Barbie Gets a Makeover!


Loves Spam
Dec 28, 2020
Barbie is vilified for inducing body-anxieties in young girls,
a damaging cultural relic of the "white-privilege" 50's...

Mattel found back with all sorts of brown Barbies,
but that really didn't solve the body issues so,

now, please allow me to introduce:

Wheelchair Amputee Barbie!

"U.S. toy maker Mattel Inc. has introduced new additions to its 'inclusive and diverse' set of Barbie products, this time featuring the popular doll with hearing aids, one with a prosthetic leg, as well as a Ken doll with the skin condition Vitiligo."

:nana: :nana: :nana:
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
That you believe representative children’s toys is a topic suitable for mockery speaks volumes about your character. :devil:
Nobody tell AJ Barbie is a woman and there's even a black version :oops:
Of course, a real woman with Barbie's measurements probably wouldn't have enough body fat to menstruate regularly, which means she couldn't be a baby factory, which means she probably wouldn't meet AJ's definition of a woman anyway.
Barbie is vilified for inducing body-anxieties in young girls,
a damaging cultural relic of the "white-privilege" 50's...

Mattel found back with all sorts of brown Barbies,
but that really didn't solve the body issues so,

now, please allow me to introduce:

Wheelchair Amputee Barbie!

"U.S. toy maker Mattel Inc. has introduced new additions to its 'inclusive and diverse' set of Barbie products, this time featuring the popular doll with hearing aids, one with a prosthetic leg, as well as a Ken doll with the skin condition Vitiligo."

:nana: :nana: :nana:
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).

The business model of this toy line is, if you sell a little girl a Barbie doll, you can also sell her a whole wardrobe of doll-sized clothes and accessories. This does not change that calculation.
I am so glad tgat your life is going so well that you want to pock on disabled children for wanting a toy they can relate with. HOW WOULD YOUR BARBIE LOOK? Get some help!
The Barbie for my people would be Genocide Squaw Barbie, so go fuck your humorless self...
There was a black and handicapped barbie when I was a kid. Chopping off a leg dont change nothing. Saves a little on plastic I guess. Certainly ain't nothing new or to get excited about.
What does that have to do with the price of Ivermectin in Wuhan?

lol at you calling Breitbart "the news." That's all we need to know ;)
[Discussions promoting and/or accusations involving under-18-year-old sexuality prohibited per our forum guidelines.] LAST WARNING BEFORE BANNING
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lol Like you are one to enforce rules. How many times have you been tossed and discarded like so much trash?
He’s just upset because they laughed when he called his Professor X doll an action figure.
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Barbie is vilified for inducing body-anxieties in young girls,
a damaging cultural relic of the "white-privilege" 50's...

Mattel found back with all sorts of brown Barbies,
but that really didn't solve the body issues so,

now, please allow me to introduce:

Wheelchair Amputee Barbie!

"U.S. toy maker Mattel Inc. has introduced new additions to its 'inclusive and diverse' set of Barbie products, this time featuring the popular doll with hearing aids, one with a prosthetic leg, as well as a Ken doll with the skin condition Vitiligo."

:nana: :nana: :nana:
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Is there a Tubby Barbie? How about a 35-year-old single "I've Hit The Wall" Barbie with three accessory kids?
lol Like you are one to enforce rules. How many times have you been tossed and discarded like so much trash?
The pressing question is your dress size and whether you can in fact be tossed or rigged up and hauled.:rolleyes: