Back to rekindle the flame

Welcome back to the fray! I once took an eleven year vacation from here, so if I could slip back in like nothing had happened in the intervening decade, you'll be fine. :)
It's been a few years since I've shared my work. Well, it been a few years since I've even created any new content. I hope to ease my way back into things in the coming days. Hopefully it's like riding a bike.
Welcome back YB.
Don't sweat it - I truly believe writing is wired in a writer's DNA. Have fun and enjoy the ride.
It's been a few years since I've shared my work. Well, it been a few years since I've even created any new content. I hope to ease my way back into things in the coming days. Hopefully it's like riding a bike.
Yup. Once you fall off, you never forget how. 🤦‍♀️

Seriously, welcome back.
You'll be a better writer, too. Those years of exposure to the world will give you more insight and more opportunities for plots.