Baghdad Chronicles...Seen This?

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
Apparently, these are daily chronicles from a guy in Baghdad, describing the bombings, as well as his view and opinions of the war.
I know it could be an Iraqi state site, but the author doesn't show any love for the ruling party.

Give it a try, let me know what your opinion is, real or not? :D
I read some of the text, there's a lot there. I've had to drinks and will have to finish reading this tomorrow.

One thing that jumps out at me from this is that Iraqis are torn. On one hand they look forward to liberation, yet there is a deep seeded fear that Saddam will remain in power, so they are cautious about their public sentiment.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
The Iraqis do not have access to the World Wide Web.

Not true. There's one ISP about 50 miles outside of Baghdad. Saddam gets emails there, they're printed out and driven to him every day... as in 8:20 PRINT EMAIL EVERY DAY.

But I think that blog is crap, I saw a link to a debunker.

P.S. Lost Cause, have you ever seen the documentary "Hidden War"?
It's a great blog. I love reading it.

This from today:

The images Al-jazeera is broadcasting are beyond any description. First was the attack on (Ansar el Islam) camp in the north of Iraq. Then the images of civilian casualties in Basra city. What was most disturbing are the images from the hospitals. They are simply not prepared to deal with these things. People were lying on the floor with bandages and blood all over. If this is what “urban warefare” is going to look like we’re in for disaster. And just now the images of US/UK prisoners and dead, we saw these on Iraqi TV earlier. This war is starting to show its ugly ugly face to the world.

Apparently he enjoys more media access than Americans do.

He also says Washington is spamming Iraqi's e-mail.

And we have had another email attack, this time I was lucky again and have copies of those, the sender is something called []. I have not checked on that yet. Three of them are to army personnel and two to the general public in those they gave us the radio frequencies we are supposed to listen to. They are calling it “information Radio”.
Thanks for the link, Love.

But the doubters seem to ignore the most compelling evidence that Salam is who he says he is - the detail of his day-to-day life. Those who know Baghdad well, and who have read the diary closely, say there is no doubt in their mind that whoever is writing it is currently resident in the Iraqi capital. The author may display evidence of spending time in the west (possibly Britain, though he does use Americanisms) with his cynical sense of humour and love of David Bowie lyrics, but the reams and reams of fascinating detail about domestic and street life in Baghdad are highly convincing. After all, why would he make it all up, especially for the long period before it even became the internet phenomenon it is today. As Salam himself said last Friday: "Please stop sending emails asking if I were for real. Don't believe it? Then don't read it. I am not anybody's propaganda ploy. Well, except my own."
Spamming the Iraqis?

Now the gloves are off.

My sources inform me that the Pentagon is about to escalate the attacks to include telemarketer calls just as the Iraqis are sitting down for kabob.

War is hell.
Certainly sounds like a realistic account.

Thanks for the links.
Oliver Clozoff said:
Spamming the Iraqis?

Now the gloves are off.

My sources inform me that the Pentagon is about to escalate the attacks to include telemarketer calls just as the Iraqis are sitting down for kabob.

War is hell.

CNN is about to do a piece on this site - the webblog, I mean.
I've read about "Hidden War" Spin...

I equate the director, Gerard Ungerman in the same box as Michael Moore.
Both use half truths and conspiracy ques that make the case for their movie subject, however inaccurate. They're motivated by deeper politics that are contrary to the constitution, and the foundation of our system. I know RedRag probably enjoyed it, it's from the same philosophy as he believes in.

Just an observation, not an opinion.
Re: I've read about "Hidden War" Spin...

Lost Cause said:
I equate the director, Gerard Ungerman in the same box as Michael Moore.
Both use half truths and conspiracy ques that make the case for their movie subject, however inaccurate. They're motivated by deeper politics that are contrary to the constitution, and the foundation of our system. I know RedRag probably enjoyed it, it's from the same philosophy as he believes in.

Just an observation, not an opinion.

I'm going to take a look at it. I'm at a point where I have to watch every documentary I can get my hands on, no matter how irrelavant, unknown on ineffective. It actually seems to be interesting, this one. I'm not sure of the actual content or ideas, but it's described as "eye opening and shocking"... things I can use. ;)

BTW, you'd love the psyop link I posted above, despite it's .ca domain.
Nice Psyops link Spin...

Has anyone found out anymore about this guy, is it legit?