I don't have anything against homosexuals. I have friends who are gay. In reality I'd like to ask for the apologies of all those who have been offended by this."

Yeah, we've never heard that before. This time I'm sure he's sincere.
The words he used can be interpreted several different ways.

It's just baseball anyways.
I never knew how to say "fag" in Spanish. I thought it was like "puto" or something.

Now I can say "fag" in three languages. :cool:
"Maricon, maricon"... isn't that a popular song these days?

Wait, I think I'm thinking of "Mariposa, mariposa" or something. :confused:
I wish queers were better looking, and a little less nutz. Two live next door to me, and theyre the next best thing to carnival freaks. So are their friends. I caught one of them covering her dogs face with carpet cleaner, to discipline him. I threatened to kick her her morbidly obese, queer ass if she did it again.