Back to the Future


Jan 23, 2011
Year ago Obama said al-Qaida on run and now WE are on run...
Al-Qaeda Threat May Involve “Surgically Implanted Bombs”
IS AL QAEDA ON THE RUN? OR ARE WE? 19 Embassies To Remain Closed.

Lock it

Close it

I wonder if this will eventually reach a breaking point. Right now, I'd say we are losing in that we've given up so much of our previous lifestyle. All the surveillance and security and loss of privacy in the name of security. Will their be a point where we won't tolerate anymore. Maybe if we determine they actually deploy surgically implanted bombs. I mean would a physician implant them?
For instance, why is that Al-Qaeda newspaper/ magazine still standing? Can we develop a strategy that essentially turns the tables on the terrorist? Essentially, can we use or expand our own "terrorist tactics" against them? I guess we are with our drone program.
I wonder if this will eventually reach a breaking point. Right now, I'd say we are losing in that we've given up so much of our previous lifestyle. All the surveillance and security and loss of privacy in the name of security. Will their be a point where we won't tolerate anymore. Maybe if we determine they actually deploy surgically implanted bombs. I mean would a physician implant them?
For instance, why is that Al-Qaeda newspaper/ magazine still standing? Can we develop a strategy that essentially turns the tables on the terrorist? Essentially, can we use or expand our own "terrorist tactics" against them? I guess we are with our drone program.

why do we FUND the TALIBAN when we are fighting the TALIBAN?
Diversity. :cool:


DUE PROCESS:rolleyes:

Army Wouldn’t Suspend Contracts With Al-Qaeda Affiliated Companies And Individuals Out Of Concern For Their “Due Process” Rights

Meanwhile, we’re closing embassies due to threats from Al-Qaeda. In a world gone mad…

Via Fox News:

The U.S. Army is refusing to suspend contracts with dozens of companies and individuals tied to Al Qaeda and other extremist groups out of concern for their “due process rights,” despite repeated pleas from the chief watchdog for Afghanistan reconstruction.

In a scathing passage of his latest report to Congress, Special Inspector General John Sopko said his office has urged the Army to suspend or debar 43 contractors over concerns about ties to the Afghanistan insurgency, “including supporters of the Taliban, the Haqqani network and al Qaeda.”

Sopko wrote that the Army “rejected” every single case.

“The Army Suspension and Debarment Office appears to believe that suspension or debarment of these individuals and companies would be a violation of their due process rights if based on classified information or if based on findings by the Department of Commerce,” Sopko said, summing up the Army’s position
are we dead yet?

has Hussein Obama authorized the attacks on the US
