Michael Jordan
Age: 28
Physical Description: The military kept his 6'5" frame packed solidly with muscle. The close cropped brown hair was offset by his vibrant green eyes. The stubble from a few days of not shaving was marred only by the seam of a scar running from the corner of his left eye down to his jaw.
Michael Jordan stepped off the C-130, realizing that after he walked down the loading ramp, he would finally have downtime. He loved his job, but he was happy when he was switched to a team closer to his hometown. He missed his sister Kayla and the rest of his family. He smiled as he thought back over the past ten years of his life.
It had started when he was seventeen. He was a decent student, usually getting B's in his classes. He was on the track, wrestling, and baseball teams, and was pretty good at wrestling and baseball. He wasn't overly popular, just staying with a close group of friends. Unfortunately, that had been his downfall.
He hadn't realized it at the time, but his friends were heavily into drugs. As it turned out, two of the guys got caught with a sizable amount of cocaine. Michael was pinned as an accomplice, but never formally arrested or tried. He knew he was innocent, but his parents angrily tossed him out. He was able to graduate high school early thanks to his summer classes. The only thing he could think of was the military, since his parents adamantly refused to pay for his college now that he was in league with "them".
After getting his parents to sign off on his enlistment forms, he quickly went to Navy basic training. It was eight weeks of sheer hell. He thought he had been in good shape, but that quickly changed. After going through naval basic, he was approached by an officer asking if he would like to apply for BUD/S. Not knowing what it was, he nodded, feeling like it was the right thing to do. He was immediately packed up and shipped off to Great Lakes, Illinois. From there, another 9 weeks of absolute hell followed. Mike had always been a natural swimmer, but this put his skills to shame.
He was able to make it through BUD/S, and a year after joining the military, graduated and became a Navy SEAL. From there, he was added to a SEAL team, moving to train with them. It was another eight months before he was ready for active duty. For the next eight years he was deployed almost seven months a year. Twice he was called in for special assignments with other teams, and gladly accepted each time. He had been asked if he wanted to move back to Great Lakes or Coronado to train incoming recruits, but quickly declined, never having the patience for dealing with green recruits. He decided to join one of the lesser active teams, this one only being active for three to six months a year. It also gave him the chance to go home, and hopefully make amends.
As Mike got off the tarmac,he thought about his family. His sister was the only one who truly believed he was innocent in the whole drug shake up. His parents had backed off and finally relented about his involvement, but still never fully trusted him like they used to. They were more than happy to see him, and had let him know shortly after he left that the reason for his leaving would remain a secret so as not to bring shame to the family. Even though he loved his parents, he knew they were too much into their social status. He shook his head as he hailed a taxi. He told them where he had parked his old car in a storage garage, and arrived there quickly. He hadn't told his family he was coming home, so he hadn't expected to see anyone.
He smiled as he unlocked the garage and smiled at his pride and joy. It was a '66 Chevy Camaro. He had bought it as a pile of scrap and turned it into a brand new vehicle. It was the one thing he had spent his money on, and he was proud of how it turned out. He made a quick inspection, then climbed in and turned the key, hearing the engine roar to life, then settle down into a deep purr. He smiled and pulled onto the street, heading towards home.
Age: 28
Physical Description: The military kept his 6'5" frame packed solidly with muscle. The close cropped brown hair was offset by his vibrant green eyes. The stubble from a few days of not shaving was marred only by the seam of a scar running from the corner of his left eye down to his jaw.
Michael Jordan stepped off the C-130, realizing that after he walked down the loading ramp, he would finally have downtime. He loved his job, but he was happy when he was switched to a team closer to his hometown. He missed his sister Kayla and the rest of his family. He smiled as he thought back over the past ten years of his life.
It had started when he was seventeen. He was a decent student, usually getting B's in his classes. He was on the track, wrestling, and baseball teams, and was pretty good at wrestling and baseball. He wasn't overly popular, just staying with a close group of friends. Unfortunately, that had been his downfall.
He hadn't realized it at the time, but his friends were heavily into drugs. As it turned out, two of the guys got caught with a sizable amount of cocaine. Michael was pinned as an accomplice, but never formally arrested or tried. He knew he was innocent, but his parents angrily tossed him out. He was able to graduate high school early thanks to his summer classes. The only thing he could think of was the military, since his parents adamantly refused to pay for his college now that he was in league with "them".
After getting his parents to sign off on his enlistment forms, he quickly went to Navy basic training. It was eight weeks of sheer hell. He thought he had been in good shape, but that quickly changed. After going through naval basic, he was approached by an officer asking if he would like to apply for BUD/S. Not knowing what it was, he nodded, feeling like it was the right thing to do. He was immediately packed up and shipped off to Great Lakes, Illinois. From there, another 9 weeks of absolute hell followed. Mike had always been a natural swimmer, but this put his skills to shame.
He was able to make it through BUD/S, and a year after joining the military, graduated and became a Navy SEAL. From there, he was added to a SEAL team, moving to train with them. It was another eight months before he was ready for active duty. For the next eight years he was deployed almost seven months a year. Twice he was called in for special assignments with other teams, and gladly accepted each time. He had been asked if he wanted to move back to Great Lakes or Coronado to train incoming recruits, but quickly declined, never having the patience for dealing with green recruits. He decided to join one of the lesser active teams, this one only being active for three to six months a year. It also gave him the chance to go home, and hopefully make amends.
As Mike got off the tarmac,he thought about his family. His sister was the only one who truly believed he was innocent in the whole drug shake up. His parents had backed off and finally relented about his involvement, but still never fully trusted him like they used to. They were more than happy to see him, and had let him know shortly after he left that the reason for his leaving would remain a secret so as not to bring shame to the family. Even though he loved his parents, he knew they were too much into their social status. He shook his head as he hailed a taxi. He told them where he had parked his old car in a storage garage, and arrived there quickly. He hadn't told his family he was coming home, so he hadn't expected to see anyone.
He smiled as he unlocked the garage and smiled at his pride and joy. It was a '66 Chevy Camaro. He had bought it as a pile of scrap and turned it into a brand new vehicle. It was the one thing he had spent his money on, and he was proud of how it turned out. He made a quick inspection, then climbed in and turned the key, hearing the engine roar to life, then settle down into a deep purr. He smiled and pulled onto the street, heading towards home.