Bad ending


Really Experienced
Aug 2, 2013
The way I write feels like me standing at a window watching, and reporting what I see. Often a story will take a curve that I don't see coming.

I have done this with a couple non-erotic stories that I have written, and usually the end, at least in my opinion, comes out nice.

I have tried using the method of creating an outline and following that for the story. The problem with that is that I write for the fun of it, and that makes it more like work. I post the stories because I like to share what I do. I have stories that I am the only one that has ever, or will ever, read.

I began writing a story that I intended, and still do intend, to post on this site. the problem is that although it has worked through 90% of the story, I do not like the end that I have written. I have tried to rewrite it, but the story comes out the same just worded differently.

has anyone else had this problem? what do you do to fix it, because it is driving me nuts.
The way I write feels like me standing at a window watching, and reporting what I see. Often a story will take a curve that I don't see coming.

I have done this with a couple non-erotic stories that I have written, and usually the end, at least in my opinion, comes out nice.

I have tried using the method of creating an outline and following that for the story. The problem with that is that I write for the fun of it, and that makes it more like work. I post the stories because I like to share what I do. I have stories that I am the only one that has ever, or will ever, read.

I began writing a story that I intended, and still do intend, to post on this site. the problem is that although it has worked through 90% of the story, I do not like the end that I have written. I have tried to rewrite it, but the story comes out the same just worded differently.

has anyone else had this problem? what do you do to fix it, because it is driving me nuts.

Jay, once you've been here a while you will find almost every author has had the same problem as you. I swear I have read over a 100 posts with the author saying ether the story writes itself and will not let the author make any meaningful changes or that the characters will do as they damn will please, and the author's wants be damned.

I may not be the guy you want to hear from with only 3 posted stories, but one of my stories started out to be a couple of Lit pages and ended up as 5 full pages. The damn thing just kept needing more and more. The only really hard part was the ending. My muse wanted more and I had to force to her accept what I wanted. (G)

I had a very few requests for more from my readers and tried to write some, but my muse had apparently walked away in disgust. (LOL)

Just my take Jay, sometimes you can not fight the inevitable, you have to go with the flow.

I seldom have any idea how a story will end when I start out. For me, the characters drive the plot. For a while there - a long time back - I tried writing an outline before I started the story proper. But, more often than not, the result was stilted stories. Now I just let the characters surprise me. And that normally works out just fine.
Bad endings are perfectly fine, unless it is simply two people getting together for casual sex. Someone dying after casual sex while sort of realistic {HIV/AIDS} is a bit fucked up. :eek:

Seriously, if the hero is doing a dangerous job people rather expect it can happen at any moment. Police officers die on the first day after training. Private investigators are shot and otherwise killed, some people really like having a mistress and wife or other way around. Nurses and doctors are included, abortion clinics are bombed and shot at, contracting incurable deadly diseases can happen, and then there is the nasty shit sent to government officials now and then.

We have one seriously fucked up world where everybody does the right thing, usually for them. Oddly enough the right thing has turned into whatever the hell I want to do for any reason that usually involves killing other people. :confused::eek:
I recently posted a story where a wife killed her husband at the end of the story. He left her for another woman, then came home. She put a bullet in his noodle and took up with hubbys best friend.

And two new stories continue the sinister theme.
first-timer here

Greetings, Earthlings:

I've just submitted my first pieces here, a 7-part series, and my first completed fiction, really. I've been writing for years - tech stuff, songs, poetry, propaganda, forum management, travel journals, criticism. I'm amazed that yes, stories DO live their own lives and grow beyond my intentions. The cliche of independent stories is TRUE. I hadn't intended 7 parts there. And the new series I'm working on has already slipped its reigns.

I started writing a screenplay treatment a few years ago, where I knew my beginning and thought I knew the ending. Even that much pre-planning killed my inspiration. I'll try it again, but I'll set the story free and see where it goes. Stay tuned for BRIDE OF GODZILLA or whatever it turns out to be.

--Hypoxia (gasp!)
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OMG Finally! We've waited so long and talked of nuthin else. I can smile again.
Greetings, Earthlings:

I've just submitted my first pieces here, a 7-part series, and my first completed fiction, really. I've been writing for years - tech stuff, songs, poetry, propaganda, forum management, travel journals, criticism. I'm amazed that yes, stories DO live their own lives and grow beyond my intentions. The cliche of independent stories is TRUE. I hadn't intended 7 parts there. And the new series I'm working on has already slipped its reigns.

I started writing a screenplay treatment a few years ago, where I knew my beginning and thought I knew the ending. Even that much pre-planning killed my inspiration. I'll try it again, but I'll set the story free and see where it goes. Stay tuned for BRIDE OF GODZILLA or whatever it turns out to be.

--Hypoxia (gasp!)

Welcome to Lit and the Ah.

Don't mind JBJ, he likes to jerk peoples leg to see if he gets a reaction. Or is that humps people leg. Either way it's best to ignore him or at least carry a rolled up newspaper.

If you have something posted already, put a link in your sig line for the lazy impaired around here, which is most of us.
Don't mind JBJ, he likes to jerk peoples leg to see if he gets a reaction. Or is that humps people leg. Either way it's best to ignore him or at least carry a rolled up newspaper.

Genius hurts, even if it's mad :D

Also:: Don't knock it until you've tried it (not you TX)
Bad endings are perfectly fine

the twisted weird fucked up ending are all good. I like those. this was just bad. the dialog felt forced, the situation they were in felt off, it was just goofy. I have done the 4th rewrite on it. It is getting better. I am letting the story rest a couple days and take another look.
Here's a thought. If you write for the enjoyment aspect and the story is fine to that point, try writing the ending with fun twists and turns and the proverbial cliffhanger. The end is as important as any other part is actually the one part that seems to leave the lasting impression of the story the most.

Try and write 500 words or less that make it a memorable ending.

ETA If the ending doesn't feel right, the lead up to it is off. The last chapter should be the ending, not just the last few paragraphs.
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