Background images


Head Fish
May 14, 2002
Just in the last few minutes, I have started getting a background image loading up with some threads- it loads in behind the thread dialog, and is a small (avatar sized) image that is duplicated wallpaper style. What gives? I don't like it.
me too

i thought my computer was freaking

what's doing it?

I was just about to start a thread about this.
Spin., is that you?


Mmmm we seem to be getting a lot of this today and while Spin's music was irritating it wasn't a real problem and he was good enough to turn it off when asked but I think we may have to watch out before someone goes to far and we have another Indigo Rose on our hands.
If it helps, I have sigs, avs and pics turned off and I'm not experiencing any problems.

Including Spin's musical selections. :D
Nora said:
If it helps, I have sigs, avs and pics turned off and I'm not experiencing any problems.

Including Spin's musical selections. :D

My sig is currently two links and a statement that nobody has ever asked me about. I thought somebody would, but it hasn't happened.
It seems to have stopped about the same time as I started the thread. The little fuck (spin or whoever) just needs to get laid more often.
Carp said:
It seems to have stopped about the same time as I started the thread. The little fuck (spin or whoever) just needs to get laid more often.

Don't we all.
Now Spin, I'd ask about the quote if i could see it! Really I would! Promise! *smiles*

Carp, honey? Who here doesn't need to get laid more often? ;)
Nora said:
Now Spin, I'd ask about the quote if i could see it! Really I would! Promise! *smiles*

Carp, honey? Who here doesn't need to get laid more often? ;)

 Spinaroonie and Yayati- BYF
Spinaroonie said:
 Spinaroonie and Yayati- BYF

Ok, I'll bite!

Hey Spin?? Wtf is that in your sig line?? You and Yaya got a little something goin' on the side?
Nora said:
Ok, I'll bite!

Hey Spin?? Wtf is that in your sig line?? You and Yaya got a little something goin' on the side?

I just wanted to bug him. He didn't bite tho'

I guess the acronym for Best yaars forever is lost on some people.
Nora said:
Now Spin, I'd ask about the quote if i could see it! Really I would! Promise! *smiles*

Carp, honey? Who here doesn't need to get laid more often? ;)

Oh, I think we all need to get a little more. Some people just take their frustrations out in inappropriate ways...

That said, Hi Nora!!!:kiss:
I honestly don't think Spin would put something in his signature like the background coding. But I think his stunt today with the music gave someone the idea of putting code into their signature that would load automatically without clicking.

I would advise people to shut off their signatures. I do not know much about what kind of codes/programming can be automatically downloaded via the signature, but I experienced the background - thought my computer was doing it. It pulled the LIT screen in about an inch on each side, with background shaking in back. It froze another browser I had open.

IF someone malicious wanted to hurt LIT members -- could they through automatic download via the signature loading? How did Spin do the music? Is it possible to send other codes/files/commands to our computers? If they can program a background to download, can they send a virus?

Laurel and Manu need to be aware of this. I'm turning off my signatures right this moment and until someone with more computer experience explains HOW several of us experienced those backgrounds - I suggest you do, too.

This is inline with the Indigo Rose fiasco - the potential is there. I see Hanns Dip Shit laughing up there -- could he be doing this?

Get Heteric or someone with coding knowledge to check this out. It does scare me and should scare you.

I know how Siren felt now.
Spinaroonie said:
I just wanted to bug him. He didn't bite tho'

I guess the acronym for Best yaars forever is lost on some people.

Well, ya know...they just don't make yaars like they used to. *hug* Sorry, hon.

*waves* hey Carp! :kiss:
Unregistered said:

IF someone malicious wanted to hurt LIT members -- could they through automatic download via the signature loading? How did Spin do the music? Is it possible to send other codes/files/commands to our computers? If they can program a background to download, can they send a virus?

Without explaining too much:

The background image and music were done in the same way that they'd be done on an ordinary page, that is... they'd load into your browser and play, etc. and you'd get a copy of it in your browser cache and that's about it. (Things in your browser cache can't hurt you). I also used neutral files, gifs, mp3s and midis can't contain viruses. The things I posed were safe, and to your browser it was just like going to another webpage.

If you want more explanation, PM me.
Spin- the image was fun, and if warned, i would have thought it was cool. You were walking in Indigo Rose territory- nice of you to own up to it, though.
you did the background prank?


you think this kind of shit is funny?
Unregistered said:
you did the background prank?


you think this kind of shit is funny?

It wasn't a prank, it was an expiriment. I wanted to see if I could make it do that.
Carp said:
Spin- the image was fun, and if warned, i would have thought it was cool. You were walking in Indigo Rose territory- nice of you to own up to it, though.

Trust me, it's not quite the same.
Spin- let me start this by saying that I like you- your quirky, fun, etc. But from a user's perspective, there's not much difference. Maybe you should just trust me. And, as I said, nice of you to stand up and say you had done it.
I'm sure Laurel and Manu will appreciate you experimenting with the members of their bulletin board.

Thanks for giving Hanns and crew some ideas.

At least IR gave people the click option. Who is to say your "experiment" wouldn't have hurt someone's computer? And who is to say next time it won't.

We're not your guinea pigs, Spin. That was immature and thoughtless of you. Experiment on YOUR webpage.

My signatures are STAYING OFF.

Are you sure viruses can't be transmitted like this?